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Old 9th May 2014, 09:00   #5941
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Volvo bus breakdown just before the Kundhalahalli signal. Expect traffic congestion towards ITPL.
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Old 9th May 2014, 09:15   #5942
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by SR71-Blackbird View Post
I travel everyday on the same route in my bike or car and with anything above 30 kmph
the ride becomes bone shattering!
But the bus was doing more than 50kmph and the suspension was making a huge racket by screeching and screaming, but the ride quality inside was quite smooth!
Merits of having air suspension that's tuned for comfort, on all four wheels.

I have seen that the volvos plying in the city have a pretty good diagnostic system that even reports tyre pressures, but I think the BMTC staff do not care to use it. If you peep and take a look at the MID beind the steering you can see messages like "Check brakes at next stop" etc.
These machines are supposed to be checked and serviced at regular intervals, and just like many of the cars of today, the MID tells you if it's time for a checkup. However, the actual frequency of maintenance is anybody's guess. The MID is really very informative, and if the BMTC were to pay any heed to the messages thrown on the MID, we won't be seeing so many Volvo city buses broken down on Bangs-galore's carpet-bombed roads
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Old 9th May 2014, 09:17   #5943
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by bharat4ever View Post
Volvo bus breakdown just before the Kundhalahalli signal. Expect traffic congestion towards ITPL.
There was no traffic congestion that we normally till graphite india signal. Of course the ITPL bus reached kundanahalli much before 9 AM. For a change, i witnessed free flowing vehicles. Near Sai baba hospital, there was some hold up. Not sure why.
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Old 9th May 2014, 09:18   #5944
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by suresh_gs View Post
There was no traffic congestion that we normally till graphite india signal. Of course the ITPL bus reached kundanahalli much before 9 AM. For a change, i witnessed free flowing vehicles. Near Sai baba hospital, there was some hold up. Not sure why.
I crossed Marthahalli at around 8:15, and the traffic was building up, there was congestion up until half the bridge.
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Old 9th May 2014, 09:25   #5945
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by bharat4ever View Post
I crossed Marthahalli at around 8:15, and the traffic was building up, there was congestion up until half the bridge.
Without the cabbies on the road, the situation looks much better. Today they have called for a bandh to protest the hike in airport toll fare.

Wish everyday was like this
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Old 9th May 2014, 09:47   #5946
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Originally Posted by suresh_gs View Post

Without the cabbies on the road, the situation looks much better. Today they have called for a bandh to protest the hike in airport toll fare.

Wish everyday was like this
I wanted to visit Advaith Hyundai, ORR for some work this morning. I crossed the silkboard signal without waiting at 8 45 coming from Hosur road side. Then there was a free flow of disciplined traffic all along the ORR. I started from EC at 8 30 and reached Advaith at 9. I couldn't believe what was happening. Now I know the reason. Wish the cabs hold a bandh and stay out of roads atleast once in a week.

Are tempo travellers not participating in the bandh? There were couple of irritating ones on BETL.

Last edited by guyfrmblr : 9th May 2014 at 09:51.
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Old 9th May 2014, 10:02   #5947
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by guyfrmblr View Post
I wanted to visit Advaith Hyundai, ORR for some work this morning. I crossed the silkboard signal without waiting at 8 45 coming from Hosur road side. Then there was a free flow of disciplined traffic all along the ORR. I started from EC at 8 30 and reached Advaith at 9. I couldn't believe what was happening. Now I know the reason. Wish the cabs hold a bandh and stay out of roads atleast once in a week.

Are tempo travellers not participating in the bandh? There were couple of irritating ones on BETL.
Near the ITPL back gate, i noticed quite a few tempo travellers. Not sure if they are participating in the bandh.
The govt should ban entry of lorries into the city from 7 AM to 9 PM. This will ease traffic congestion to a great extent.
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Old 9th May 2014, 11:41   #5948
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Truck breakdown again at ORR flyover near Ecospace IT park. Hope it gets cleared soon, this is becoming a daily occurrence.
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Old 9th May 2014, 12:17   #5949
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by bharat4ever View Post
Volvo bus breakdown just before the Kundhalahalli signal. Expect traffic congestion towards ITPL.
This bus was still there when I passed by that location at around 10:45 AM.
Hope they manage to move it at least before the evening rush starts!
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Old 9th May 2014, 12:50   #5950
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Today was the day for break downs!

1.Truck breakdown again at ORR flyover near Ecospace

2.Two Buses break down near Kundhalahalli

3. Bus break down at Hopefarm junction.

Guess it was due to some taxis not plying that I was still able to reach office at my normal time!

Planning to leave from ITPL at 6PM - I just pray all is well!
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Old 9th May 2014, 13:09   #5951
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

When I see a heavy vehicle parked on the road, I sometimes wonder - Whether it has broken down, or the driver went for a loo break, or a chai sutta break ?

And my observations are -
- If its broken down - You will not find a single soul nearby, apart from some huge stones placed around and struggling vehicles trying to get past the broken vehicle.
- If the driver has gone for a chai sutta break, you will find lots of friends of them hanging around the vehicle.

Things never change in our country, do they ?
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Old 9th May 2014, 13:52   #5952
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

IMO Bangalore traffic is not as complicated as the numerous studies commissioned by government, traffic police, BBMP and the likes! Let’s face the fact that vehicle density is bound to increase! We can have bus days, bicycle days, car pools and other innovative ideas. Nothing is going to change if people do not change their sense of driving. As I was growing up my father had a saying “driving is not a RIGHT it’s a PRIVILEGE” and that fact stands correct today as well. Without lane discipline and road courtesy no amount of road widening, flyovers, signals or one ways will help.

Busses – Till they understand that they are essentially public servants and drive public service vehicles, which are supposed to convenience the public not inconvenience we will not get anywhere. Stop only at a dedicated bus stand, if there is another bus ahead of you be behind it why try to cut round and hold up traffic for everyone? It’s not a race.

Autos – your auto can’t do more than 30km/h so stick to the left side of the road not the center! Use your mirrors for checking who is behind you before you stop, inevitably to refuse the commuter where they want to go!

Cabs – You are also essentially driving public service vehicles be it private. Get off the phone and drive in your lane!

Traffic signals are there for a reason, red to stop, green to go. It’s not a guide line it’s a

Most of our chronic congested zones such as Eco Space on Sarjapur road, Marathahalli and EGL (to name a few) can be sorted out with smooth running traffic, and get this even during peak hours!

Just follow traffic rules, have patience, and maintain lane discipline and trust me we will all get to our destinations, in some cases earlier than we anticipate!
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Old 9th May 2014, 13:52   #5953
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by aajohn View Post
Guess it was due to some taxis not plying that I was still able to reach office at my normal time!

Planning to leave from ITPL at 6PM - I just pray all is well!
Most of the factory/office buses leave by that time. Aim for 5 PM. Since the cabbies are not there, traffic will be less.
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Old 9th May 2014, 15:10   #5954
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Ecospace flyover at it again. This time at the Marathalli facing end. Truck (fully loaded) front left-wheel completely broken apart. Another truck is parked behind it, facing on-coming traffic and the contents are being transported. At least one helpless cop is nearby watching over the situation.

If you don't want to spend your evening in traffic, drop everything and leave now.
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Old 9th May 2014, 16:40   #5955
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by drivingme.crazy View Post
Ecospace flyover at it again.
You mean on the Devarabisinahalli (Intel) flyover towards Silkboard. The Google traffic status confirms the same:

Bad, the service road is also jammed, let me pack up!
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