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Old 5th September 2014, 19:22   #2296
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
The other day I waited 5 min patiently to get a parking slot in besant nagar. Then took my son for icecream and some shopping. 10 min later I discovered this gift.

Attachment 1283179
Ouch.. that's very deep.

This is very common on Besant nagar beach. Don't take a clean looking car there or better park around your vicinity and keep an eye on it. My cousin paid a big price for taking his brand new car with just 2 days old, came back with deep scratches all over the bonnet.

This is mainly done by some teenage boys around the area, they also scare away morning walkers driving maniacally in bicycles and motorbikes. Recently TOI also reported this in an article.

Between, i came to this thread to report this trend catching up among more and more two wheeler's here, taking a right turn casually by coming to the extreme right on the road. The approaching vehicles will be extremely surprised/shocked/panic ed by this attitude. Noticing this in many by lanes and even at main roads without dividers.

Another scary thing, two wheeler's without headlight. Yesterday nite, had a very close call when a biker without headlight attempting to overtake a Tata ACE (which by default runs with highbeam on). Thankfully i have space at left to maneuver at very last moment.

Road sense is decreasing dangerously.
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Old 6th September 2014, 18:19   #2297
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Need help !
Do we have a good independent Car Service station near Velachery ? Hyundai service turns out to be quite expensive for a five year out of warranty vehicle.
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Old 12th September 2014, 22:54   #2298
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Saw an electronic sign board opposite Saidapet civil court today which was giving approx time information. It was saying SRP via IIT is 7-10 min and via Velachery 17 - 19 mins. Is this some sort of trial? Nice addition, and the timelines look accurate enough
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Old 12th September 2014, 23:06   #2299
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Originally Posted by arvind71181 View Post
Saw an electronic sign board opposite Saidapet civil court today which was giving approx time information. It was saying SRP via IIT is 7-10 min and via Velachery 17 - 19 mins. Is this some sort of trial? Nice addition, and the timelines look accurate enough

This has been there since a couple of weeks or so
So too the online version along with 3-4 other flavours offering congestion, cctv views at few locations etc.
Apparently a Pilot program on real time traffic flow b/w iitm cdac etc
More available in google- search for rtis iitm chennai
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Old 24th September 2014, 19:37   #2300
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Traffic near the Tidel Park - Thiruvamiyur Metro station is becoming increasingly dangerous with people paying no heed to the traffic lights. Especially these 2 spots -
1) Vehicles coming from Tidel park (service lane) going towards Perungudi Toll booth. The taxi morons especially have no patience what so ever at this signal and often try to bully by barging into tight spaces between vehicles or by continuously honking to push them out on the on-coming traffic. Every time I stand my ground here I end up having an argument with one of these guys. Therefore, I've opted to stay to the right (somewhat a middle lane of the road) to take a left turn after the signal turns green. Sadly there are no traffic cops at 10.00pm at these places.
2) Vehicles coming from Madhya Kailash, going towards Perungudi Toll Booth. Beyond 10.00pm the traffic almost never stops for the traffic moving across either direction at the signal.

I feel OMR overall is becoming a horrible place to drive on mostly because of the Taxis.

Really hope the cops do something about this. Despite informing them numerous times nothing happens.
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Old 25th September 2014, 01:10   #2301
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Did anyone notice a burnt up Fiesta near Madhya Kailash. You can notice it when you turn from Sardar patel road to get into Rajiv Gandhi road. Saw it today and it was grey one. Completely burnt up except for the boot. Any news on when and how it happened?

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Old 25th September 2014, 03:13   #2302
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by no_boundaries View Post
I feel OMR overall is becoming a horrible place to drive on mostly because of the Taxis.
So do I, and not only because of the taxis, although they and their mosquito ways are responsible for making it feel almost like the airport road.

This used to be my easy, stress-free, nice drive home. Now it is a high tension place in which we have to have eyes and attention everywhere to try to be safe.
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Old 25th September 2014, 13:16   #2303
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Last week a taxi hit my car and started using street language. I went over my cool and almost hit him when the bystanders dragged me away from him. Isn’t there a way to curb these morons? 90% of the accidents happen because of these Idiots.
And they have absolutely no traffic sense, they park in the middle of the street, front of your house gate, occupy the free left lane, occupy both lanes when they have to take a U turn near IT companies ( MGR Salai, Perungudi) and to top it all, abuse us if we follow road rules and drive at speed limits.
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Old 25th September 2014, 14:41   #2304
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Guess the road tax collection drive has started in Chennai as well. Apparently there are teams permanently stationed in Guindy at both sides during off peak hours: near the Ashok leyland building and opposite the bp petrol pump at the start of Velachery main road. Those who are taking these routes with non-TN regd cars, better take alternate routes.
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Old 25th September 2014, 14:49   #2305
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Originally Posted by prkiran View Post
Guess the road tax collection drive has started in Chennai as well. Apparently there are teams permanently stationed in Guindy at both sides during off peak hours: near the Ashok leyland building and opposite the bp petrol pump at the start of Velachery main road. Those who are taking these routes with non-TN regd cars, better take alternate routes.
It is not restricted to non-TN registered cars alone but they stop non-Chennai registered vehicles too! A friend of mine riding a bike met with an accident when these morons, in their bid to stop a car, made the car driver apply sudden brake and the friend who was following the car, too had to apply brake of his bike suddenly. In the process, the brake wire got cut and his bike hit the car.
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Old 25th September 2014, 15:25   #2306
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by Jack Sparrow View Post
Did anyone notice a burnt up Fiesta near Madhya Kailash. You can notice it when you turn from Sardar patel road to get into Rajiv Gandhi road. Saw it today and it was grey one. Completely burnt up except for the boot. Any news on when and how it happened?

Yes i spotted it yesterday late night. Not sure what really happened but the car was burnt mostly in the front.
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Old 26th September 2014, 11:45   #2307
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Today saw a notice that the toll on OMR is going up, and a one way for cars is 25. I am not sure who authorises these. In the first place this road is anything but a toll road. The cattle happily lie/ loiter on the road. The barricades also dont help. The intersections are poorly designed and travel from perungudi to navalur takes more than an hour during peak hours. Also the road quality is not all that great these days.

Just hope that we could have some way to remove this toll, especially there is no way it can be bypassed when your company is between these 2 tolls.

I am more than happy to pay the tolls if they could build a skyway, with exits to go down to various intersections!!
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Old 26th September 2014, 12:34   #2308
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by klassics45
Not sure what really happened but the car was burnt mostly in the front.
I also noticed this couple days ago and yes, it was the front that was mostly burnt out. Looked liked a relatively new car.

Originally Posted by raghu.t.k
Today saw a notice that the toll on OMR is going up, and a one way for cars is 25. I am not sure who authorises these. In the first place this road is anything but a toll road.
Again ???? Wasn't it only recently that they had hiked rates ? I remember posting about it on this thread, maybe couple pages ago. And this for a road that they have not completed and has all sorts of hazards (barricades, cattle, water-logging in slight rains, big open drainholes in service-lane etc).
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Old 26th September 2014, 15:46   #2309
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Any update on the road conditions in Moolakadai.

I am planning to drive down from Hyderabad and last time this road was totally dug up.
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Old 26th September 2014, 16:21   #2310
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Hard to stay away from this topic! IQ levels are alarmingly low with most road users that it is considered a sin to be following rules. During peak hours there is always a long line of vehicles at the Thorappakkam toll booth that it is now acceptable for morons to drive on the wrong side and rejoin the correct side at the intersection just before the toll booth. And when you park your car somewhere there is always a bike parked in front and at the back of your car when you return! Last week I got sandwiched between a Safari and an Etios all because an auto-rickshaw decided to make a mad dash from the left lane to take a right turn just before the safari resulting in a 4 car pile-up and the auto was gone without even bothering to take a look at the damage he had caused. The Etios hit me from behind and I got my first front dent and since it was a Safari in front, it missed my bumper and the contact was above the front grill. One can never be careful enough on these roads.
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