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Old 11th April 2012, 18:16   #3181
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

There seems to have been a meeting with ORRCA, ACP traffic and BDA. They have decided to do something tonight (of either changing in having two way or one way traffic and allowing the top to be used for everyone except buses)

I think more people are using ORR because two other flyovers were opened one way.

Last edited by srishiva : 11th April 2012 at 18:17.
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Old 11th April 2012, 22:26   #3182
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

I came to know from a colleague that the above-road at Kadubisenahalli ORR (towards Marathalli from Bellandur) was closed today because a biker fell in the ditch of under-construction underpass. Does anyone have any details on this?
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Old 12th April 2012, 00:18   #3183
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Too much traffic on inner ring road blore.

Why was there too much traffic today on inner ring road (IRR) blore ? . I heard it will be for another 2-3 months !

It was total blockage from slikboard to marathalli .

Last edited by black12rr : 12th April 2012 at 00:20.
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Old 12th April 2012, 08:20   #3184
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

As of 8.00am this morning, the traffic on the ORR stretch Bellandur-Kadubisenahalli has backed up till Vrindavan Tech park. It is going to get worse in another hour or two. Looks like this will be a daily affair for sometime.
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Old 12th April 2012, 08:40   #3185
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Good thing i avoided this stretch both last evening as well as this morning. Considering that there is not much change in the current situation as per the reports on this thread, looks like i will continue to use alternative routes to commute to and fro, and avoid the ORR till some sanity is restored.
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Old 12th April 2012, 09:04   #3186
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

They are allowing 2-wheelers and and cars through the Kadubisenahalli junction. Heavy vehicles they are routing through underpass. Guess this mess will continue till they finish the work- 4-5 months. Hope they open service roads on both sides that may bring temporary relief.
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Old 12th April 2012, 10:52   #3187
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Update as of 10.30 AM:
Movement on this stretch is butter smooth now. Zipped thru the Marathahalli/Kalamandir -Vridavan Tech Village stretch in 5 mins flat.
Traffic in the opposite direction y'day evening (5.30 pm) was also "normal" - the usual 1st/2nd gear crawling - there was movement, no gridlock.

Wonder what has changed since yesterday's fiasco?

Last edited by WindRide : 12th April 2012 at 10:54.
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Old 12th April 2012, 10:54   #3188
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Looks like lot of people decided to work from home today. ORR is a breeze today, even better than normal traffic on any working day.
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Old 12th April 2012, 19:41   #3189
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Originally Posted by Gandhi
Looks like lot of people decided to work from home today. ORR is a breeze today, even better than normal traffic on any working day.
Ha! I think you jinxed it am stuck on ORR between marathahalli and kadubisenahlli for the last 10 mins. Nothing seems to be moving!
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Old 15th April 2012, 15:34   #3190
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

One more example of our traffic cops going hi-tech.
Last week I saw a traffic constable clicking a picture of a traffic violator with a Sony Digital Camera !
This was at the Suranjan Das Road-Old Madras Road junction and the traffic violator was a lady on a 2 wheeler who wanted to be the first to move when the signal turned green so she overtook traffic (already waiting at the signal) by taking the wrong side of the road to reach the junction. This was when I saw the cop taking the picture standing right in front of the 2 wheeler. The lady was actually amused and smiled for the picture
Just hope this new move actually deters such traffic violators.
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Old 15th April 2012, 16:40   #3191
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
One more example of our traffic cops going hi-tech.
Last week I saw a traffic constable clicking a picture of a traffic violator with a Sony Digital Camera !
This was at the Suranjan Das Road-Old Madras Road junction and the traffic violator was a lady on a 2 wheeler who wanted to be the first to move when the signal turned green so she overtook traffic (already waiting at the signal) by taking the wrong side of the road to reach the junction. This was when I saw the cop taking the picture standing right in front of the 2 wheeler. The lady was actually amused and smiled for the picture
Just hope this new move actually deters such traffic violators.
This is not something new. I have seen cops using digital video cameras to catch lane violators. It's actually very good. No room for argument, just pay the fine and move on.
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Old 16th April 2012, 01:24   #3192
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Was returning via NICE road to Hosur road and found that Bannergetta road is closed(at NICE bridge construction junction). This is at 12 am, today.

I came via ORR.
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Old 16th April 2012, 08:47   #3193
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

Originally Posted by speedmiester View Post
This is not something new. I have seen cops using digital video cameras to catch lane violators. It's actually very good. No room for argument, just pay the fine and move on.
I have a differing view on this. If a cop witnesses a blatant violation and does nothing to stop it while it is being commited, then the cop also should be complicit. After all, fining the driver after the fact does nothing to reduce the impact of the hazard created by the driver in the first place - it only protects the traffic department's revenue. So the question to the cops is, is road safety more important to you folks or your revenue stream?

Secondly, there is a school of thought that says attaching a financial burden to a morally unjustifiable act makes the act itself justifiable and likely to be committed by a larger group of people. Instead of the thought process going "I should not break the signal, I might hurt someone", it becomes "I can break that signal, I just need to pay Rs. 500 fine if caught".

In my view, there are two ways to curb traffic offenses in Bangalore - and monetary fines aren't among them. The first is to inconvenience the offending vehicle and ALL its passengers. Detain them all for a while (2-3 hours). Make the passengers culpable too (after all, a paid driver is an agent of the paying passenger). The second is to name and shame them. If a $MNC employee/contractor etc. is caught in a violation, take the matter to $MNC - get them to publicly acknowledge their stance on the matter. Keep going at them till they are forced to react. Put their reputation at stake (including their worldwide reputation) - the Internet is a powerful medium to do this.
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Old 16th April 2012, 09:25   #3194
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

The two ORR flyovers at Manyata and Hennur main road were inaugurated yesterday.

The Hindu : Cities / Bangalore : You can drive a little easier on the Outer Ring Road now
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Old 16th April 2012, 12:40   #3195
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Re: My Rant on Bangalore Traffic (and now even a note of appreciation... its not all

I don't know how many of you know this, just discovered it yesterday so thought of sharing:

If you come out of Manipal Hospital and want to go towards Marathahalli, you need to drive all the way to Trinity Circle for taking a legal U-turn. God knows which brilliant mind thought of implementing this.
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