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Old 5th December 2024, 12:25   #1321
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I’ve always enjoyed the ‘Thank you’ wave from folks when you let them merge or allow to pass through. Managed to capture 4 such instances during my drive, although i must say these are reducing in frequency these days.

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Old 5th December 2024, 14:44   #1322
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

I often wave a thank you, sorry, etc sign. But I also wonder if it is actually understood.

Speaking of misunderstandings, we need to revisit the V sign.

Name:  rudesign.png
Views: 306
Size:  273.2 KB

This way around is far from polite. I have to break forum rules to explain that it means F--- Off!

Younger generations have forgotten the difference that showing it with back hand or front of the hand makes. But not everyone has forgotten, so I would advise avoiding it in case of misunderstanding!
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Old 5th December 2024, 15:05   #1323
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post

This way around is far from polite. I have to break forum rules to explain that it means F--- Off!
Thanks for explaining, I had no idea. Infact this is when i got my daughter to pose for this, for the thumbnail pic. :O
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Old 5th December 2024, 16:59   #1324
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

The V sign, with palm and folded fingers in front, was a trademark of Churchill: V for Victory. It later, in the hippy generation, came to mean "Peace."

There was a time when I was not out of touch with the younger generations, but I have to confess that, for the last few decades, I have become so. I'm aware of the horizontal, hand-back V sign being used by youngsters (Meaning and origin anyone? I'm guessing it comes from black culture?) in a good way. Maybe it is now loosing its negative meaning. The single finger seems to be the international sign for, ahem, 'FU' these days.
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Old 8th December 2024, 09:57   #1325
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Originally Posted by condor View Post
Most likely he is a small farmer who has grown a small quantity of that grain, and cannot afford the cost of mechanised threshers. While there are people out there who are waiting to con, this is often not the case with such people.

Running over the cobs does not damage vehicles. One way is to take only one set your car's wheels on the edge of the spread (the other off the opp shoulder. And definitely go slow. The heavy vehicles will take care of more of the spread of the cobs since they cant avoid this as much as cars
Overall, this post is a perfect example of justifying and normalizing wrong actions!
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Old 23rd December 2024, 23:34   #1326
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

...there is still hope for a brighter tomorrow

Martin Luther King Jr.

As men and women privileged enough to have a rather cosy life, free from the privations of hunger and misery, we tend to look at the world outside of our own realm with either a sense of skepticism or deep seated snobbishness. Although I consider myself a sane man, largely immune to the prejudices fostered by and festering through social media, I do have chinks in my moral armour.

My wife and I were returning home on our two wheeler when I crashed into a pothole; but quickly managed to maintain my balance and moved on. A kilometer later, I noticed that my phone, kept in the utility space of my Suzuki Access 125 was nowhere to be seen. Realising that it must have fallen down near the pothole, I started retracing my route. But just before starting, we called my number, hoping someone would answer. Luckily, a man picked up and told me that he found it on the road. Upon requesting his location, he gave me a landmark and waited for me till I reached there. Interestingly, he was with his family (among whom were a toddler, a baby and a couple of elderly women), traveling in an auto rickshaw and had convinced them (or vice versa) that it would be better to handover the phone then and there and not carry it home. I thanked them profusely and openly expressed my admiration for their generosity. Since it was already late, I took his number and after reaching home transferred a token amount as a sign of my gratitude. Upon calling him, he even protested that I was doing him a disservice by paying him.

This happened on B N Road in Mysuru - a very busy thoroughfare. That the phone didn't get crushed upon by vehicles or landed in the wrong hands remains as much a mystery to me as does the selflessness of a blue collar worker who had every chance to pocket it or to eke some profit out of it (this is the chink in my armour thinking)!

At times like this, one realises that all is not lost; and that as long as there are good men on earth, the future of mankind remains bright. Thank you Mr. M and family. For reinforcing the belief that come what may, honesty is always the best policy.

Last edited by dailydriver : 23rd December 2024 at 23:38.
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Old 25th December 2024, 12:21   #1327
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Good deeds!

Once I was on my office commute on good old Hero Roadster. I saw PAN card lying on the road. I ignored and moved on. In 50 meters, I saw Aadhaar Card. Another 50 meters, few photographs were found. And lastly there was Driving license. It was clear case of wallet theft. I stopped, collected all documents. Upon inspection understood that it belonged to some gentlemen from Bhuj, Kutch. He must be travelling in Ahmedabad BRTS while this would have happened. Problem with all these documents is that none of them has mobile number on it. It was impossible to contact owner. Lastly, I courier documents to address printed on Aadhaar card. I wrote a letter as well that how I found them.

Good six months passed. I forgot about this by then. On one morning phone rang and Gentleman confirmed me that he received documents. It turned out he was staying in Ahmedabad only but was having old address on documents. He visited his place in Bhuj and found envelope tucked inside door. He admitted that he was still struggling to get PAN card reissued. Sigh of relief in his voice made my day!
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Old 25th December 2024, 14:47   #1328
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

Year - 2011

Location - Ahmedabad Motera Stadium - India vs Australia WC QF match.

Incident - Me and my friend had gone to watch the match (drove from Mumbai to Ahd), Reliance had a dedicated box in the stadium. After getting settled in, I told my friend, that I will get some snacks/drinks, so I went out. It was chaotic at the counter. Managed to get the snacks/drinks with both hands occupied and came back to the seat, voila noticed wallet is pick pocketed. Contained, Pan card/debit cards/Credit cards/DL/Office card/Little bit of cash. The mood went from jovial to somber. Now while my friend is enjoying the match with full vigor, I was busy calling banks to stop my cards, which I did in next few minutes and in with full loud stadium. After doing that, I started enjoying the match with a subdued mood, while my friend is trying to console me.

Now after the first innings, my friend told me that he will get some more drinks & snacks . Since he knew pick pocketing was going on, he handed over his wallet to me and went only with cash. After 5 minutes he came back and told me that someone had flicked his phone from his pocket and now we both were sad and down but laughing at our situation.

After the match got over and when we were moving out from the stadium, we saw a mountain of the wallets lying on the ground with a police guy sitting nearby. I asked him, what's all of this ? He said, the wallets which have been found in washrooms/canteen and in around the stadium, with zero cash but cards inside. I was like, great let me see if I can find mine, but to no avail, we searched for 5-10 mins but never found in a big heap and we have to reach back Mumbai, for our next day office, hence gave up in vain.

So while driving back to Mumbai (Guess we have just crossed Vadodara), I get a call from an unknown number, the guy asks for my name, I said, go ahead. The next thing I hear is that he has found my wallet and got the mobile number from my Gujarat DL. I stopped the car at this point, to have clear conversation. He tried to convince me that he's not a thief and there's no money in the wallet, to which I said, it's fine. (Anyway, there was hardly any cash in the wallet which was my last headache), I was elated, but at the same time I was far away from Ahmedabad. A bit of conundrum happened, should I drive back or do what ? I told him, I'm driving back to Mumbai and was in no mood to drive back (Since I have already blocked my debit/credit cards), the remaining were PAN card and the DL. To which he said, he will courier my wallet at my address, subjected I pay him the money for courier, which made sense, but I was skeptical. Anyhow I gave him my address and he gave me his account number for the money to be transferred, it wasn't much, so I decided to pay next day after reaching home.

Few days down the line, I got the wallet shipped to my address with blocked cards and Pan card/office card & DL, dialed his number and said THANKS ZALA (That's what he told his name).
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Old 3rd January 2025, 10:37   #1329
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Re: Unusual / funny / heartwarming experiences on the road

On my recent trip to Mysore on the Bangalore-Mysore expressway, I encountered a guy, likely under the influence of drugs, relaxing between the middle and left lanes of the highway. Initially, I thought I was witnessing some Gen Z kids attempting to take a picture for their Instagram (a common sight at various locations like Chamundi Hills and near the Mysore Palace). However, I quickly realized the absurdity of his presence on an expressway. Thankfully, traffic was light that day. All vehicles slowed down as I passed him. In my rearview mirror, I saw a truck in the same lane come to a stop, and the driver getting down the vehicle.

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