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Old 21st July 2014, 18:29   #6316
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by suresh_gs View Post
Same situation as that of Mantri mall on Sampige road malleswram.
In fact you can say majority of the malls in Bangalore. Problem is, things are not planned here.
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Old 21st July 2014, 20:47   #6317
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

A huge traffic jam on Bull Temple Road. It took me 20 minutes (6:50 PM to 7:10 PM) to travel from Uma Talkies Junction to Ramakrishna Ashram - a distance of just 700 metres. It seems some religious function was underway. Roads cleared only at around 8 PM.


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Old 22nd July 2014, 13:06   #6318
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I saw about 20+ vehicles parked horizontally beside Forum mall almost until the HP office. I was confused at first because parking isn't allowed there, then saw that all the vehicles were either TN, AP, HR, or PY. The traffic police and volunteers were flagging down all outstation vehicles possibly to check. This seems to be a sneaky strategy as I assumed most of the checks happen in outskirts. It has worked as majority of the vehicles were high end brands and quite a lot fell into their net over there.

Of late plenty of vehicles have non-KA board. While I agree that friendlier/more uniform tax laws must exist across states, buying/registering a vehicle in one city & driving in another should not be allowed because tracing the vehicle in case of legal issues would be difficult. Certainly road tax in this state should come down as they are hardly creating a good driving environment. Next to nil usage of road signs or lane markings, bad traffic regulation and average roads at best.
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Old 22nd July 2014, 13:29   #6319
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
buying/registering a vehicle in one city & driving in another should not be allowed because tracing the vehicle in case of legal issues would be difficult
So I understand you are opposed to inter-state truck and bus traffic? Tourism to Mysore or pilgrimage to Sabarimala/Tirupati should all be banned?
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Old 22nd July 2014, 13:36   #6320
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
So I understand you are opposed to inter-state truck and bus traffic? Tourism to Mysore or pilgrimage to Sabarimala/Tirupati should all be banned?
Obviously no one would make a notion like that, I'm afraid I've been misunderstood by way of jumping to conclusions a) I never mentioned the vehicles parked there were trucks/buses, they were private owned white board vehicles (cars to be precise). My point above was referencing the large group of local citizens who travel to another state, buy a car and get it registered with cheaper road-tax, and bring it back home to this state and use it normally. This is the very same problem that the traffic cops have, prevention of which they are doing by such checks. I don't know how you skewed that statement to a blanket ban of all buses/trucks which I never intended to mean.
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Old 22nd July 2014, 13:44   #6321
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
...buying/registering a vehicle in one city & driving in another should not be allowed because tracing the vehicle in case of legal issues would be difficult
The MoRTH had started a trial run of a Central vehicle database called Vahan (, which is now defunct. If the concerned authorities were competent enough, it would've grown into a proper database. Tracing vehicles is not at all difficult even without such a database, assuming the RTA that registers a particular vehicle has verified the authenticity of the ID and address/residency proof submitted while registering, and all these RTAs agree upon certain common rules on the inter-state/city transfer of vehicles.

Last edited by silversteed : 22nd July 2014 at 13:45.
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Old 23rd July 2014, 01:15   #6322
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
I saw about 20+ vehicles parked horizontally beside Forum mall almost until the HP office. I was confused at first because parking isn't allowed there, then saw that all the vehicles were either TN, AP, HR, or PY. The traffic police and volunteers were flagging down all outstation vehicles possibly to check. This seems to be a sneaky strategy as I assumed most of the checks happen in outskirts. It has worked as majority of the vehicles were high end brands and quite a lot fell into their net over there.
Yep I saw those too, it's time to make the Road Tax as Central Tax, otherwise it will be like Tom & Jerry between RTA and Non KA vehicle owners.
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Old 23rd July 2014, 09:48   #6323
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

There was a major traffic pileup on whitefield road right opposite zuri hotel. A biker was rammed into by an indicab which was again rear ended by another indicab. Not sure who was at fault but it appeared that the biker tried to get onto the road from the wrong side. Please try and avoid this stretch if it is part of your daily commute.
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Old 23rd July 2014, 09:51   #6324
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Wasn't there more than usual traffic on the ORR heading towards Marthahalli today? I start normally at 7 45 from HSR, and today definitely there was more traffic even on the Agara flyover.

Also, I am seeing a new trend. Indica cabs going extremely slow in the middle or high speed lane on the ORR. and by slow I mean 20-30 kmph while all the other vehicles are going at around 60 kmph.
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Old 23rd July 2014, 10:30   #6325
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by bharat4ever View Post
Wasn't there more than usual traffic on the ORR heading towards Marthahalli today? I start normally at 7 45 from HSR, and today definitely there was more traffic even on the Agara flyover.

Also, I am seeing a new trend. Indica cabs going extremely slow in the middle or high speed lane on the ORR. and by slow I mean 20-30 kmph while all the other vehicles are going at around 60 kmph.
I left late around 8 and was near the Silk Board Junction at 8:10am and found the road to be decent. Reached the Marathahalli signal by 8:25.

Before 8, one would usually find a lot of School Buses on the road, maybe that was the cause for you. The time between 7:30 and 8:00 has become treacherous now.

On the Indicabs going slow, I find more and more of these guys using their cell phones and hence they tend to slow down. Most bothering are actually the trucks and sometimes a bunch of them traveling together - they are slow and always block the two fastest lane on the ORR.
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Old 23rd July 2014, 12:31   #6326
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
I saw about 20+ vehicles parked horizontally beside Forum mall almost until the HP office. ............This seems to be a sneaky strategy as I assumed most of the checks happen in outskirts.
We are beating to death this issue in another thread. Click here
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Old 24th July 2014, 14:46   #6327
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Last night, around 9:30, I was returning from EC to Koramangala. Somewhere near the Madiwala junction, an auto with its "hazard lights" on, overtook me, swerved in front of me, nearly pushing me off my bike and moved on. Infuriated, I resolved to give the driver an earful and followed it. Traffic slowed down so I went to the side of the auto and before I could open my helmet, the auto started moving. And again he was driving erratically - he looked like a small time goonda. Hit my left rear view mirror and then he looked at me. I shouted something, raised my hand and went off.

Then started the craziness. The guy started cursing me loudly from the auto and I could clearly hear him rev the auto and come chasing me. I crossed the underpass and just as I was climbing the ramp, he caught up with me and blocked my path. Started calling me names and what not, threatening me. Then only did I notice that his passengers were also joining him in the threats. And they didn't look like passengers but more like his lieutenants.

Deciding that this was not a battle I wanted to fight, I moved my bike to the left and moved off. He still tried to block my way and kept calling me names. But I just told him to let me go and I rode off. Stopped at the St.Johns signal and thought he might turn up to create more trouble. He didn't though.

I saw the same auto at the Forum signal soon after. He was driving erratically and even moved his auto through a red light, onto oncoming traffic and drove off the street in front of Punjab Grill.

Thankfully I'd chosen not to start a fight there. I might not have been in a position to type this now I guess
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Old 24th July 2014, 15:12   #6328
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Naveen, hope you remember the Reg no? Please report this incident at BTP page in FB.
They are taking all reported incidents seriously & taking action!
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Old 24th July 2014, 15:54   #6329
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I have to cross the doddanekundi signal every day and turn right towards KR puram to get to office. What I have noticed is that when there are no vehicles coming towards the side I am on, the traffic cops normally leave the opposite side through. Today, the signal was green for me and I was the only one crossing it, but the traffic was allowed from the other side. Though I understand this, what infuriated me was an Auto Guy, who though came on the wrong side, when his signal was red and started to give me a stare. I rolled down the window and asked him in Kannada what his problem was, he had the audacity to tell me I am jumping signal. I gave him some local language dialect lesson, Told him who jumped the signal (All in Kannada) and he suddenly went mute and went off.
Next, the traffic warden comes and tells me you broke the light and that got my cat. I stopped the car, called him over and asked him do you even know which light is green and which is red. His face was worth watching and he asked me to move to the side and go from there. When I was finally able to cross the junction, the traffic was red for me. These things in the morning, make for an interesting day.

End of the rant.
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Old 24th July 2014, 16:59   #6330
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by finneyp View Post
Naveen, hope you remember the Reg no? Please report this incident at BTP page in FB.
They are taking all reported incidents seriously & taking action!
Sadly, I did not remember the number when I reached home. I distinctly remember looking at the registration number and making a mental note.
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