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Old 17th October 2022, 15:13   #6181
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I have IDFC Fast Tag's issued via Driveway Solutions. They have tie up's with most of the auto dealers in Kerala and are now expanding to other states as well. Run by a group of young dynamic individuals and are extremely professional in their approach and service.
I had interacted with them to purchase Fast Tag's for my cars when Fast Tag's became mandatory. Was also pleasantly surprised when my new car from the showroom also has an IDFC Fast Tag issued via Driveway. While selling my car they were very helpful in getting the Fast Tag cancelled and the money refunded to my account.
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Old 18th October 2022, 14:53   #6182
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Guys, is a fastag mandatory for paying toll on the Mumbai-Pune expressway? I haven't driven on the expressway for more than 5 years but I may have to soon.
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Old 18th October 2022, 21:08   #6183
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by skchettry View Post
Anyone has any idea as to what should I do next? (I have just lodged a complaint with NHAI for not being able to contact Paytm for resolution of the issue.)
Cancel Paytm Fastag and get a new ICICI one.

I had a similar issue with my Paytm Fastag. Used to always have balance but sometimes it would show up as blacklisted. I figured out it was due to the tolls not getting deducted after passing through Nice road in Bangalore where the toll should be deducted on exit.
Paytm customer care is pathetic. Talked to them and NHAI customer support also without any resolution.

Post closing the Paytm Fastag have not faced the issue with ICICI Fastag.

To cancel the Paytm Fastag you have to talk to customer care. There is no direct option in the app. They will raise the request and send a link for the ticket in the app itself under Help. The whole talking to customer care takes a lot of time as there is too much waiting involved on the IVR. Have patience and keep on the IVR till the request is raised.

Last edited by achilles101 : 18th October 2022 at 21:14. Reason: Added how to close Paytm Fastag
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Old 18th October 2022, 21:51   #6184
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

I have had an ICICI Fastag account since many years now, and for the past 2 years this in a CUG account mode. I had a bit of a time getting the CUG setup and adding my second vehicle. Now I have a different vehicle, and want to update the CUG account - but have run into the same inefficiency of their customer service team. Raised ticket et al, but no avail. Called the helpdesk number and as usual, clueless agent. She says I can create another account or go to any toll booth to get another tag. I could do that, but not sure if that agent will be able to update the CUG set up. Or if I will end up with another tag account.

The ICICI Fastag itself has worked fine all these years, but the customer service has a lot to work on.
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Old 19th October 2022, 06:11   #6185
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Guys, it seems all tolls have a mandator fastag now. My car doesn't have a fastag (since I don't drive much recently). I **may** need to go to on the Mumbai Pune Expressway soon. What would happen if I don't have a fastag? Can I pay by cash? How much would be the penalty? What would be the total toll including any penalty? Would there be any problems?
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Old 19th October 2022, 06:38   #6186
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by carboy View Post
What would happen if I don't have a fastag? Can I pay by cash? How much would be the penalty? What would be the total toll including any penalty? Would there be any problems?
Down south at all tolls, one has to pay double the regular toll fare in cash if the car does not have a fastsg or the tag does not have sufficient balance. I guess this should be the case for the Mumbai - Pune expressway as well.
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Old 19th October 2022, 06:53   #6187
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Down south at all tolls, one has to pay double the regular toll fare in cash if the car does not have a fastsg or the tag does not have sufficient balance. I guess this should be the case for the Mumbai - Pune expressway as well.

This will probably be the only time I use the fastag. Considering this I am fine with paying double for 1 time. Is it hassle free? Or do they harass you for not having a fastag?

Suppose I want to get a fastag, how many days will it take & will I have to visit some place to get it? Is it something which can be easily attached/detached from the car? i.e. after using it for this one time, can I detach it from the car? Or is it there forever?
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Old 19th October 2022, 07:43   #6188
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by carboy View Post
Suppose I want to get a fastag, how many days will it take & will I have to visit some place to get it? Is it something which can be easily attached/detached from the car? i.e. after using it for this one time, can I detach it from the car? Or is it there forever?
icici or paytm will deliver the fastag within 2 days of applying online.

Once you stick the fastag to your car you cannot detach it without destroying it. But some do jugaad by just showing the sticker at the scanner without actually sticking it on the car. I wouldn't recommend that though.
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Old 19th October 2022, 09:41   #6189
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!


I have two FAStags for the same car.

The first one is provided by BoB which was given by the car dealer when I bought the car.

Since there is no BoB fastag app, I ordered an ICICI FAStag . My previous car had ICICI FAStag and I found it easier to recharge.

The BoB was not pasted to the windshield. Instead I had kept it on dashboard and it worked fine.

Once I received the ICICI FAStag , for couple of days I kept it at home. I regularly passed through the toll on my way to office and BoB got scanned correctly.

Then I kept the ICICI tag inside the glove box because BoB FAStag still had some money left.

The next time I passed a Toll, the BoB FAStag got scanned because it was kept on the dashboard and it was meant to be scanned. The ICICI FAStag got scanned too!!!

I thought that somehow the scanner was able to scan the tag from inside the glovebox.

Then I kept the ICICI tag wrapped in aluminum foil inside the usage manual in a leather folder inside the glove box.

The next day I passed the toll. Only BoB FAStag got scanned as expected.

Today, BoB Fastag had only few rupees left. So I took out the ICICI Fastag and kept the BoB Fastag inside (wrapped in aluminum foil inside usage manual in a leather folder inside the glovebox).

Both the tags got scanned!!!

When the first time ICICI tag got scanned, I called the ICICI Fastag helpline and the support person informed that I needed to disable one of the tags otherwise money would be deducted from both tags even if I keep one at home. I found this ridiculous.

But based on today's experience I am now confused.

I see few people do have two tags. Does the same happen to them?

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Old 19th October 2022, 10:08   #6190
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by anandhsub View Post
Once you stick the fastag to your car you cannot detach it without destroying it.
I am fine with destroying it as long it's not illegal to destroy it.
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Old 19th October 2022, 10:21   #6191
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by carboy View Post
I am fine with destroying it as long it's not illegal to destroy it.
It's not illegal to destroy it. Instead of sticking the tag to the windshield. Just use scotch tape to paste the tag. I have done the same and have no issues with it.
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Old 19th October 2022, 10:37   #6192
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by speedmiester View Post
It's not illegal to destroy it. Instead of sticking the tag to the windshield. Just use scotch tape to paste the tag. I have done the same and have no issues with it.
Thank you. Is the tag tied to your number plate? I may be transferring my car to a different address & the number plate may change? Would the existing tag still be valid? Can the balance on the tag be transferred to newer number plate?
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Old 19th October 2022, 11:12   #6193
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by carboy View Post
Thank you. Is the tag tied to your number plate? I may be transferring my car to a different address & the number plate may change? Would the existing tag still be valid? Can the balance on the tag be transferred to newer number plate?
It's tied to the regn number, you can request for cancellation of tag and get the deposit back. Then apply for a new one with the new number
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Old 19th October 2022, 18:40   #6194
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Originally Posted by shenoytech View Post
Same here. My pre covid era ICICI Fastag suddenly stopped reading inspite of having balance. Called their executive and was asked to replace, which came the next day.

If it's old, in most cases replacement should do the trick.
I had issues with my old paytm tag that was one of the first ones to be issues. It had issues reading on some toll plaza's wherein it was showing as blacklisted and the toll attended then had to come out with the gun to scan it.

I had requested a replacement tag from paytm using the paytmall link and it arrived in 3 days and 100Rs charge. It has been working fine.

Thanks to everyone on this thread who recommended replacing the older tag.
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Old 27th October 2022, 22:53   #6195
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Re: FASTag: All you need to know about procuring & using it!

Has anyone been using Amazon Pay ICICI fastag? If yes, does the Amazon pay wallet is being used for paying the toll or any separate wallet is being used for fastag payments?
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