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Old 18th April 2011, 17:12   #676
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by supremeBaleno View Post
Used to be only Chennai, but now they have company - cops have started putting these barricades in Kerala too. And guess where ? On the highway.

Have noticed them on the stretch of NH47 between Kayankulam and Kollam - maybe at other stretches too, but this is where I travel mostly. As it is, this so-called NH is just a 2-lane, median-less road and then they have to put these barricades to slow down traffic further.

BTW, one commonality I noticed was the sponsor (textile showrooms) - remember seeing a Chennai Silks sponsored one at Kerala.
I was caught for speeding there at 40KM/H. I crossed a school zone on a Sunday in that useless patholed road which had speed limit of 25KM/H
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Old 27th April 2011, 12:35   #677
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Another dent to the rear bumper

Sunday, early evening, still light.

Turning right from Thyagaraya Rd onto Anna Salai, I was first at the signal, as it turned green, I started to move, but a woman ran in front so I slammed on the brake.


Innova behind. Of course, the guy told me I'd stopped suddenly. I asked him if I thought I should have killed the woman, and how come he hadn't seen her?

I guess an Innova driver could probably afford a Swift bumper, but it didn't look much and I just could not be bothered with fighting.

As to the damage: if it had been the first, I suppose it would show, but it really is quite minor --- just another bump.
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Old 27th April 2011, 15:44   #678
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Re: Another dent to the rear bumper

Originally Posted by anachronix
I was caught for speeding there at 40KM/H. I crossed a school zone on a Sunday in that useless patholed road which had speed limit of 25KM/H
Quite some speed-traps on the road, so am not surprised. For some reason (must be age-ing, as per wifey), I find myself cruising at 60kmph or less nowadays on that stretch of 2-lane road (I refuse to call it an NH) irrespective of the car.

BTW, one good thing in Kerala is the lookout for unbelted driver and fining them - Dad was fined 100bucks recently. Dad needs prodding to belt up, with Mom reminding him. FIL won't belt up even with prodding - but tell him that cops are on the lookout and he will belt up immediately - on his Activa, the helmet always stays in the storage compartment.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom
As to the damage: if it had been the first, I suppose it would show, but it really is quite minor --- just another bump.
Yeah, I no longer bother about a hit from behind. Or even some rogue biker at the sides. Too much hassle without any benefit, unless you plan to act tough. Better to ignore and move away - atleast you dont spoil your mood/day.
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Old 27th April 2011, 18:08   #679
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Quote: least you dont spoil your mood/day.
I spoke my mind, which meant I could move on without too much mental disturbance. I get much more upset by the rash drivers who are gone before I could even open a window!
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Old 17th May 2011, 11:17   #680
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

I was coming on the Kotturpuram road (Gandhi mandapam road) towards Cenotaph road today around 10am. Crossed the Ranjith road intersection and was driving down the middle lane and there comes our hero - a biker in his CBZ Xtreme in the mid of the middle lane driving very slowly with his left indicator on fiddling with his mobile phone. He also had earphone on and I instantly thought he is doing some sms stuff while driving. Irritated, I start honking non-stop and then this guy realizes (or does he?) and move to the third lane signalling me to go forward and frowning and mumbling something. I showed my finger and moved off.

Scene 2: the hero starts the chase sequence (still with the left indicator on), though I did not try to run away. I noticed in my rear-view mirror that he is trying hard to reach me might be to use some foul language. He comes to the left side, starts honking. I just show my mobile phone and say - Don't use it while driving - and I move off.

Now scene 3: I ascend the Cenotaph road flyover and this guy again catches up with me - this time on the right side. I lower my window.

Hero: Whats the problem, man? (Yov, enna kai kaamchutu pora?)
Me: Don't use the mobile while driving.
Hero: I didn't use mobile. I was changing songs in ipod. (as if it is very much permissible)
Me: I don't care. Stop your bike and do whatever you want.
Hero: Stop the car. I have got Police training. I will show who I'm.
Me: Go, bring elders from your family to talk. (Chi po. Poi veetla irundu periyavangala kootikittu vaa).

Hero turns off at this comment and I take the turn opposite to Cavin Kare and the hero goes straight towards Mount road.
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Old 17th May 2011, 14:15   #681
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by callvvijay View Post
Me: Go, bring elders from your family to talk. (Chi po. Poi veetla irundu periyavangala kootikittu vaa).
couldn't stop laughing at... good one.
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Old 17th May 2011, 15:46   #682
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by callvvijay View Post
Hero: Stop the car. I have got Police training. I will show who I'm.
Me: Go, bring elders from your family to talk. (Chi po. Poi veetla irundu periyavangala kootikittu vaa).
Why, all these nincompoops have some relation to the police?

Another nincompoop here
Originally Posted by silversteed View Post
Biker: Do you know who I am? (cutting me off)
Me: No
Biker: You don't know who I am. I'm from crime branch (naan cryyymmm brrranchu daaa)
Me: Ok (looking at him in his eyes)
Biker: Where do you stay?
Me: Choolaimedu, near the station
Biker: Get on to the bike, let's go to the police station
Me: What for?
Biker: I'll see you in your room very soon
Me: Fine, you're welcome (in English)
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Old 17th May 2011, 23:43   #683
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai


I understand your irritation. But I have gone to the point where its of no use to get into a verbal fight or even showing my finger. Its not really worth it. I am learning to drive with more patience now, happy to amble at 60-80kmph which inturn is giving me close to 18KMPL FE and keeping me out of these fights.

I would advice to be very cautious getting into such scenes or fight knowing we cant do much after a damage is done, be it bodily or be it a damage to the car. Its better to drive with Gandhiji like forgiveness to keep our things intact
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Old 18th May 2011, 00:00   #684
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

I agree with VW2010. No point getting into altercations. Just move on, however easy that sounds, though difficult in reality.

You never know who the other guy is and a simple flipping the bird can become serious like 2 of my friends learnt. One of them just had to massage a hurt ego (I mentioned this on another thread), while the other had his windshield broken. Just ignore and move on.

I do agree with you that most bikers in Chennai ride such that they expect others to take care of their lives. But there is nothing we can do about it. Like they say in Kannada, "Swalpa adjust maadi".
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Old 18th May 2011, 00:15   #685
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

+1 vw2010, sb

I lose my patience off and on, however today on my way back home no horns and one horn in the morning - it startled me more than anyone else, usually its to just tell people that they are driving incorrectly, never to move ahead. Then it became using the dipper often and now I feel I am using them too much. At peace with myself these days. It grows slowly into your system. God save them for they dont know what they are doing. Keep saying it... slowly you would stop saying that too
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Old 18th May 2011, 10:03   #686
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
I am learning to drive with more patience now, happy to amble at 60-80kmph which inturn is giving me close to 18KMPL FE and keeping me out of these fights.
No offence, but if 80 KMPH is "ambling along" for you, remember even that speed is not allowed on city roads or even peripheries! Normally 60 is the max speed for cars. When we cross that, we ourselves are breaking the law and should not fume at others who break some more!

I always do the maximum to keep out of arguements. The other fellow might be a ruffian, for all we know. A few months ago my nephew took his spanking new Ritz ZXi to Tanjore. Got in to a fight with a car behind him at the Chenglepet toll booth. Result - that fellow deliberately rammed him in the rear, and pretended it was an accident.
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Old 18th May 2011, 22:20   #687
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

No offence, but if 80 KMPH is "ambling along" for you, remember even that speed is not allowed on city roads or even peripheries!
I Totally agree here. When i meant ambling, i just meant i get few places where i can slot the 5th gear in my Jetta and that is always between 60-80

Like they say in Kannada, "Swalpa adjust maadi".
Bike riders should just stick to either the left lane or the right lane. I hate to see those morons riding at 20KMPH on the right lane close to the median. A gentle squeeze by any car or lorry spells dooms day for these bikers.

And why on earth would you want to hear to your ipod or phones while riding a bike.

Dont get me started with the bikers. I may just explode

In City i just take either the center or the right most lane and and i am ready to sacrifice the 10 or may be 15 minutes i may gain by driving fast.
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Old 18th May 2011, 22:34   #688
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

In City i just take either the center or the right most lane
I have to confess... I have given up any pretence of following the drive-on-the-left rule.

On roads like ECR it is just too dangerous, with pedestrians wandering around, and many blockages anyway. On a 3-lane road like OMR, it seems to work best to leave the left lane for the bikes and autos, and drive mostly in the middle, using the right for overtaking --- except, of course, when one of those pottering bikes or autos is taking up that lane.

I've even given up getting mad at people who overtake on the left. Especially if I am taking up the right lane, and don't feel it safe to move to the left. Let them take the risk!
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Old 18th May 2011, 23:01   #689
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

I understand your irritation. But I have gone to the point where its of no use to get into a verbal fight or even showing my finger. Its not really worth it. I am learning to drive with more patience now
After letting out my irritation and posting the happenings here, I doubt if you people will believe me if I say that I have controlled my emotions a lot over the past year(s). But, my wife can definitely vouch for that. We used to make fun the other insane drivers among ourselves and leave it out at that point. But, guess it was one of my bad day. And, your point is well noted and taken - thanks for that!!

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
I have to confess... I have given up any pretence of following the drive-on-the-left rule.

On a 3-lane road like OMR
When was that? No one told me that OMR has become a 3 lane road. I was there even 2 days back to drop my wife in her office.

Just kidding!! Anyway, please don't ever consider OMR as a 3 lane road. We are being looted of Rs.19/- (or Rs.35/- for return) for no proper infrastructure.
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Old 19th May 2011, 00:40   #690
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re: Traffic and life on the roads in Chennai

I mean the Tidel Park stretch.

I seldom drive down as far as the toll, as I live near Perungudi
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