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Old 26th April 2017, 08:36   #13936
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Good move. I hope the drivers are also trained on the importance of parking & stopping correctly at bus stops - most often they park haphazardly and at bus stops they do not use the bus bays and end up stopping in the middle of the road/lane blocking traffic.
Regarding stopping at bus bays, I have observed that in almost all the cases the people waiting for busses are responsible for this. People don't wait in the shelter but in the bus bay forcing the bus to stop on the road instead of the bus bay

Look at this satellite image of Hosur road(Singasandra bus stop) from Google maps. People are waiting outside the shelter on the bus bay forcing the bus to stop on the road and not in the bus bay.

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-capture.jpg

This is not when the shelter is full, in fact I observe daily that only when there is no place in the bus bay, do people stand in the shelter.
When this is the case in a well planned and constructed road like Hosur road, other places it's only worse.

Not that BMTC bus drivers are ideal drivers, but they are forced to do such things most of the times.
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Old 26th April 2017, 08:44   #13937
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by NPV View Post
Good move. I hope the drivers are also trained on the importance of parking & stopping correctly at bus stops - most often they park haphazardly and at bus stops they do not use the bus bays and end up stopping in the middle of the road/lane blocking traffic.
Atleast in the photo shared, there are no bus stops to train drivers.

BMTC must train its drivers on,
* Where to stop at bus top
* How & how long to stop at the bus stop

Now, buses stop in the middle of the road, far behind or far ahead of the designated bus stops. Some buses stop for over 10 minutes and block the traffic behind. If there is already a bus at the bus stop, the drivers in the buses coming towards the stop confused on what to do.

Another point is there is no consistency in the bus stops. BBMP & BMTC must ensure most bus-stops are consistent in the design for both passengers & bus drivers.

Originally Posted by hemanth.anand View Post
Regarding stopping at bus bays, I have observed that in almost all the cases the people waiting for busses are responsible for this. People don't wait in the shelter but in the bus bay forcing the bus to stop on the road instead of the bus bay
I have looked at many cases on where people wait at bus-stops. I have come to the conclusion that the fault is with bus-drivers. People wait where the drivers stop the bus. I wait in bus shelters but the bus stops way behind or in the middle of the road. Either I have run and catch the bus or miss the bus. Other option is to wait at where bus stop.

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Old 26th April 2017, 09:21   #13938
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Huge Traffic jam on Hosur Rd. Check Google Maps Traffic before you leave home. 40 min delay. ( Direction Electronic City to Madiwala)

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Old 26th April 2017, 09:56   #13939
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Even if people are standing out of the bus shelter area/pavement, the bus driver should ideally make his way and stop. If this is followed sincerely, people will learn. Instead, the bus drivers are lazy to do so. They dont want to exit their lane and stop on the side since they will have to merge back into the road. Hence, stop where you are, pick up passengers and the lane ahead would be clear due to their block, and they can just accelerate effortlessly. No steering effort required. Even if one good driver pulls to the side and stops, another a@(*$(( will cut him out and stop there.

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Old 26th April 2017, 09:59   #13940
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by mvadg View Post
Huge Traffic jam on Hosur Rd. Check Google Maps Traffic before you leave home. 40 min delay. ( Direction Electronic City to Madiwala)
Just got to my office in Bommanahalli. Terrible jam on Hosur Road northbound (towards Silk Board). Traffic is completely normal for this time of the day once past the Madiwala underpass. BETL is also choked in this direction.

Cops are trying to clear the junction at Madiwala Police Station by giving northbound traffic priority, but it does not seem to be helping too much. Also, I saw a minor accident on the Silk Board flyover between a motorcycle and a cab in the middle of all this mess. Both drivers had got down and were arguing, blocking off one lane completely.
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Old 26th April 2017, 13:26   #13941
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by KiloAlpha View Post
Cops are trying to clear the junction at Madiwala Police Station by giving northbound traffic priority, but it does not seem to be helping too much.
All this because of

1. The right turn introduced near the total mall junction going towards krupanidhi college. People stop here for taking right from all directions and block the other lanes.
2. People who want to take the road on top of the underpass (which is on the left most lane) again try to merge to this lane at the last minute blocking entry of vehicles to the underpass.
3. All the private buses which stop haphazardly along the stretch from the underpass. And not to mention the autos, cabs and the private vehicles which stop wherever they want to get on to these buses.

I used to dread my route to office everyday when I was working in EC as I had to take this route to and fro. No initiatives will work unless people understand and change.
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Old 26th April 2017, 13:41   #13942
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie View Post
All this because of

1. The right turn introduced near the total mall junction ...
2. People who want to take the road on top of the underpass ...
3. All the private buses which stop haphazardly ...
While all of the above is true, today was unusual because:
1. RJ said she got a voice note about the jam as early as 7:15am!!
2. Very small trickle of vehicles wanting to turn right at Madiwala Police Station/Total Mall. Much fewer than average as I have observed.
3. Cops enforcing lane discipline at the approach to Madiwala underpass meant that traffic wanting to go straight was not impeded.
4. Very few private buses, autos, et al parked in Madiwala, so ~3 lanes was free for traffic.

There simply was no discernible reason for the jam today morning.
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Old 26th April 2017, 14:50   #13943
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Was hearing this news in local news channels today morning and happen to read it now as well.

Karnataka government is planning to build road tunnels for decongesting the city. Plan is to build road tunnels at four critical junctions across the city. There was a meeting on monday between Bangalore development minister, KJ George , Bangalore mayor and a delegation of experts from Bulgaria. The proposed tunnels are from
1. T Chowdaiah Road (near BDA head office) to Esteem mall;
2. Goraguntepalya, Tumakuru road to Rajkumar Samadhi along Outer Ring Road;
3. Nayandahalli junction to Majestic;
4. Jalahalli Aiyappa temple to Air Force Station along Subroto Mukherjee Road.

After the meeting, the mayor mentioned that she is against public consultation as she felt that it is waste of time as people oppose any idea. Also she mentioned that the time frame given by the experts was 3-4 months to complete building the tunnel.

Source and info at TOI .
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Old 26th April 2017, 15:16   #13944
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie View Post
Plan is to build road tunnels at four critical junctions across the city.

After the meeting, the mayor mentioned that she is against public consultation as she felt that it is waste of time.
Yet another plan to recoup the losses suffered by the shelving of the steel flyover? I guess time is running out, as the MCC will kick in by mid-Feb which leaves KJG & pals another 10 months barely.

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Old 26th April 2017, 15:39   #13945
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by TorqueyTechie View Post
After the meeting, the mayor mentioned that she is against public consultation as she felt that it is waste of time as people oppose any idea. Also she mentioned that the time frame given by the experts was 3-4 months to complete building the tunnel.

I might be termed as one of the many who oppose such ideas, but such foolish statements about not consulting public, 3-4 month time frame and so on is such a load of bull. If she is not willing to consult public, the same so called bunch of people will approach the court and will let higher government bodies declare whether such a project is good or bad. Thats what happened with the steel flyover.

And I think the Belgian experts were given a rosy picture of the state of affairs here, or in the country. 3-4 months can only be possible as long as there are no blockers. The moment they start drilling, they will encounter all types of cables and pipelines and so on. A simple pedestrian underpass has taken forever to build in places like market due to such issues. If these issues are put in front of the expert, they might change their decision. However, it is not done that way.

Last edited by Zappo : 26th April 2017 at 18:31. Reason: Clean up.
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Old 26th April 2017, 16:05   #13946
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
I might be termed as one of the many who oppose such ideas, but such foolish statements about not consulting public, 3-4 month time frame and so on is such a load of bull. If she is not willing to consult public, the same so called bunch of people will approach the court and will let higher government bodies declare whether such a project is good or bad. Thats what happened with the steel flyover.
Well said Bro. Likewise if you recollect, BBMP had dug the Sarjapur Main Road opposite to St Francis school ICSE in Koramangala. I think the plan was to have a signal free corridor. This meant that all buses including interstate transport buses would enter the service road adjacent to the school and then go via Madiwala market.
In the morning times when kids are dropped to school and if the buses comes in the way , what would have been the situation.
This move was protested by the residents including the school principal who met the then CM Sadananda Gowda and appraised him of the problem.
The CM then cancelled this proposal and the dug up road was covered later.
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Old 27th April 2017, 09:18   #13947
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

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Old 27th April 2017, 15:22   #13948
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Need an urgent help!

Anybody been to watch IPL at stadium this season? I am planning to go tonight, but wondering about the parking options, and also the transport option if I go by other modes. I would like to go by my car, but will I get a parking space somewhere and is it convenient. Anybody out there?

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Old 27th April 2017, 17:07   #13949
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Originally Posted by balenoed_ View Post
Need an urgent help!

Anybody been to watch IPL at stadium this season? I am planning to go tonight, but wondering about the parking options, and also the transport option if I go by other modes. I would like to go by my car, but will I get a parking space somewhere and is it convenient. Anybody out there?
You can try parking on Infantry road and walk down or behind the stadium there an open lot near Cubbon Road. Or at worst Shivajinagar bus stop multi level car parking.
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Old 27th April 2017, 18:51   #13950
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by balenoed_ View Post
Need an urgent help!
You might have started already but if you haven't, going by metro is the best option. They run the trains till an hour or so after the end of the match.

Or, if your place isn't metroed yet, please go to the nearest station by cab/auto/bus etc and get on from there. It would be better to avoid driving to/near the stadium.
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