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Old 16th November 2016, 18:32   #13156
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Yes, Highly impossible to retain the gate and still have the ROB function. Absolutely true and I see that already around my area only.

The Kodigehalli RUB is progressing at snail's pace and dead on one side and now we see that there are 2 underpass boxes installed at Sahakarnagar side away from the existing gate. This only means that they want to get rid of the manned gate completely and it makes sense.
Absolutely. An unlocked level crossing means no section clearance for the train. This only means that there would be delays and screwing up the operations. A train to halt and restart takes quite a bit of time. Thanks to the crazy people risking everything, have seen the train stop with the Hoodi level crossing since the gate was not closed a few years back.

Makes a lot of sense to just close and build a wall so that people dont even cross the railway tracks.
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Old 17th November 2016, 02:07   #13157
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Who thinks that the road sense and ethics in the city have completely evaporated? I mean, I cannot possibly be the only one and I should know being a resident Bangalorean.

Its absolute anarchy.. free for all parking, free for all lane-changing and if a signal doesn't work then may the cosmic force be with you because they're gonna charge like a piranha feeding frenzy. Worse yet is the amount of shouting, ego battles and covering up of mistakes > man or woman.

Are all long-time residents happy with this kind of scene or are they just oblivious, or is the enormosity of change that's required so overpowering that they just learnt to ignore it? The way I remember it the city had a soul, it used to be about the simple things in life like going to shopping in autos, catching the breeze in the evening and to shake things up, visiting the ultimate heart of the city M.G and Brigade Road.

Now its all money, more money and most money. Skyrocketing rentals and people who want to exploit it to the hilt, triple charging autos, fast disappearing British Colonial areas and fast appearing malls and classless pubs. The traffic the less said the better, every road is hell on earth. P.S I will leaf through the Polaroid's of some of the early memories of my life like in St.Marks Rd, Lalbagh, ol Airport, Kids Kemp etc.
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Old 17th November 2016, 09:12   #13158
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by dark.knight View Post
Who thinks that the road sense and ethics in the city have completely evaporated?

The way I remember it the city had a soul, it used to be about the simple things in life like going to shopping in autos, catching the breeze in the evening and to shake things up, visiting the ultimate heart of the city M.G and Brigade Road.

Now its all money, more money and most money. Skyrocketing rentals and people who want to exploit it to the hilt, triple charging autos, fast disappearing British Colonial areas and fast appearing malls and classless pubs.
+1 dark.knight and I know exactly how you feel and what you mean.

I have grown up in Malleswaram all my life and can't believe that Sampige road (in front of Mantri Mall) was a 2 way. What is more disheartening is the fact that inspite of this, we could cross the road with utmost ease

People were way more sensible and motor accidents were very few & far between. Life was simple, easy and most importantly un-adultrated.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-pic1.jpg

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Last edited by noopster : 17th November 2016 at 11:31. Reason: It's a lovely post, let's not spoil it :)
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Old 17th November 2016, 09:56   #13159
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

I learnt cycling between the junctions of Windtunnel Road and Rajeshwari Theatre on old airport road. Silver Jubilee Park near town hall used to our meeting point as kids. Kids crossing the road, that too one way road now looks impossible. Today the road has eaten half of the park and the road itself has become overly crowded.

Not sure if all those were just dreams

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Old 17th November 2016, 10:08   #13160
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Ola and Uber have flooded our streets. Somebody on TBhp mentioned about how when stuck in traffic if you look around you would only see yellow plates. This now has become my favorite pastime, and I do not get disappointed most of the times.

Yesterday, on the narrow road to Manyata, one Uber Etios tried to push me and my Kinetic Nova into the gutter. Just for the fun of it. Thank God I could manage to wriggle out of the situation without going into the gutter, otherwise a fracture was definitely on the cards. I don't know why he did it, the most probable reason was frustration of sitting in traffic. He then tried to pick up a fight with me, I was going to work and had an important meeting to attend that required my un-distracted attention, so decided to swallow my pride and move on without getting dragged into an argument.

The point I am trying to make is, look at the faces of the Cab Drivers, most of them have a frown. Its an open secret that a majority are behind the wheel for the money and not for the love of driving. This frustration, no rest, dealing with unpleasant customers, getting pulled up by Traffic Police, dense traffic, the financials of owning a car and managing your money etc. all gets pent up and is waiting for an outlet to explode like a volcano

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Old 17th November 2016, 20:19   #13161
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by TheARUN View Post

The point I am trying to make is, look at the faces of the Cab Drivers, most of them have a frown. Its an open secret that a majority are behind the wheel for the money and not for the love of driving. This frustration, no rest, dealing with unpleasant customers, getting pulled up by Traffic Police, dense traffic, the financials of owning a car and managing your money etc. all gets pent up and is waiting for an outlet to explode like a volcano
Very topical:
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Old 18th November 2016, 07:56   #13162
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Bad jam on rainbow hospital to maratahalli Stretch when coming from maratahalli. Avoid if possible.
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Old 18th November 2016, 08:58   #13163
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Some positive news this week on the Suburban Railway initiative for Bangalore..
Source:Suburban Rail Gets A Push, Railways Asked To Link 4 Stations

Source:Bangarpet-Baiyappanahalli Railway Link To Help Whitefield IT Crowd
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Old 18th November 2016, 10:16   #13164
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Coming from HSR to KR Puram side today-
Started at 0910 am.
The traffic through Agara flyover through Iblur till Ecospace was unusually lean and I thought I was lucky today.

Not so.
The traffic from Kabudisanhalli until Bagmane Business Constellation Park more than compensated for the joy.
Unusually slow/crawling traffic in this stretch.
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Old 18th November 2016, 10:52   #13165
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by TheARUN View Post
The point I am trying to make is, look at the faces of the Cab Drivers, most of them have a frown. Its an open secret that a majority are behind the wheel for the money and not for the love of driving. This frustration, no rest, dealing with unpleasant customers, getting pulled up by Traffic Police, dense traffic, the financials of owning a car and managing your money etc. all gets pent up and is waiting for an outlet to explode like a volcano
Most of us here love driving. But, do we really love driving in this dense traffic. If yes, probably we would never be visiting this thread!

The App based cars have created a new business line and economic independence to many. Similar like a typical software worker, unless you find avenues to make yourself engaged in other activities, you could end of with lot of health issues here too. Whenever I took a cab, I quickly pick up a quick conversation with the driver. Not just to know what and how he is, but mostly to keep him under cool, awake and conscious at least till I reach my point.

More often than not, most of the drivers work continuously for 5 days or more in a week 24/7. They take rest between rides, do not eat on time, eat bakery items sometimes thrice a day or skip a meal just to keep them awake etc. Majority of their life is simply just not OK.

When they are new to business all is hunky-dory. A driver with a year in business would give you a mixed feedback. And most of them above 2 years, are mostly burnt out, with loads of negative feedback, but still continuing with the business. They are down psychologically and physically.

For most, the sheer volume of money is a big driving force. A year back these drivers easily earned 70-90k per month (profits). Earlier they got commission based on the number of trips. Now it’s paid based on the earnings per day. As per the recent inputs the typical profits have dropped to 30~40 k per month. This gap makes them to put more work and pressure. Still, it is quite good for a driver who if he would have worked with a private cab operator earned around 15k per month.

The App based companies are here to do business. Most of them have come with good funding. This is a standard business model. Feed the customer and driver with discounted price to capture the market in the initial days, once you capture the market, (kill the rival business - here private cabs, meru, taxi for sure and more), bring in controls. Here cabbies are stuck with no options but to continue with it until a new player comes and shakes the market.

I know an owner cum driver who starts everyday around 8:00 am in the morning planning to be back by 7:00 pm. However most of the time, he would end up returning only by around 12 night or late. He says most of the time; he would be few trips/rupees short for the commission and goes for that extra booking which would further lead to additional booking.

In simple they get lured by the money and have a low ability self contain! So next time when you get into a cab, give a Big Grin to the driver, there you would get a whole different perspective of what they actually are!
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Old 18th November 2016, 23:56   #13166
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Came across this news today. Been hearing about this since a while and doesn't have hope it will be ready by January as mentioned.

However a good step and hope it materializes soon.

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Old 21st November 2016, 12:12   #13167
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

As part of no-toll exercise due to demonetization, elevated expressway is open to all. I found auto-rickshaws yesterday and today and was thinking what else can go wrong, and to my surprise I saw a new age young cyclist in top of it without even wearing reflective coats (yesterday night) !! Elevated expressway has become and Elevated town road.
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Old 22nd November 2016, 10:27   #13168
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Today first time I saw a traffic police standing at the exit of Agara flyover towards Iblur.
This resulted in traffic coming from Silk Board side piling up on 2/3rd of the flyover. If Silk Board signal opens, this would have easily stretched back till Agara Deposit/Mantri Apartments.

The regulation of traffic towards Iblur didn't help much as it was mess as always.
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Old 22nd November 2016, 12:16   #13169
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Some positive news this week on the Suburban Railway initiative for Bangalore..
This is good news (for a start). The news is not very clear on what timings the Bayyapanahalli bound MEMU would arrive at Whitefield or Hoody stations. It is supposed to reach BYPL at 1710Hrs. It is the return trip of this MEMU (at 1715Hrs) which may be actually benefiting many people (who may not be the IT crowd).

Need to see if there are any connecting trains from BYPL, which goes towards HSRA side in and around the same time. That may benefit more IT crowd who can use the MEMU too reach BYPL, wait there for the DEMU (or any other train) going towards HSRA side.
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Old 22nd November 2016, 12:50   #13170
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by sachinpk View Post
Need to see if there are any connecting trains from BYPL, which goes towards HSRA side in and around the same time
Only one DEMU at 18.51 which goes to Dharmapuri. I think there is a lot of scope for connecting Bangalore via Suburban trains but the biggest road blocks are KR Puram, Yeshwantpur & Blr City railway stations which are already jam packed.
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