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Old 24th January 2015, 13:13   #406
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Zoom car booking back online, just booked a Amaze for coming weekend
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Old 25th January 2015, 01:47   #407
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

My cousin took a Zoom XUV on his road trip today, he was a little concerned about the Zoom strike, but it seems all was and is well at Zoom Pune and he could pick up the car without any issues!
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Old 25th January 2015, 14:46   #408
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

After having tried their services in Bangalore, I tried their services in NCR, around a couple of weeks back. Planned a day visit to Bhangarh (the most haunted place in Asia), with my brother. Cars were freely available, unlike in Bangalore, where they're booked like hot pancakes. Booked a Ford Ecosport from their site near MG Road Metro Station, Gurgaon.
I was surprised that the Zoom executive didn't bother checking my DL or verifying my details (like they do here in BLR). Was given a summary of the documents and features of the car and we were off in about 10 minutes. The car was in mint condition. 2500kms on the odo, still possessing that just-out-of-the-showroom smell. Drove like a breeze, no issues faced at all. Happened to drive on the desert sand for a while, and it handled really well.
Returned the car an hour before the stipulated time. Just as we were about to reach home, got a call from Zoom saying that Rs. 150 would be deducted from my deposit as car wash charges. Didn't argue much, as it was already late at night and I was with people. But then, considering the roads around Delhi and the dusty roads of Rajasthan, Zoom should've cut me some slack on this one.
Overall, a good experience.
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Old 25th January 2015, 16:32   #409
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From Zoomcar's Facebook Page.
Happy that they are back

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Last edited by Soumyajit9 : 25th January 2015 at 16:34.
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Old 26th January 2015, 08:28   #410
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Had a question. Have booked a car for tomorrow. Both me and my brother are expected to be driving. I have uploaded only my license to the site at time of booking. Do o need to upload my brothers license or do I need to inform that more than one person will be driving at the time of picking up the car?
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Old 26th January 2015, 09:32   #411
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Had a question. Have booked a car for tomorrow. Both me and my brother are expected to be driving. I have uploaded only my license to the site at time of booking. Do o need to upload my brothers license or do I need to inform that more than one person will be driving at the time of picking up the car?
Whoever is driving has to be registered with zoom. If somebody not registered is driving it is illegal as per zoom rules and in the event of accident the customer will bear all costs and not through insurance.
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Old 26th January 2015, 11:42   #412
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Whoever is driving has to be registered with zoom. If somebody not registered is driving it is illegal as per zoom rules and in the event of accident the customer will bear all costs and not through insurance.
Thank you for that piece of info. So my brother also went ahead and registered and is a member. Uploaded the license copy also. License validation shows as pending. Can he drive only after the license is validated or just being a zoomcar member is sufficient?
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Old 26th January 2015, 14:10   #413
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Thank you for that piece of info. So my brother also went ahead and registered and is a member. Uploaded the license copy also. License validation shows as pending. Can he drive only after the license is validated or just being a zoomcar member is sufficient?
Under most likeliness, his license will be verified before your booking time starts. You needn't worry about that. It's their headache now.
Just reach your designated Zoom garage 20 minutes before pick up time, because they take a lot of time to explain everything. Be sure to personally check for any scratches, tire jack, spare tire, air con, aux cable and functioning of all lights.
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Old 27th January 2015, 10:42   #414
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by barcalad View Post
Under most likeliness, his license will be verified before your booking time starts. You needn't worry about that. It's their headache now.
Just reach your designated Zoom garage 20 minutes before pick up time, because they take a lot of time to explain everything. Be sure to personally check for any scratches, tire jack, spare tire, air con, aux cable and functioning of all lights.
Thanks for the inputs. But ultimately my first Zoom experience ended up being a flop show.

Basically I had been wanting to take one of the premium cars when the opportunity arose. My brother came visiting and he is a fan of the Mercedes GLA. So looked like a good chance to fulfill both our dreams. First attempt to book it over the long weekend, but obviously it was not available. Then saw that it was available on Tuesday morning. We had a couple of pick and drops to do and a couple of hours to kill in between. So seemed like an ideal scenario. Booked it for 5 hours from 7 am today from Escape Hotel-Indiranagar.

At 6 am today got a call from customer support that the car was not available at the specified time as the previous customer had not dropped it back. The expected it after 3 hours and they were also willing to provide the Mercedes A-Class as replacement. But since we wanted specifically to drive the GLA and there was no urgent need for it, went ahead and cancelled. Was promised a full refund and also got a mail that 'adequate compensation will be provided in the next couple of weeks'.

In this case, no real complaints as they called and informed and were willing to provide a replacement and also we did not really have a pressing need. But this kind of cancellation would be a problem if it some long drive planned out with a specific car in mind. I guess it is better to book a few hours before the need time so that such eventualities can be handled.
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Old 27th January 2015, 13:01   #415
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Thanks for the inputs. But ultimately my first Zoom experience ended up being a flop show.

But this kind of cancellation would be a problem if it some long drive planned out with a specific car in mind. I guess it is better to book a few hours before the need time so that such eventualities can be handled.
This is quite a concern. If you've planned a trip with a group of people who have taken leave etc.. , made hotel bookings etc.. and then at the last minute you find that the car has not been returned from the previous booking, where do you go? Zoom needs to find a solution for this.

Either ...
  • Have one or more extra vehicles of each model as standbys to cover such eventualites OR
  • Do not accept bookings at least three (or maybe more) hours from the return time of the last booking OR
  • Take a bigger deposit and increase the penalty for late return.

Just a regret letter or a 'we'll make it up to you' won't do!

Maybe they could think of introducing a sort of premium booking where a car is guaranteed at the requested time regardless of timely return from the previous booking. This premium could cover the cost of having extra stand by vehicles. Customers wouldn't mind paying this premium for this assurance, especially those who've made expensive hotel reservations which cannot be cancelled at the nth hour.
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Old 27th January 2015, 14:37   #416
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by Santoshbhat View Post
This is quite a concern. If you've planned a trip with a group of people who have taken leave etc.. , made hotel bookings etc.. and then at the last minute you find that the car has not been returned from the previous booking, where do you go? Zoom needs to find a solution for this.
I think in most cases they do have a backup plan. Even in my case, they did offer the other Mercedes they had in their fleet. If I am not mistaken they have only one or two GLA's here in Bangalore. I assume if it is one of their mainstream models, they will have backup vehicles of the same make.

But in any case, for any future bookings- especially for planned trips, I think I will book in advance to my need time to ensure such cases can be handled.
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Old 27th January 2015, 14:55   #417
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
I think in most cases they do have a backup plan. Even in my case, they did offer the other Mercedes they had in their fleet. If I am not mistaken they have only one or two GLA's here in Bangalore. I assume if it is one of their mainstream models, they will have backup vehicles of the same make.

But in any case, for any future bookings- especially for planned trips, I think I will book in advance to my need time to ensure such cases can be handled.
I'd ask you to inform Greg about this. Check out his e-mail ID on the Zoom page. I had just one sour experience with Zoom and happened to send Greg an e-mail about it. He replied back within 2 hours personally (wasn't a template e-mail) and took necessary action, including fining/suspending the person responsible for my harassment.
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Old 5th February 2015, 11:21   #418
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Do we need to fill in our Credit Card details to become a member? I am asking this because, my sister will be booking car with her ID, but I will driving the car later. Since it is must to be a member to drive the car, should I even enter my Credit Card details? Or is it enough to register and upload the license photo?
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Old 5th February 2015, 12:23   #419
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by arun_kun View Post
Do we need to fill in our Credit Card details to become a member? I am asking this because, my sister will be booking car with her ID, but I will driving the car later. Since it is must to be a member to drive the car, should I even enter my Credit Card details? Or is it enough to register and upload the license photo?
There is no need to use credit card for membership.
In fact you can use debit cards as well for booking the cars.
For membership, you need to register and upload your driving license photos for verification.
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Old 5th February 2015, 13:27   #420
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Re: Zoom Pay & Drive, New Self Drive Option in Bangalore, Pune, Gurgaon *EDIT: Trouble in

Originally Posted by arun_kun View Post
Do we need to fill in our Credit Card details to become a member? I am asking this because, my sister will be booking car with her ID, but I will driving the car later. Since it is must to be a member to drive the car, should I even enter my Credit Card details? Or is it enough to register and upload the license photo?
I am not sure I understand - "booking car with her ID, but I will driving the car later" and "should I even enter my Credit Card details"? I think their terms state that the person who books/registers has to be the driver.
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