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Old 11th May 2017, 10:08   #1531
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Sad to know they were your classmates.

Aquaplaning cannot increase speed. Yes it's sad to see lives lost but when reckless driving results in permanent end there is no other conclusion. Known or unknown does not change the fact.

As far as pillars and barricades I do not see any bright reflections on the video to indicate proper marking. That is one negligence that is very common with contractors and civic agencies that needs to be punished.

Last edited by sudev : 11th May 2017 at 10:15.
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Old 11th May 2017, 10:10   #1532
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by prithm View Post
It is possible. Visit KBR Park road early hours of Saturday or Sunday or Monday mornings and see the speeds these super rich kids achieve in short sprints.

Infact the road is incline from check post and then it declines towards Madhapur. So, if you floor the pedal at Check Post, you will would have reached 150 by the time you reach the famous Jag showroom and the bends are not 90 deg. They snake. With the metro pillar work going on and the barricades put in place, nothing deters them.
The location is barely 500m from the check-post signal. Moreover you'll see the brake lights fully lit before impact. I feel its almost impossible to reach those speeds(150-200) on that stretch with the metro work going on and the incline at the starting of the road. Can someone do the math? The G63 AMG does 0-100 in about 5.5 secs.

A friend of a friend knows that kid. Apparently waited for the weather to get better and then started. Was a teetotaller and well liked. Sadly thrill has consequences. IMHO, At such a young age, its very hard to resist driving such cars within speed limits. Sad to see their lives lost.
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Old 11th May 2017, 10:21   #1533
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by wannabelean View Post
The location is barely 500m from the check-post signal. Moreover you'll see the brake lights fully lit before impact. I feel its almost impossible to reach those speeds(150-200) on that stretch with the metro work going on and the incline at the starting of the road. Can someone do the math? The G63 AMG does 0-100 in about 5.5 secs.
This G63 AMG owner took 7 secs to hit 100 kmph and 20 secs to reach 200 kmph mark.

By the way, we have already discussed "speedo needle stuck at certain speed" at the time of accident and what it means on some thread. There is a very high probability of that being the actual speed at the time of impact based on numerous crash reports. Just do a Google search.

High probability yes, but one cannot say with 100% certainty. You can compare the G63 crashing video with Fifth Gear 200 kph crash video, if it helps.
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Old 11th May 2017, 10:51   #1534
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by IshaanIan View Post
To those speculating, claiming they "got what they deserved", or they were "possibly drunk", let me say that these two were my classmates from school and Nishith was someone who did not like to drink at all. It is sad to see lives lost so easily, I suspect the car aquaplaned and there was nothing they could do to shed speed or change their directional course.

Yeah it's sad to see lives lost so easily.

I doubt anybody would care about the potentially easily lost life of the persons he could have killed if the pillar was not in place to stop him.

We all know the stories of these rich kids. Nana (Telugu for father) is a minister so he can get away with anything.

It infuriates me how nobody fails to see who could have got hurt without the pillar in place.

I don't know Nishith. I do have a thing against rich kids in fast cars thinking they're all that. One moron almost crashed into me once in Hyderabad in his Audi Q7.

Ever since then I have 0 empathy for them, in fact I am happy when they die rather than causing innocents hurt.

Last edited by Rehaan : 11th May 2017 at 11:28. Reason: Post edited. Please put your point across in a respectable way.
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Old 11th May 2017, 10:57   #1535
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by D33-PAC View Post
Yeah yeah yeah it's sad to see lives lost so easily.

I doubt anybody would care about the potentially easily lost life of the persons he could have killed if the pillar was not in place to stop him.

We all know the stories of these rich kids. Nana (Telugu for father) is a minister so he can get away with anything.

It infuriates me how nobody fails to see who could have got hurt without the pillar in place.

I don't know Nishith. I do have a thing against rich kids in fast cars thinking they're all that. One moron almost crashed into me once in Hyderabad in his Audi Q7.

Ever since then I have 0 empathy for them, in fact I am happy when they die without causing innocents hurt.
I never said they did not do anything wrong, was simply trying to put an end to some of the speculation.

Thankyou for the kind words, I am sure you can appreciate that not everyone is like whoever almost crashed into you in the Q7. I can assure you Nishith was not. It is not good to generalize (from the looks of your previous posts you tend to generalize a LOT) so much and harbor this level of hate in life that you cannot even sympathize with people who have lost someone known to them or even leave them be. Anyway I am sorry you have such a hard felt hatred towards people in big cars. I assume you have never made any mistakes in your life to be perched on that high horse of yours. Good day to you sir.

Last edited by IshaanIan : 11th May 2017 at 11:06.
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Old 11th May 2017, 11:11   #1536
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

I suspect wet roads played a major role in this accident. I don't mean he is not speeding but he must be familiar with this road and doing his usual 'AMG safe' speed. It happens to the best of us: we know the road, we know the speed and everything is under control until the unexpected happens.

I honestly feel Mercedes and other premium brands are unsafe in India compared to lesser brands. I say this as an S-class owner and it took me sometime to realise it.

It is all to do with the fact that these premium cars make 120kmph feel like 80kmph. In fact, until wind noise kicks in above 150kmph, you can't judge the speed without looking at the speedo. The survival chances diminish exponentially as the speed climbs above 90 no matter what Mercedes has done to improve safety. I now have actually memorised speed in meters per second. 150kmph = 42 meters per second, just think about it.

So my hypothesis is that by insulating you from feeling the speed, these cars encourage you to drive in 120+ range. Have you ever seen any BMW, Mercedes,etc. on a highway that is doing below 100? They mostly maintain the highest speed possible before the wind noise kicks in, not because they are thrill seekers but the drive feels about right at that speed. These cars are extremely safe upto 80 or so, but as the speed climbs up they are in danger zone just like any other budget car.

Know your speed in meters per second
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Old 11th May 2017, 11:28   #1537
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by IshaanIan View Post
To those speculating, claiming they "got what they deserved", or they were "possibly drunk", let me say that these two were my classmates from school and Nishith was someone who did not like to drink at all. It is sad to see lives lost so easily, I suspect the car aquaplaned and there was nothing they could do to shed speed or change their directional course.
Yeah right! A moron who drove his vehicle at speeds of 150 km/hr and got speeding tickets thrice this year should be applauded! He very well deserved this, before he ended up killing some innocent fellow road users.
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Old 11th May 2017, 11:31   #1538
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
No car is death-proof guys, not even a 2 crore Mercedes with all the safety tech of the world. All of that is pointless if there's an idiot behind the wheel.
Actually G55 isn't the safest mercedes around. The underpinnings are from the 1970's and this is a body on frame SUV which can never be as safe as monocoques. Mercedes has never gotten it crash tested by Euro NCAP or IIHS. It has no safety rating currently. The answer why this is the case is obvious - it would fail miserably.
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Old 11th May 2017, 11:43   #1539
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by The Rationalist View Post
Yeah right! A moron who drove his vehicle at speeds of 150 km/hr and got speeding tickets thrice this year should be applauded! He very well deserved this, before he ended up killing some innocent fellow road users.
Hi no one said Nishith should be applauded. Can you rationally tell me where I have made any claim? Everyone has got speeding tickets it is hard to say how much faster than the legal limit one was travelling at the time those fines were issued. Anyway what happened that night was a mistake. Forgive me if I feel no one should have to pay for such a mistake in the way that Nishith and Raja did.
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Old 11th May 2017, 11:50   #1540
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by IshaanIan View Post
I assume you have never made any mistakes in your life to be perched on that high horse of yours. Good day to you sir.
You got him all wrong Ishaan. His view was solely based on the behavior of "Upper Crust" kids on road in Hyderabad. It is a view you might consider accepting after referring to any of your colleagues who have driven in Hyderabad roads for sometime. Its well known and safe drivers will never challenge these brats, no matter the time of the day.

It is also well known about the hooliganism (DUI) that happens late nights during weekends which is a major challenge to Traffic Police since all those caught will be "Kids born with Silver Spoon".

This is a fact in Hyderabad.

Originally Posted by The Rationalist View Post
Yeah right! A moron who drove his vehicle at speeds of 150 km/hr and got speeding tickets thrice this year should be applauded! He very well deserved this, before he ended up killing some innocent fellow road users.
Yet, I find people sympathizing with his actions. Though everyone is entitled to their opinions, we were witness to the CCTV video which showed the laws of Physics in action. And it is my humble opinion that it was reckless driving, that is the sole reason.

Last edited by prithm : 11th May 2017 at 11:56. Reason: spelling mistake
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Old 11th May 2017, 11:52   #1541
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
This G63 AMG owner took 7 secs to hit 100 kmph and 20 secs to reach 200 kmph mark...High probability yes, but one cannot say with 100% certainty. You can compare the G63 crashing video with Fifth Gear 200 kph crash video, if it helps.
Smartcat, the SUV in the video is being driven in a straight line (considering there are no steering inputs in the video). The capabilities of the SUV are not in question as am sure it is a monster.

Only point to consider is the location of the accident. From the maps provided by fellow members, it looks highly improbable for a vehicle to achieve the numbers being discussed here.

Could well be that the driver took a fast right hander and the back stepped out, electronics intervened (if available in the car), driver panicked and over corrected, floored the accelerator (by mistake?) and bang. Aquaplaning not to be ruled out as mentioned by Ishaan.

Again, we are only speculating here.
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Old 11th May 2017, 11:54   #1542
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Re: Pics: Accidents in India

Originally Posted by JediKnight View Post
It gets the entire Mercedes safety suite. It has NHSTA 5 star rating.
Do you have a source link for this?

Everything I see says the G-Class / G63 is "not yet rated".

Last edited by Rehaan : 11th May 2017 at 11:55.
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Old 11th May 2017, 12:04   #1543
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by ajmat View Post
I must also add that the G65 is not easy to control - It is fun on a straight line but falls to bits on the twisties. Please see my comments here
: I was feeling disturbed to do even 120 - 140 kph on the straight NICE road.

One of the published paper on speedometer reading (for anyone who is interested):
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Old 11th May 2017, 12:05   #1544
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by androdev View Post
I honestly feel Mercedes and other premium brands are unsafe in India compared to lesser brands. I say this as an S-class owner and it took me sometime to realise it.
Sir, with all respect to you, I feel this statement is irrational. If you dont mind, I would like to rephrase it as 'India is an unsafe country for premium brands'. Though I dont own an S-Class, I drive it pretty regularly in Germany and I can totally relate to what you say. I have driven the G as well and am officially licensed to push these cars to its limits on proving grounds. Of course, one does not realize their speed until you look down to the speedo. For the same reason, these cars are provided with speed limiters, speed warning, cruise control and active safety features. However, blame it on our conditions, the latter two arent so feasible in our country.

As the popular dialogue goes, 'With great power comes great responsibility', accidents like these can be avoided with some amount of responsibility. Responsibility in this case would be to keep track of the speed, or if thats not possible, set an alarm, or even make use of the speed limiter function. If thats not done, then one cant blame the car for such accidents.

Originally Posted by IshaanIan View Post
Hi no one said Nishith should be applauded. Can you rationally tell me where I have made any claim? Everyone has got speeding tickets it is hard to say how much faster than the legal limit one was travelling at the time those fines were issued. Anyway what happened that night was a mistake. Forgive me if I feel no one should have to pay for such a mistake in the way that Nishith and Raja did.
Forget his historical offenses, but in this incident, he was clearly speeding and did not have the car in control. Thats all many are trying to claim. I have a feeling he wanted to avoid the bikes and steered away from them, which led to hitting the pillar. If he indeed did that, then it was a good act from him. At least it did not lead to a few innocent people from getting harmed.
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Old 11th May 2017, 12:05   #1545
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

My distant link with this G-class guy is that he happens to be the Director of my son's school (Narayana Group).

Not blaming the parents are such - but a 20-something kid should not be allowed to drive a 500 BHP car regularly. Just consider all the idiotic antics we did with 50 to 100 BHP car at that age.
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