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Old 22nd November 2023, 12:10   #31
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Originally Posted by DudeWithaFiat View Post
Yes, edge cases are always there. Like having to park somewhere where there are ZERO identifiers - like in a desert or seaside like you said. I was talking about 99% of cases
One man's edge case is another's bread-and-butter scenario. You might want to peruse:
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Old 22nd November 2023, 12:11   #32
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Originally Posted by CityRyder View Post
I have a peculiar issue, maybe some of you have also face this. When I park my bike in my office parking (which is huge), its difficult to spot the bike while going back home. Remembering pillar number on daily basis is struggle (is it age ?!). Sometimes, I keep wandering in the parking alleys like a thief or not knowing what I am there for. Does someone know of any way to attach a beep (like a car, not a preferred solution) or a Bluetooth tracker?

Apple Tag could be an option but not efficient in basement.

I would suggest 2 ways:

1. Park on the same spot daily. I do that at my office. Its is slightly away from my building but 90% of the time I park at the same spot even if there is a spot closer to the building.

2. Having a unique seat cover helps. Tan/Brown colored ones help. You can add a visor to your bike to make it stand out from a distance.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 12:24   #33
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
WhatsApp allows you to message yourself. Stop spamming your wife!
That got a chuckle from my better half.

She always says that I don't talk to her enough. Got to take these small victories

On a serious note, I have just started riding a motorbike after a hiatus of 23 years. She's always worried about me when I ride. So, this is actually to tell her that I have reached safe and sound.

My addled brain would never remember to check my WhatsApp messages to myself. But it knows to keep checking her messages.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 12:28   #34
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

I always take a snap of the zone/pillar which denotes where my car is parked. Saves the hassles.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 12:31   #35
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Originally Posted by CityRyder View Post
I have a peculiar issue, maybe some of you have also face this. When I park my bike in my office parking (which is huge), its difficult to spot the bike while going back home. Remembering pillar number on daily basis is struggle (is it age ?!). Sometimes, I keep wandering in the parking alleys like a thief or not knowing what I am there for. Does someone know of any way to attach a beep (like a car, not a preferred solution) or a Bluetooth tracker?

Apple Tag could be an option but not efficient in basement.

Never had a problem remembering a parking spot in my hometown as the malls here have just 2 levels of parking so its quite easy to remember. But did face it when I visited Dubai Mall back in 2011 - No Whatsapp then, we had remembered the Pillar but sort of forgot which level we parked!! Sort of had a Seinfeld episode moment, but my sister-in-law somehow remembered the spot.

Also I could suggest How NOT to remember where you parked. Have a watch below .
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Old 22nd November 2023, 12:54   #36
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

I just open my phone and say "Hey google, remember I parked at base 2 pillar I4".

Assistant: Okay, I'll remember that you parked at basement 2 pillar I4. I'll also save your parking location.

After this I usually remember where I parked but if I dont I ask Assistant again.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 12:59   #37
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

As everyone mentioned, simply taking a photo is the only choice. GPS location is not sure how it works properly if it is a multi-level parking; the same location will be shown for all the basement levels, 2, 3, or even if it is higher. Just take a photo of the car and keep it in the gallery. In case you get lost or are unable to find it, show the image to the security, and they will guide you on how to get there.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 13:10   #38
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Brings to memory a situation I had in San Francisco.

Parked the car and walked to some food place. Had thought that I had taken one perpendicular street from where I had parked. Later was not able to find the car. Walked around climbing up and down the steep streets for 2 hours without finding the car.

Was really upset and thought of talking to the cops. Then I browsed my phone and luckily when I had parked, since it was on top of a street, had taken a photo with nice downtown as background. Saw the car and in one corner there was a street name ! Asked a good Samaritan who lived there and was taking his dog for walk to locate the street since I had no data on my phone He looked up the street and gave us directions. The car was far away which I had not realized while chatting and walking. Since then I make it a point to remember where I park my car either in mall or outside
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Old 22nd November 2023, 13:16   #39
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

I generally note the pillar number and WhatsApp to my wife. This has always worked. Even though car keys can help but it will work only if are in the right floor and somewhere closer to the car.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 13:51   #40
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

A. Click a pic.
B. remember the path you take from the car to wherever you are going and then retrace your steps. For instance, if you take a specific elevator on your way out, take that specific elevator on your way back.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 14:20   #41
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Taking Pillar/floor/bay photos help, if possible a video when you get down the car with more than 2-3 triangulation pointers. Places like dubai mall parking can be a maze. One can end up loosing 15 mins at least walking around the floors, zones if you misstep yourself.

If you not a photo guy then record a voice message or write in notes app.

If you are paranoid of a dead phone battery after a long day at the mall then please write it down in a paper and carry the slip in your back pocket.

If you have a Tesla Sentry mode, then see what is around the car, not sure if that can help! Or - ask the Tesla to drive towards you, will it do that?

If you have a remote button start and a V8 Hellcat/TRX/Stang/Camaro it can also help!! Ps the new stang can rev too, sure you wont miss the car.

Bit of trivia for bike users who tend to park in bus stand or railway station paid parking. Almost everyday evening you will find your two wheeler at least 10-20 feet away from the original spot because the parking attender will lift your bike and squeeze park all bikes to maximize his daily collections.

Last edited by svsantosh : 22nd November 2023 at 14:26.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 14:43   #42
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

I use the parking location feature in my Oneplus. Not sure if it comes through android or is oneplus exclusive. I am sure there would be multiple third party solutions like this on the app stores. It basically has options to take a picture or store the location through GPS if you are in an open parking. Also tracks the time since vehicle parked. Once you mark complete parking, it automatically deletes the picture.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 15:08   #43
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Originally Posted by CityRyder View Post

Apple Tag could be an option but not efficient in basement.

While taking a photo of the nearby pillar with markings is a cheap and better solution, airtag would also be fine since it also works without mobile data and can show you directions in a multi floor parking.
Apple/google map will only work on single-floor parking since it saves the GPS location only.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 15:34   #44
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

Well I give this responsibility to my two daughters who are 8 and 12 yrs old who are always very excited to remind me of the place where we parked. I rarely go to the mall alone and mostly accompanied by at least one of the girls so this is an good for me.

Fortunately at the office there is no trouble, we have a valet who gives us a token that has the floor where the car is parked and phone number to call for getting the car out before we reach the parking.
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Old 22nd November 2023, 15:40   #45
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Re: How do I remember my parking spot in huge parking lots

On an iPhone, you can even set a reminder that will pop up every time you leave the car, so that you don't forget to take a picture of the parking spot. But it might get annoying real quick.
But I hear you, specially when parking on the roadside in a downtown area with lots of streets, it can be tough to remember.
This reminds me of a funny incident. I once went shopping with my family to an outdoor mall. Halfway through the shopping, I decided to go back to the car and drop the bags in it. My family continued shopping while I went back to the parking spot but could not find my car at all! I mean, a grey Subaru with a big wing at the back should not be too hard to miss and yet I could not find it anywhere. And I did not want to be the guy who uses the car alarm feature on the fob to locate the car. No siree! But alas, after walking up and down 3 rows, I was left with no choice. So, I reached into my pocket to get the key fob and then realized that I was not looking in the wrong spot. I was looking for the wrong car!! We had brought the minivan which was parked not 6 feet from where I was standing!

Last edited by amitoj : 22nd November 2023 at 15:41.
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