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Old 6th November 2014, 12:59   #7006
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by msdivy View Post
True. There are many free left turns and vehicles negotiate at snail's pace, since they are busy negotiating broken roads. So the traffic piles up for couple of hundred meters behind. Case in point being free left turn at Kundanahalli Junction towards Graphite, coming from Marathhalli bridge.

Another bottle neck is poorly designed traffic merges. For instance, traffic from Marathhalli bridge merges with ORR at innovative multiplex. There is a bustop here and also a U-turn for buses at this merge. So in the mornings, the traffic backups till ISRO.

Another is merge of traffic from Sarjapur road with ORR at Iblur. Sometimes traffic backups till Agara flyover.
One more thing which I noticed is that near or around all Central Government companies like NAL , HAL , ISRO the roads are is such a bad shape that it looks as though the state government is specially neglecting those stretches. The HAL / Old Airport Road is getting a makeover after being in a real bad shape for about 2 yrs. Suranjandas Road which is a vital link to BEML , OMR and beyond from Old Airport Road has been in its carpet bombed state for so many years. I wonder why the government even pretends doing work. It is a work in progress for so much time that it has crossed all limits of shame for the BBMP.
I wish someone would sue the BBMP for million of rupees caused by neglected road damaging vehicles and causing injuries to riders.
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Old 6th November 2014, 13:10   #7007
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by guyfrmblr View Post
I see such transformation in Jayanagar too (particularly 4th block). Most of the beautiful independent houses constructed during 80s and 90s in the inner cross roads are either demolished or transformed into commercial establishments....
The once well planned and peaceful Jayanagar is no longer the same. The only saving grace is that all these inner roads are wide enough so there are not much traffic gridlocks.
Similar state with Indiranagar, too many residential buildings have made way for commercial establishments/offices, etc. The bylanes are also full with cars sometimes parked on both sides
100 feet Road and CMH Road have transformed beyond recognition - total change from what they were few years ago, the good ol' Bangalore of Yore has made a swift exit.
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Old 6th November 2014, 14:28   #7008
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ambivalent_98 View Post
The HAL / Old Airport Road is getting a makeover after being in a real bad shape for about 2 yrs.
The old airport road has finally been almost fully relaid now.
I have never seen such bad quality roads being laid anywhere as the current roads that are being laid in Bangalore.

There seems to be absolutely no supervision or quality checks. There are a lot of small patches which are missed.
And some of the stretches of the new surface are so bumpy that no one would believe that it was recently laid.
I am not sure how long the new layer of tar would hold up before the road goes back to its old condition!
Also the footpath work is taken up after the roads are relaid. This results in further damage to the road.
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Old 6th November 2014, 14:43   #7009
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by SR71-Blackbird View Post
I have never seen such bad quality roads being laid anywhere as the current roads that are being laid in Bangalore
The entire govt machinery in Bengaluru is hell bent on going green - ever seen bio-degradable roads in even the properly developed cities?
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Old 6th November 2014, 14:45   #7010
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by HarshVShrotriya View Post
I agree that the solution is multi storeyed parking but, that should be done by the companies running the business here.
Maybe sometimes, but I am skeptical about the mindset of our people. In Bannerghatta road, the stretch between IIM and Arekere signal is a No Parking zone. Almost daily I see people parking their cars on the side and crossing the road to Fortis hospital. Now Fortis has a multi-level car parking with reasonable fees, but these model citizens (most of these are private vehicles, not taxis) still don't want spend 20 or 30 rupees to use the facility and seem comfortable and proud breaking the traffic rules. Fortunately the road is wide enough so they don't do much harm and then there are the good days when I see traffic police adorning some of the offenders with extra boots!
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Old 6th November 2014, 15:02   #7011
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sun_king View Post
Maybe sometimes, but I am skeptical about the mindset of our people. In Bannerghatta road, the stretch between IIM and Arekere signal is a No Parking zone. Almost daily I see people parking their cars on the side and crossing the road to Fortis hospital. Now Fortis has a multi-level car parking with reasonable fees, but these model citizens (most of these are private vehicles, not taxis) still don't want spend 20 or 30 rupees to use the facility and seem comfortable and proud breaking the traffic rules. Fortunately the road is wide enough so they don't do much harm and then there are the good days when I see traffic police adorning some of the offenders with extra boots!
A very good point in deed. wonderful examples are our malls. People don't mind coming for shopping to malls(I know this happens at Central, Bellandur and Forum Value Mall Whitefield) but, they won't pay Rs 20 as parking fee inside the mall. They are ready to leave even their Civics and Innova's on road.
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Old 6th November 2014, 15:41   #7012
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by HarshVShrotriya View Post
A very good point in deed. wonderful examples are our malls. People don't mind coming for shopping to malls(I know this happens at Central, Bellandur and Forum Value Mall Whitefield) but, they won't pay Rs 20 as parking fee inside the mall. They are ready to leave even their Civics and Innova's on road.
I'm the polar opposite. Me & my wife are frequent visitors to the Brigade/Residency/MG Road area, and we always park at the Garuda Mall lot, though we hardly ever buy anything there. Where else in that area will I find hassle-free, safe parking for 5 hours for less than 100 rupees? Most of the surrounding area is easily walk-able on foot, and we take autos if we want to venture a bit further. I neither need to worry finding parking close to my destination or be concerned for my car's safety while I'm away. Win-win.
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Old 6th November 2014, 15:47   #7013
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
I'm the polar opposite. Me & my wife are frequent visitors to the Brigade/Residency/MG Road area, and we always park at the Garuda Mall lot, though we hardly ever buy anything there. Where else in that area will I find hassle-free, safe parking for 5 hours for less than 100 rupees? Most of the surrounding area is easily walk-able on foot, and we take autos if we want to venture a bit further. I neither need to worry finding parking close to my destination or be concerned for my car's safety while I'm away. Win-win.
Oops! And I thought I was the only smart nut that did the same.
I am sure many people who want to hit that area, do this. Otherwise, by the time you will find a parking lot on MG/Brigade/Commercial Road, it will be closing time for the market.
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Old 6th November 2014, 16:00   #7014
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by HarshVShrotriya View Post
Oops! And I thought I was the only smart nut that did the same.
I am sure many people who want to hit that area, do this. Otherwise, by the time you will find a parking lot on MG/Brigade/Commercial Road, it will be closing time for the market.
Not smart, just immensely practical. I do this all round the city. Most crowded spaces around Bangalore have at least a few such parking 'options' if one's willing to be a bit flexible about the last-mile.

Worst case scenario, I hire a cab if going to an area with absolutely no options within a few kms radius. With the plethora of cab options available these days, it's a no-brainer to leave your car at home if you aren't sure it will be safe where you're going.
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Old 6th November 2014, 16:04   #7015
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
Worst case scenario, I hire a cab if going to an area with absolutely no options within a few kms radius. With the plethora of cab options available these days, it's a no-brainer to leave your car at home if you aren't sure it will be safe where you're going.
A famous then CM of Karanataka wanted to make Bangalore like Shanghai. The traffic's almost made it like Singapore, where one has to leave his/her own car and look for other more of transports(legs included).
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Old 6th November 2014, 16:18   #7016
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sun_king View Post
Maybe sometimes, but I am skeptical about the mindset of our people. In Bannerghatta road, the stretch between IIM and Arekere signal is a No Parking zone. Almost daily I see people parking their cars on the side and crossing the road to Fortis hospital. Now Fortis has a multi-level car parking with reasonable fees, but these model citizens (most of these are private vehicles, not taxis) still don't want spend 20 or 30 rupees to use the facility and seem comfortable and proud breaking the traffic rules. Fortunately the road is wide enough so they don't do much harm and then there are the good days when I see traffic police adorning some of the offenders with extra boots!
I agree with you. It's even worse a little ahead on the same road near Royal Meenakshi Mall. Cars will be parked on both sides of the road from the Mall till the BGS school leaving little room for traffic to flow. This is a road on which BMTC buses ply and the morons leave little room for the buses to travel on these roads causing massive jams.
This is worse over the weekends and public holidays.
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Old 6th November 2014, 17:04   #7017
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

An incident near Hoodi, last evening:
Source:Times of India, Bangalore - 6 Nov 2014
Bengaluru techie pulled out of his car , murdered
Link to full article

Our roads are becoming scarier by the day

Last edited by NPV : 6th November 2014 at 17:06.
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Old 6th November 2014, 18:46   #7018
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
PS: I don't want to start a regional fight or show case any people in a negative light. But Bengaluru has a reputation that this is a place where any thing and every thing can be bought for money. There is a price for every thing, and if that is given any law/rule/tradition etc. are pushed to a side. This may also be a reason where many folks found the place to be industry friendly. The state should actively start developing Tier II cities.
Though I tend to agree to this statement of yours, isn't it true for every part of the country and not just in Bangalore? I mean, tell me a place in India, where you cannot get your way with Money and Right contact? There would be hardly any such places.
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Old 6th November 2014, 20:43   #7019
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Originally Posted by SR71-Blackbird View Post
The old airport road has finally been almost fully relaid now.
I have never seen such bad quality roads being laid anywhere as the current roads that are being laid in Bangalore.

There seems to be absolutely no supervision or quality checks. There are a lot of small patches which
......This results in further damage to the road.

The highest road tax rates in the country and the worst roads in the country.... Where does the money go ?

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Old 7th November 2014, 09:04   #7020
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Location: BTM Lake Road.

The footpath adjoining to the lake park, is being widened.
The road was 2+2 laned earlier.
Since the last one month, the existing footpath (adjoining the park) has been dug up and has also encroached upon the road.

Yesterday, they were laying back the footpath border stones. Now I see that the footpath has been widened and the road has turned into 1.5 width !!

So going forward, expect massive jams on the lake road towards BG road from AXA Signal.
There are lot of company and school buses that stop to pick and drop passengers. Earlier, a sedan or a hatchback could overtake and move forward easily. Now with the reduced roadspace width to only 1.5, if a bus stops, it would take up the entire road width. Even if there is a breakdown of a small car, no one (except 2 wheelers) would be able to overtake and go ahead.

What a waste of common sense of the contractor or the ward corporator, who allowed such crap to happen in BTM Lake Road, which is one of the busiest road during office hours, connecting BG Road from Silk Board.


Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-before.jpg


Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-after.jpg

Last edited by Soumyajit9 : 7th November 2014 at 09:17.
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