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Old 4th July 2008, 14:43   #316
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Originally Posted by sammyboy View Post
Tthere are banners like this all over the indiranagar-koramangala ring road. I have also noticed a lot of cops trying to direct traffic during peak times. If things keep going this way we would soon have much better traffic in bangy. Kudos to the cops
This happened for just 3-4 days.
I guess it was an event by one of the companies in EGL campus. I could see some "IT looking guys" in jeans wearing Police jackets, trying to help police. But they were miserable in doing that. All I could see was that they would try to push people who should be diverting towards EGL to extreme left lane.
In the process they were messing up the whole flow, since the lane shift is ideal around 100 mts after fly over is complete. They were trying to make people shift lanes just after fly over, which caused extra jam for two days.
I wanted to give them some lessons in traffic management(self fundas though) but couldnt stop the car.

I saw one of the girls being interviewed by TV 18 crew at the Sony World signal in the evening. May be that event would have got some publicity, and end of story.

These kind of events are short lived. Police do not learn. They just happen for formality. Enforcement levels are back to zero. Even on that day, only these additional volunteers were active, and Police men were taking a well deserved break. My well deserved, I am not trying to sarcastic, but I really feel Police are understaffed and over worked in India. They need better technology to complement their work. Because people do not learn as well. All the efforts shown in those two days are waste. I am not sure how many learnt from that.

In my opinion IRR in the vicinity of EGL requires atleast two foot over bridges, and 10ft high walls seperating the road preventing people from crossing. That is the biggest bottleneck of this road.
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Old 7th July 2008, 04:11   #317
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I have seen people does this in BTM Junction, DG Petrol Bunk Junction.
The best part is to watch cops catching them. The cops will be hiding in the by lane/tree until they reach that point point and fine them.
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Old 14th July 2008, 21:14   #318
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This happened a couple of days back while taking left turn opp to race course parking. I was doing around 35 kmph and next to me was an auto (to my LHS). We were maintaining some distance in between. Suddenly a 2 wheeler came fast, he came in between my car and auto and tried to cut across me to right hand side. This ended in scratching my left side of car. I stopped and asked him to stop his bike. I asked him why did he cut across like that. He explained he did not expect me to have driven so fast and did not anticipate my car will come so soon. Fortunately, the scratches are not so deep and I can apply rubbing compound and can remove the scratches.
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Old 14th July 2008, 21:43   #319
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Originally Posted by snaronikar View Post
This happened a couple of days back while taking left turn opp to race course parking. I was doing around 35 kmph and next to me was an auto (to my LHS). We were maintaining some distance in between. Suddenly a 2 wheeler came fast, he came in between my car and auto and tried to cut across me to right hand side. This ended in scratching my left side of car. I stopped and asked him to stop his bike. I asked him why did he cut across like that. He explained he did not expect me to have driven so fast and did not anticipate my car will come so soon. Fortunately, the scratches are not so deep and I can apply rubbing compound and can remove the scratches.
That scratch even though small is unfortunate but luckily nothing major happened. Bikers are a big menace and they fill up the blanks on the road and they just cut through directly into your driving line which is very irritating.
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Old 14th July 2008, 21:51   #320
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Originally Posted by VJ_MAVRICK View Post
That scratch even though small is unfortunate but luckily nothing major happened. Bikers are a big menace and they fill up the blanks on the road and they just cut through directly into your driving line which is very irritating.
Yeah. fortunate for him that he did not fall on the road. Otherwise, it would hve been a major accident. He would have come easily on to the wheels of my car.
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Old 14th July 2008, 22:05   #321
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Originally Posted by snaronikar View Post
Yeah. fortunate for him that he did not fall on the road. Otherwise, it would hve been a major accident. He would have come easily on to the wheels of my car.
,as recently on the ORR near Agara lake i witnessed a biker cutting right across a Palio from the LHS and moved directly into the car's driving lane and it resulted in the biker getting grounded. It was not the Palio guy's mistake and the biker and some self claimed good samaritans passing by tried to get nasty with the car guy and luckily along with me another fellow came to the car guy's rescue and he gave a piece of his mind to the biker and then that situation was under control,if not for the poor car guy would have been @ the receiving end. How i wish such morons on the bikes be
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Old 14th July 2008, 23:09   #322
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^^ That was a nice gesture VJ!

We need to help & support such co-motorists who get entangled in such incidents for no mistake of theirs!
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Old 15th July 2008, 09:33   #323
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Saw a Moron parking his car on the high speed lane and talking on the phone. This happened today morning on the ITPL road during rush hour. Wanted to give him a peace of mind, but was in the opposite lane. Was wondering if the driver was thinking his car to be a bike or wat ?
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Old 15th July 2008, 09:55   #324
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Police need to enforce this mobile phone/ driving rule asap!
plus atleast we TBHP colleagues should all invest in either a cord type or bluetooth handset because it would not be practical to Not Answer the mobile while driving, atleast for the majority of people, given today's work pressures.

Originally Posted by lambuhere1 View Post
Saw a Moron parking his car on the high speed lane and talking on the phone. This happened today morning on the ITPL road during rush hour. Wanted to give him a peace of mind, but was in the opposite lane. Was wondering if the driver was thinking his car to be a bike or wat ?
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Old 15th July 2008, 10:18   #325
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Originally Posted by lambuhere1 View Post
Saw a Moron parking his car on the high speed lane and talking on the phone. This happened today morning on the ITPL road during rush hour. Wanted to give him a peace of mind, but was in the opposite lane. Was wondering if the driver was thinking his car to be a bike or wat ?

Infront of the MK retail people double park... hardly one car can squeez through. This happens every day. cant the cops take some action. fine these morons properly!

Cars /Bikes going in snail speed on the right most lane. this sunday was going towards yelahanka a a white maruti 800 (BR reg) was going at about 40. after continuous honking he dint budge...same applies to many bikers...esp the splendor kinds they want to stick to the right...

I feel most of the people who drive/ride has no clue...

None of the commercial buildings have parking facility from which park on roads...for example Bank ATMs, to access it one has to park on road...

Bad planning and to top it people who lack sense makes a great combo....god save us
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Old 15th July 2008, 10:33   #326
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Quite rightly this thread will be alive because of the utmost chaos bangalore traffic offers commuters apart from the mindless and insanely driven people all around. Actually people just dont bother about following the lane disciplines too and it puzzles me to see people driving splitting the white lane and neither being in the right most nor the left most lane. Its very frustrating and when will they ever understand why the lanes are laid and how to follow them instead of making merry driving in between the lane splitting line.

Add to it 7000 more autos on our roads which i had just read in another thread .Wow! thats a definite rant i will be assured of making.

Last edited by VJ_MAVRICK : 15th July 2008 at 10:34.
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Old 15th July 2008, 11:40   #327
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a truly lovely thought eh? 7000 more nasty little autos on the roads, piloted largely by cross-bred un-educated trolls wearing a strange khaki-ish disguise. their badge of honour will surely be the immediate removal of the silencers, leading to that lovely brain wrenching, ear drum twisting noise like a squillion demented mosquitoes buzzing around our already jammed heads.
Apart from the vicious sound effects, we will all be treated to some beautiful auto-cro-batics all over our (non existent) roads, accompanied by some amazingly, gut wrenchingly stupefying bad behaviour, eve- teasing, extortion and all the rest of it.
whither goest thou, O yeddy government, for this strange inspiration, to unleash such a scourge of creatures from beneath flat stones onto us, the unsuspecting and largely innocent public??

Originally Posted by VJ_MAVRICK View Post
Quite rightly this thread will be alive because of the utmost chaos bangalore traffic offers commuters apart from the mindless and insanely driven people all around. Actually people just dont bother about following the lane disciplines too and it puzzles me to see people driving splitting the white lane and neither being in the right most nor the left most lane. Its very frustrating and when will they ever understand why the lanes are laid and how to follow them instead of making merry driving in between the lane splitting line.

Add to it 7000 more autos on our roads which i had just read in another thread .Wow! thats a definite rant i will be assured of making.
it will truly be lovely Iam sure to be treated to the lane cutting (multiplied by 7000) which Iam sure our roads (or the lack of them) will soon be witness to.These trolls have refined that to a fine art!!
Check your insurance before venturing out, because I do believe we will need it, very soon!

positively frightening!

Originally Posted by VJ_MAVRICK View Post
Quite rightly this thread will be alive because of the utmost chaos bangalore traffic offers commuters apart from the mindless and insanely driven people all around. Actually people just dont bother about following the lane disciplines too and it puzzles me to see people driving splitting the white lane and neither being in the right most nor the left most lane. Its very frustrating and when will they ever understand why the lanes are laid and how to follow them instead of making merry driving in between the lane splitting line.

Add to it 7000 more autos on our roads which i had just read in another thread .Wow! thats a definite rant i will be assured of making.

Last edited by ajmat : 15th July 2008 at 13:12.
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Old 15th July 2008, 12:16   #328
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Oh Shankar ! you appear to be very very frustrated , well so am I and many others too but for the traffic chaos. I agree and second the rant on the frustration you so poetically described
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Old 15th July 2008, 12:21   #329
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WOW Shankar! What a peotic way you have expressed your thoughts!

Strange are the ways that these government works!
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Old 15th July 2008, 13:09   #330
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Originally Posted by lohithrao View Post
Infront of the MK retail people double park... hardly one car can squeez through. This happens every day. cant the cops take some action. fine these morons properly!

When MK was started, Police "did" fine people for parking on the other side of the road. I saw them a couple of times, Then I believe the police lost interest or they might have be made to cool down. I rarely see them now.

Its becomes a headache to travel that road during weekends. No road sense.
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