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Old 20th September 2018, 19:02   #16126
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by strawhat View Post
Has anybody raised tickets on BBMP Sahaya website or had any success?
Nope, I'm just hearing of this now.. however I tend to completely ignore if not laugh at such "citizen based feedback/complaint" initiatives in this country, call it experience or simply call it India - the land where nothing happens. (Patriots ignore this statement, mere exercising of right of expression going on here)

I placed several complaints about terrible road conditions around my place. I also uploaded photos for evidence. The tickets were created. I got SMS's with the ticket numbers mentioned. I also received updates when the tasks were assigned to a contractor. But lo! they were resolved and closed after a couple of weeks. Every single one of them!
Based on what you've typed, shouldn't you be happy? Or did you mean "not resolved" or "fraudulently resolved"?

The question is where do you guys lodge such complaints? I am wondering if I am doing it at the right place. Or worse yet, is it that BBMP simply don't care?
BBMP never cared..and nor do we. If the posts above are anything to go by, we are defeated citizens of a once great city.. anarchy is the order and chaos is the religion here. Appreciate your efforts though.. I hope some good comes out of it. There are great roads which are being broken down and "white-topped" while the most potholed roads are left alone for months together. There is zero enforcement of road rules by the law.. all they know is to harass and milk bribes out of the motorists. The buses, autos and cabbies run amok and the 2 wheelers are legends in their own right when it comes to terrible/reckless/lawless forms of riding.

I've been a member here 5+ years and in the beginning I thought we are using this thread to create awareness and provoke the readers into becoming better drivers/riders by our careful use of sarcasm and/or satire.. however 5 years back, as bad as the situation was.. I'd give anything today to just go back to that time. If there is unchecked hiring and expansion going on in this city as like every year, then its going to be lights out by 2020.

Last edited by dark.knight : 20th September 2018 at 19:06.
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Old 20th September 2018, 19:22   #16127
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
I've always worried about that when stuck in the BETL. Scary thought?
I too think about the same while ending up as one of the numerous commuters who gets stuck on any of the ORR flyovers.

You can feel the bridge shaking most times.
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Old 20th September 2018, 19:52   #16128
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
I don't know if this has been discussed before but has anyone considered the fact that flyovers like the BETL for example aren't made to handle stationary traffic? Are they built to handle loads of hundreds of cars, buses and 2-wheelers standing still? I've always worried about that when stuck in the BETL. Scary thought?
I agree with you. One thing that I always do when I see stagnant traffic on a flyover from a distance is that I immediately change plans and take the road below (if available) even if there is a signal or two to cross. Example is the Nagavara flyover which gets jampacked sometimes. When I am coming from Hennur and I see this sight, I sneak into the road below which runs into a signal. Heck! that is all right as there is no time difference and much safer!
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Old 20th September 2018, 20:00   #16129
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

As it is a thread about Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation, I hope, it won't be an off topic, if I rant a bit about my plight being a participant in the Bangalore's traffic as a car user.

It is in the form of some questions (please do not take an offense).

To begin with, I understand, there may be many reasons like, lack of infrastructure, various parameters and excuses for us to not able to follow the traffic rules judiciously. However, I hope many of you would agree that, more than anything, it is about the lack of discipline, understanding about the traffic rules along with the inconsiderate nature of educated us towards other fellow road users.

Anyway, moving on to some of my questions (or, more of a thought) are towards the bikers of Bangalore (but not limited to) and are as followed:

1. Why do you guys just continuously jump off to the other side (opposite lane) of the road?
So much so that, you guys expect us to go the extra mile to get off our lane to let you continue on the wrong side?

2. Why do you guys jump off the center solid line, to the wrong side? Don't you guys know what it means? And if you guys know, then have you guys misunderstood to not jump back to the correct lane of yours as it is a solid line marker?

3. Bikers, what do you think about "Broken White Lines"? Does it mean to make a pass by hogging the opposite lane? Or does it mean that you continue in the opposite lane to keep an eye on something important of yours?

4. Why do you guys keep checking, if we can save your life or not? Is it our responsibility to save you guys from the numerous suicide attempts of yours by jumping right in front of our cars?

5. And what is that inching and leaning towards the car to create a space for yourself even when you have not yet overtaken or even if there is no space to yield?

6. Why do i need to be penalized with scratches for not tailgating other vehicles and keeping a healthy distance with the vehicle ahead. Those spaces are not for you guys to flow through and think of us as stupids stuck in traffic.
Who is going to pay for those scratches, time and effort to get it fixed? Do you know, how much it cost? Would you guys let us keep our cars scratch-less?

7. When you casually inch up to my car and hit those rear view mirrors and other panels, putting those infinite tiny scratches, what gives you the audacity to argue back stating "has anything broken?". Would it be OK to give a slap back and present a similar argument?

Well, the above thoughts are more of a letting my stress released in a lighter note while having some fun and before I end up killing someone, hope no offence taken by anyone.


Last edited by arighna.dutta : 20th September 2018 at 20:05.
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Old 20th September 2018, 20:08   #16130
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by arighna.dutta View Post
Well, the above thoughts are more of a letting my stress released in a lighter note while having some fun, hope no offence taken by anyone.

While I would not argue with the points you made, it definitely will feel offensive for a large number of regular bikers (me included)-especially on this forum, who try not do all this funny stuff and abide by the rules as much as possible.

Also, the bike vs car, cab vs white boards, bmtc vs the rest all trigger a lot of debates and hence the general guideline of this thread is not to discriminate against any particular type of vehicles.
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Old 20th September 2018, 20:39   #16131
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Originally Posted by Nalin1 View Post
I agree with you. One thing that I always do when I see stagnant traffic on a flyover from a distance is that I immediately change plans and take the road below (if available) even if there is a signal or two to cross. Example is the Nagavara flyover which gets jampacked sometimes. When I am coming from Hennur and I see this sight, I sneak into the road below which runs into a signal. Heck! that is all right as there is no time difference and much safer!
But then if at all the flyover collapsed won't you be directly under it?
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Old 20th September 2018, 21:00   #16132
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Captured the Crazy Traffic at Electronic City from my campus Cafe.
Time: 18:54
It is nothing new at this time and with the rain/drizzle what would one expect.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-ec-traffic-resize.jpg
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Old 20th September 2018, 21:27   #16133
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by yajaman99 View Post
Captured the Crazy Traffic at Electronic City from my campus Cafe.
Time: 18:54
It is nothing new at this time and with the rain/drizzle what would one expect.

Attachment 1800554
Should i appreciate the picture or bang my head in frustration? Oh yes, I was also part of it for sometime.
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Old 20th September 2018, 23:41   #16134
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Folks, need some help. Our office recently shifted to Embassy Tech Village. I travel from malleswaram so it is a nightmare for me now. I have tried Metro + Bus or Quickride in the morning. But return journey is taking too long, > 2 hours. I know there are some good suburban trains from Bellandur and Carmenlaram but getting to these stations in the evening is proving to be difficult. Tried Ola, Uber but no luck. Are there any car, auto or bike pooling services available from Embassy tech village to any one of these stations?

I really need to start looking at suburban trains in the evening. Morning i will manage with Metro + Volvo or Quickride.
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Old 20th September 2018, 23:52   #16135
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Asking for a friend. Whats the best route from Neeladri Nagar, EC to Sarjapur Road?
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Old 21st September 2018, 00:13   #16136
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
Asking for a friend. Whats the best route from Neeladri Nagar, EC to Sarjapur Road?
Where in Sarjapur road? Depends a lot on that.
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Old 21st September 2018, 01:31   #16137
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Where in Sarjapur road? Depends a lot on that.
Wipro offices. Think the area is Doddakannelli
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Old 21st September 2018, 06:53   #16138
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

*** Traffic Alert ***

Nasty accident in ORR near Kadubeesanahalli where a Cab crashed into the median opposite to CountryClub. Better check the traffic map before your commute.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-google_maps.png
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Old 21st September 2018, 07:01   #16139
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
Asking for a friend. Whats the best route from Neeladri Nagar, EC to Sarjapur Road?
Depends on the time of the day. Three major options as shown below but normally during peak hours, one can take Hosa road or Haralur road. But the roads are not good and traffic is unpredictable. Spoilt for choice.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-google_maps_route.png
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Old 21st September 2018, 08:14   #16140
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by drivingme.crazy View Post
*** Traffic Alert ***

Nasty accident in ORR near Kadubeesanahalli where a Cab crashed into the median opposite to CountryClub. Better check the traffic map before your commute.
Thanks for the heads-up. Unfortunately I could not avoid it but at least I was aware of the situation before my commute.
Guys who can avoid this stretch please do. One Uber Cab - Etios on the median has caused tremendous snarls on both sides of the roads on ORR. See the length of maroons here:

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-orr-etios.jpg

Edit: I see the post from drivingme.crazy to be 1 hour ago which means the accident happened around 6:45 AM. Yet, the car has not been moved. This lethargy has now caused KM long jams on both sides of ORR. Additionally, lot of onlookers with their mobile-cameras were happily blocking the 'fast right' lanes and clicking pictures. Just pathetic.

Last edited by drive2eternity : 21st September 2018 at 08:23.
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