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Old 29th June 2015, 19:29   #8491
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ron_9191 View Post
This can't be off topic but I am just on the verge of a mental breakdown at the traffic that one has to confront with at a level cross bang in the middle of Horamavu main road. All thanks to the traffic that is completely unorganized out there. Or wait a minute, the roads are organized, it is the people who are on them who aren't is the right way to go about it probably. Once the gates are down for the trains to pass, people just go mad, impatient, uncivilized, barbaric and I think I have run of words to describe, but I am sure you get the idea. It is a 2 lane road where people going onwards drive on the left or assume to be driving on the left. But what happens is when the gate's closed, people tend to skip the idea of driving on the left and wait for the gates to open on the wrong side of the road!! I just can't relate what goes through the minds of these mindless folks (yes it is the F word I meant) when the gate opens up, because you have the same amount of people on the wrong side of the road on the other side too, the traffic comes to a dead halt. If everybody were to plonk their vehicles on the correct lanes and follow some discipline here, there is no way the traffic in this area could go out of control every time the gate opens and closes. I beg if there is anybody on this forum who goes through that road reading this, for the love of god please follow the lane discipline, save your time as well as the precious time of others too.
In another 6 months, the underpass work would start, that's what the MLA told 2 years back. Dont expect the work to start until the next assembly election is called for. The situation is only going to get worse as new apartments on the road start opening up.
My house is before the level crossing so i am spared.
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Old 29th June 2015, 20:09   #8492
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ron_9191 View Post
This can't be off topic but I am just on the verge of a mental breakdown at the traffic that one has to confront with at a level cross bang in the middle of Horamavu main road....
I have some acquaintances in that area so visit that side sometimes. Though I've had the very same bad experiences at the level crossing, last couple of visits (maybe 3 months ago) were very peaceful due to the presence of cops who made sure that no one took the wrong side of the makeshift divider (concrete blocks).
Have they stopped manning that place during evening peak hours now ?

Originally Posted by werfish View Post
In another 6 months, the underpass work would start, that's what the MLA told 2 years back. Dont expect the work to start until the next assembly election is called for.
Just hope it's not a narrow underpass, hopefully that underpass will have enough space and a wall in the middle to separate the 2 sides of traffic, else it will be a mess again. How can we teach our motorists some discipline, no it can't be taught and has to come from within *sigh*

Last edited by NPV : 29th June 2015 at 20:13.
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Old 30th June 2015, 07:31   #8493
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I get a free run through tin factory this morning, which is rare, only to be greeted by madness some km ahead. This time, it was ITPL Main Road and on the stretch from Big Bazaar signal to ITPL Main Gate. I was crossing Prestiege Shantineketan Residential complex and saw a huge jam up ahead, towards ITPL. Big Bazaar signal onwards and up to ITPL Main Gate is single lane traffic. Total chaos on the road. I could not even see what was going on, on the closed lane, that goes towards tin factory. For those travelling to ITPL via ITPL main road, please use the alternate gates to get it.

Last edited by Rudra Sen : 30th June 2015 at 08:10. Reason: corrected - my>by
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Old 30th June 2015, 07:43   #8494
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

There was small traffic jam on the ring road just after Innovative Multiplex this morning at around 6:45 PM.

A sumo cab had rear ended a dzire. Hope they will be removed in time for the peak hour rush

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Old 30th June 2015, 08:43   #8495
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by chandrda View Post
There was small traffic jam on the ring road just after Innovative Multiplex this morning at around 6:45 PM.

A sumo cab had rear ended a dzire. Hope they will be removed in time for the peak hour rush

I too saw the same while going to my office in ITPL. The Sumo's left front wheel was missing and the Dzire's bumper took a beating.
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Old 30th June 2015, 09:20   #8496
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by suresh_gs View Post
I too saw the same while going to my office in ITPL. The Sumo's left front wheel was missing and the Dzire's bumper took a beating.
I was very surprised when I saw the missing front left wheel of Sumo. It had come apart along with portion of the suspension after hitting the Dzire.

Goes to show how the Sumo was maintained probably.

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Old 30th June 2015, 09:26   #8497
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sandeepmohan View Post
I get a free run through tin factory this morning, which is rare, only to be greeted by madness some km ahead. This time, it was ITPL Main Road and on the stretch from Big Bazaar signal to ITPL Main Gate. I was crossing Prestiege Shantineketan Residential complex and saw a huge jam up ahead, towards ITPL. Big Bazaar signal onwards and up to ITPL Main Gate is single lane traffic. Total chaos on the road. I could not even see what was going on, on the closed lane, that goes towards tin factory. For those travelling to ITPL via ITPL main road, please use the alternate gates to get it.
They are filling in the trenches in front of ITPL and a little ahead. Remember quite recently some civic body had dug up the road and left it in shambles ? Hence that stretch was closed and traffic was diverted into the opposite lane.
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Old 30th June 2015, 09:35   #8498
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by ankan.m.blr View Post
Thanks for the tip. Is it as bad as Ecospace in Bellandur?
Apologies for the late reply!. No, no, nothing as bad as Ecospace. This particular one is irritating because BG road gets full and the stream of cars coming out of IBCKP find it difficult to turn onto the main road. It was much worse earlier when Accenture had loads of buses but now they have partially moved out.

Anyway, if possible, get out before 1730. Your entire drive will be much more peaceful
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Old 30th June 2015, 10:08   #8499
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by rjstyles69 View Post
They are filling in the trenches in front of ITPL and a little ahead. Remember quite recently some civic body had dug up the road and left it in shambles ? Hence that stretch was closed and traffic was diverted into the opposite lane.
I noticed this at 9:10 AM. Both lanes were open and traffic was lesser than ususal. I do not understand why they choose to do such work during peak hour traffic.
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Old 30th June 2015, 10:20   #8500
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by pramodpk View Post
I noticed this at 9:10 AM. Both lanes were open and traffic was lesser than ususal. I do not understand why they choose to do such work during peak hour traffic.
That's how they get maximum visibility (to show they're doing something!) and give maximum pain to the public (their way to giving back)
Sorry, just being sarcastic.
But haven't we seen these civic agencies do just this over and over again ? And nothing seems to have changed. One agency patches/re-lays the road and another follows up pretty soon to dig it up. The whole thing is a cycle and we keep suffering.
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Old 30th June 2015, 10:48   #8501
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Today I realised how even the so-called latest technology may not be of any immediate help in case of an emergency. I have an Airtel postpaid connection, with prompt service especially when it comes to sending out the monthly bills.
Today sitting in a bus, I witness an accident on Hosur Road. A man made a mad rush to the road, in order to cross the road before my bus reached the spot. A motor cycle rider who was over taking the bus did not expect this man to pop out of no where. The bike hit the man at a good speed, and both fell side ways and were just lying there. My bus driver and conductor stopped the bus, ran out and and with the help of local people lifted the two men and moved them to the foot path.
I was trying to reach the 108 Ambulance service which generally has an ambulance parked around 1-2 kms away from this spot. The number could not be reached and the phone reminded me that I am dialling an invalid number :(. The bus soon resumed the journey.
I was not in a very happy mood, as I felt that I could not offer any help. But two junctions after this point, I saw a 108 Ambulance with lights and sirens on, over taking the bus and speeding away. Perhaps it was carrying the people involved in this accident. May be some other service provider's phone allowed the number to be called.
I have now dropped a complaint asking Airtel why 108 calls were not getting connected? And also a confirmation if 100,101 and 103 will get connected in an emergency. If they give a meaningful response, I shall post it here as well.

PS: I was overhearing the conversation between the driver and the conductor of our bus. The driver seems to be a new recruit, who was eager to help others. The conductor was advising him that next time he sees such accidents, he should just park the bus at a very safe distance and inform the police. Their response should end there. Helping the victims should be left to others and the police. "Don't get involved" was the gist of the message.

Last edited by sachinpk : 30th June 2015 at 10:51.
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Old 30th June 2015, 10:58   #8502
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
That's how they get maximum visibility (to show they're doing something!) and give maximum pain to the public (their way to giving back)
Sorry, just being sarcastic.
But haven't we seen these civic agencies do just this over and over again ? And nothing seems to have changed. One agency patches/re-lays the road and another follows up pretty soon to dig it up. The whole thing is a cycle and we keep suffering.
yes. This keeps happening always. I hope they also tar this stretch and not leave after filling with that mixture.
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Old 30th June 2015, 11:03   #8503
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
I was trying to reach the 108 Ambulance service which generally has an ambulance parked around 1-2 kms away from this spot. The number could not be reached and the phone reminded me that I am dialling an invalid number :(. The bus soon resumed the journey.
I was not in a very happy mood, as I felt that I could not offer any help. But two junctions after this point, I saw a 108 Ambulance with lights and sirens on, over taking the bus and speeding away. Perhaps it was carrying the people involved in this accident. May be some other service provider's phone allowed the number to be called.
I have now dropped a complaint asking Airtel why 108 calls were not getting connected? And also a confirmation if 100,101 and 103 will get connected in an emergency. If they give a meaningful response, I shall post it here as well.
We had the same problem while calling 100 few years ago. The solution was to add the STD code.

If you're calling for 108 in Bangalore, dial 080108 and the call will go through.
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Old 30th June 2015, 11:14   #8504
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by SunnyBoi View Post
If you're calling for 108 in Bangalore, dial 080108 and the call will go through.
I tried that, no luck . Tried sending an SMS also, that failed as well.
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Old 30th June 2015, 11:21   #8505
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
I tried that, no luck . Tried sending an SMS also, that failed as well.
It might be operator specific, I have a BSNL mobile and have to add STD codes for any of these short dialing numbers.
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