a truly lovely thought eh? 7000 more nasty little autos on the roads, piloted largely by cross-bred un-educated trolls wearing a strange khaki-ish disguise. their badge of honour will surely be the immediate removal of the silencers, leading to that lovely brain wrenching, ear drum twisting noise like a squillion demented mosquitoes buzzing around our already jammed heads.
Apart from the vicious sound effects, we will all be treated to some beautiful auto-cro-batics all over our (non existent) roads, accompanied by some amazingly, gut wrenchingly stupefying bad behaviour, eve- teasing, extortion and all the rest of it.
whither goest thou, O yeddy government, for this strange inspiration, to unleash such a scourge of creatures from beneath flat stones onto us, the unsuspecting and largely innocent public?? Quote:
Originally Posted by VJ_MAVRICK Quite rightly this thread will be alive because of the utmost chaos bangalore traffic offers commuters apart from the mindless and insanely driven people all around. Actually people just dont bother about following the lane disciplines too and it puzzles me to see people driving splitting the white lane and neither being in the right most nor the left most lane. Its very frustrating and when will they ever understand why the lanes are laid and how to follow them instead of making merry driving in between the lane splitting line.
Add to it 7000 more autos on our roads which i had just read in another thread .Wow! thats a definite rant i will be assured of making. |
it will truly be lovely Iam sure to be treated to the lane cutting (multiplied by 7000) which Iam sure our roads (or the lack of them) will soon be witness to.These trolls have refined that to a fine art!!
Check your insurance before venturing out, because I do believe we will need it, very soon!
positively frightening! Quote:
Originally Posted by VJ_MAVRICK Quite rightly this thread will be alive because of the utmost chaos bangalore traffic offers commuters apart from the mindless and insanely driven people all around. Actually people just dont bother about following the lane disciplines too and it puzzles me to see people driving splitting the white lane and neither being in the right most nor the left most lane. Its very frustrating and when will they ever understand why the lanes are laid and how to follow them instead of making merry driving in between the lane splitting line.
Add to it 7000 more autos on our roads which i had just read in another thread .Wow! thats a definite rant i will be assured of making. |
Last edited by ajmat : 15th July 2008 at 13:12.