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Old 22nd July 2016, 10:40   #12136
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by chakri400 View Post
I am hearing a possible transport strike on Monday. Anyone hearing more about it?
Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
Nothing heard so far!
A colleague of mine confirmed that there is a big notice regarding this at BMTC Yeshwantpur. KSRTC & BMTC busses on strike Monday due to some pay arrears and PF related issues.
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Old 22nd July 2016, 11:04   #12137
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Rahul_ View Post
Sir, I happen to travel on this road on a daily basis. Also, I happen to give way everyday to people which is why you do not read of a similar situation from me everyday.
Friend, I am never for breaking the rules, would never advocate or subscribe to it.

My two points were, 'two wrongs don't make a right' and you liberally using the word 'migrant'.

More than 70% of the population in Bangalore is of migrants. Interestingly most of the members in the (BBPAG), or the Bangalore vision group are 'outsiders' in your terminology. Unless there is an unified effort, cities like Bangalore would never progress.

Road rages are nothing but display of ego and typically, younger males are more susceptible to it because their emotions are often triggered by assumptions and not reason. Which is displayed in the video. This could lead to serious medical conditions, physically and mentally.

However, there are healthy ways of dealing with it. Some of our members have been doing it in a great way!

Been there, lived there in that junction from a non-existing road to a Outer Ring Road to a Junction with Speed Breakers to Manual Signal to Electronic Signal to Underpass to the current One way Service Road, and for records I travel on that service road everyday!

Rants are part of every road, the crux is how you handle it and advocate it to others.
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Old 22nd July 2016, 11:09   #12138
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
Nothing heard so far!
Yes KSRTC has given a notice for the strike and most likely BMTC would join. However, talks are on as per a recent report to address the issue.

Last edited by LoneRidder : 22nd July 2016 at 11:13.
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Old 22nd July 2016, 11:39   #12139
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

How's the traffic on the Old Madras Road-ITPL route today ? I heard many corporates were planning team outings to watch the Rajinikanth movie Kabali that releases today.
It may be too much to expect traffic to be on the lower side, but just asking those who took the route this morning.

Last edited by SDP : 22nd July 2016 at 13:35. Reason: Typo
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Old 22nd July 2016, 16:55   #12140
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Avoid OOR from Maratahalli to Bagmane world. I left office today at 2.45 and even at that time the jam extended from rainbow almost till ISRO. Now its red all the way till Maratahalli flyover. Not sure what the problem is. I am sure even the other side i.e Bagmane to Maratahalli will also clog up because of all those cabs/TTs which will want to take the U turn at ISRO and end up blocking all lanes.
Attached Thumbnails
Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-mess.jpg  

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Old 22nd July 2016, 17:16   #12141
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Rahul_ View Post
Also, I happen to give way everyday to people which is why you do not read of a similar situation from me everyday.
Same location same situation today morning.

This time it was an Indica which broke the one way rule and headed towards an oncoming Honda City.

I am going to put this pic in BTP public eye and check the outcome.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-img_20160722_092201.jpg

Last edited by mpksuhas : 22nd July 2016 at 17:18.
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Old 22nd July 2016, 18:56   #12142
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post
Same location same situation today morning.
This time it was an Indica which broke the one way rule and headed towards an oncoming Honda City.
One way violation is very common across the city, however it becomes a major irritant at this specific place (shown in the picture) as one lane is always occupied by parked cars,etc and there are places where only one vehicle can pass at a time. Because of the above reason, even couple of guys coming in the wrong direction end of blocking the traffic completely.

Originally Posted by mpksuhas View Post
I am going to put this pic in BTP public eye and check the outcome.
Thanks mpksuhas, if everyone suffering daily on this road becomes a little proactive, this trend of one-way violation might see a decline (atleast white board vehicles).

As a first initiative, I spoke to officials and as a result you might have seen Cessna exit gate locked on this junction from today. Anyone (99.9%) coming out of that exit end up travelling in wrong direction on this one-way. Hope that brings some respite atleast.
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Old 22nd July 2016, 22:30   #12143
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

This is a good move. Hope traffic police will also be strict with other violations as well.

Parking your vehicle on Residency Road may land you in court. To rein in on unruly vehicle parkers on these roads, traffic police has decided not to not allow them to get away just for a fine of Rs 400. The vehicles will be clamped, towed and taken to court. The stringent rule was implemented on Cunningham Road, St Mark's Road and Vittal Mallya Road last year.
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Old 22nd July 2016, 22:46   #12144
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Govt told to repair roads in Bengaluru! In response to a PIL filed by Rajeev Chandrashekar who is an MP himself, the judge did mention that there were lot of potholes in the city and they have been the major cause of accidents.
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Old 23rd July 2016, 15:43   #12145
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by airbus View Post
This is a good move. Hope traffic police will also be strict with other violations as well.
My understanding is that the police have started using Sec.279 or Sec.283 of the IPC (which is about rash driving, or obstructing public roads etc.). These sections are outside the purview of MV Act, and generally requires a court appearance. They are non-compoundable. The fines do not seem to be really high, but the mandatory court appearance would be a big problem for many. The fun part is that in the court, these cases do not get much priority. So the case can be called any time during the day. Which means that the accused would have to remain in the court for the entire day, and watch out for his case being called.
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Old 23rd July 2016, 16:14   #12146
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
......the mandatory court appearance would be a big problem for many. The fun part is that in the court, these cases do not get much priority. So the case can be called any time during the day. Which means that the accused would have to remain in the court for the entire day, and watch out for his case being called.
Suits the morons just fine, I say. Hit these idiots where it hurts. Most of them may not care even for a hefty fine, but wasted time will annoy them like little else can.

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Old 23rd July 2016, 22:29   #12147
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by LoneRidder View Post
This service roads has been two way roads for ages, recently it has been made one way.
Originally Posted by Rahul_ View Post
But, are you suggesting that not obeying traffic rules is perfectly okay ? In my opinion, if everyone just follows the one way, the traffic moves smoothly even if slow. While if there are people coming in the wrong side on the oneway it just creates a deadlock. .
Originally Posted by werfish View Post
The problem is that the cops state the service roads are not one ways. I have had many arguments with cops over this.
What this reminds me of is how the administrative authorities also known in general by a filthy 10-letter word starting with "G", has the voters aka citizens aka simpletons eating out of their palms without us even realizing it. Let me quote a few examples :

1) There is a massive 4x5 pothole on the road and we'll be arguing on the right methods to take a pothole on (whether to clutch it or gas it), or argue on which car can best handle a pothole "smoothly".

2) There's a new traffic regulation in place yet which goes legally unchecked and we'll be arguing on who violated and who didn't.

3) There'll be narrow 2 feet wide roads having 2 lakh vehicles and we'll be blaming the motorists and asking them why should they all start from home at the same time as us only to block us, honk us and harass us.

4) The authorities will subsidize diesel rates and encourage the people to buy millions of diesel vehicles only to ban it the next day. We'll either blame the people for over-popularizing the fuel thus resulting in the ban or laugh at the situation being "petrol" owners.

5) If all else fails we'll pray to "God" in exasperation to simply make the situation better.

In the meantime the authorities are digging trenches on main roads, making confusing route changes, bringing in Draconian laws like banning of sun-film, upping insurance rates by ridiculous numbers annually and basically doing everything possible with road taxes, to remove any semblance of a road in existence.

Whether outsider or insider, heck even when an Indian or a foreigner.. the only rule here in India is to adapt and survive. If you can do that whilst following every known rule by sacrificing a little more of your time and patience then all the better for a good nights sleep. That's all I aim for.
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Old 24th July 2016, 12:49   #12148
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Looks like the KSRTC/BMTC strike for tomorrow is on. Expect a lot more private cars and bikes on the road tomorrow.

One paper indicates it is an indefinite strike and another paper says it is only for tomorrow.
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Old 24th July 2016, 13:29   #12149
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj View Post
Looks like the KSRTC/BMTC strike for tomorrow is on. Expect a lot more private cars and bikes on the road tomorrow.

One paper indicates it is an indefinite strike and another paper says it is only for tomorrow.
A good day to work from home then eh?
On a side note, has this bit of news made it to the papers?
Its conspiciously absent in the media...

Cheers !

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Old 24th July 2016, 14:33   #12150
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Rajeevraj
Looks like the KSRTC/BMTC strike for tomorrow is on. Expect a lot more private cars and bikes on the road tomorrow.
Originally Posted by MavericK46
Its conspiciously absent in the media...
From a few local chaps I know. The news has been spread across the Kannada news channels and news papers. Every local chappie knows this. Most of the schools also plan to declare a holiday tomorrow. So yes, private vehicles may be more but there could be less people out there on the roads .
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