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Old 18th May 2015, 10:49   #1231
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

I was informed that the M3 went into the wrong side at high speed and knocked of the biker and his pillion.
From the TOI Report

On Friday, around 7.30pm, Chorghe, who is learnt to have returned from Canada where he is pursuing higher studies, allegedly rammed his BMW into a two-wheeler on Boling-Aghashi Road in Virar (W), killing the rider Nazareth Dcunha (65) on the spot.
It's possible that he might have been on the other side actually as he came back from Canada recently . It takes couple of days to get used to driving to right /left for most of people and if he has been living in Canada for long and was indeed under influence / tipsy - there are increased chances for driving on wrong side

Last edited by Turbanator : 18th May 2015 at 10:59.
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Old 18th May 2015, 12:05   #1232
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Wrong side or right side, BMW was doing insane speeds for sure. Just look at the pictures of Activa, it has been in parts. Its completely broken in between, that's just horrible. It shows that BMW was doing some really high speeds and must of lost control. Poor fellows who were driving on Activa, they lost their lives for no fault. RIP.
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Old 18th May 2015, 13:35   #1233
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

This is beyond disgusting, but blame it on lax policing and even worse the way we hand over driving licenses in our country. Really feel bad for the poor riders on the scooter, who can accommodate and anticipate this level of callousness?!
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Old 18th May 2015, 14:21   #1234
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Turbanator View Post
From the TOI Report

It's possible that he might have been on the other side actually as he came back from Canada recently . It takes couple of days to get used to driving to right /left for most of people and if he has been living in Canada for long and was indeed under influence / tipsy - there are increased chances for driving on wrong side

Well apparently they say he was studying in Canada, people who know him say he had gone to Europe for a vacation. I have studied abroad too and driven there, but i learnt and drove for a major part of my life in India and never made a lane mistake in any country i have driven. I can understand if the wrong side happened abroad, as that takes some getting used too.

In India, everyone is in a hurry, they prefer going from the wrong side if the destination is closer from there instead of going a longer distance on the right side. A good example, peddar road was done up and the dividers are not yet put up, just those plastic barricades to distinguish the lanes. People take u turns from there instead of going upto Kemps Corner and back.
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Old 18th May 2015, 14:30   #1235
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

I am not aware about others but from my personal experience there was a time when I was commuting Delhi - Calgary more often than many people will do Delhi - Mumbai & believe me I used to do something silly even when I was back in India - specially coming out of parking lots or merging from single roads to divided highway , anyway - just my views , things can be different in this case but I doubt this guy was trying to save on some thing - time or fuel .

Edit - Have a look at picture at Post 1201 - looks this guy indeed took the other way at start of 2 Lane
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Last edited by Turbanator : 18th May 2015 at 14:54.
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Old 18th May 2015, 14:55   #1236
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

I don't understand one thing that why do people buy cars which they cannot handle!
This incident reminds me of another incident when a friend of mine bashed up his BMW 530D into a parked AUDI Q7 that to in a residential area lane. Gosh! It was so deadly and dangerous. When i think about it, gives me the creeps!

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Old 18th May 2015, 15:29   #1237
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Turbanator View Post
It's possible that he might have been on the other side actually as he came back from Canada recently . It takes couple of days to get used to driving to right /left for most of people and if he has been living in Canada for long and was indeed under influence / tipsy - there are increased chances for driving on wrong side
This is unlikely in my opinion.

In a country like ours, someone or the other is ALWAYS on the road. How difficult must've it been for him to see everyone(almost) going on the other side of the road to realise that he is on the wrong side? Moreover, the point of view is very, very different. A LHD and an RHD. If he still hasn't realised he is driving in a different country, he was definitely not in his senses.

Also, I don't see any tyre marks leading to the site of the crash. Or am I not seeing right?

The road leading to the site of the burnt car looks like a clear, straight road. Except that, around 100m behind the car, a light pole is erected in the middle of the road. Perhaps the driver got into the wrong lane in a bid to escape crashing into the light pole?

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Old 18th May 2015, 16:00   #1238
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

ABS/EBD aside - why are there "NO" tyre marks from the point where the road split into 2 lanes.

I have never driven a ABS equipped car, let alone slam its brakes, but I am sure if this Beemer was doing Triple digit speeds and the driver slammed its brakes, there should be some amount of tyre marks leading upto the stop?
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Old 18th May 2015, 16:05   #1239
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Hello guys!
Someone said that "M3 was over speeding. But the Activa driver was at fault.
No drunk and drive case.
The Activa driver was trying to cross the road with lights off and the M3 hit it. The diagram would make thing clear. M3 was on the right lane. Activa guy wasn't."

I didn't witness it, I cannot comment on it. I wan't no trouble either.

Supercar & Import Crashes in India-11245304_992123927479060_814429886_n.jpg
P.S: I don't intend to side with the M3 guy, because neither I know him nor do I know the one who was on Activa.

I don't want to get into trouble for just sharing the pics. :(
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Old 18th May 2015, 16:11   #1240
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

RavSam, you assert the above as fact, and present a convincing diagram and a very possible scenario. It is just as possible as any of the other speculation on the thread, but as you say that you were not there, nor do you know anyone who was involved in the accident, can you share the source/authority for the information?

It's not that I doubt you. It would be nice to put an final end to speculation.

Originally Posted by embee View Post
I don't understand one thing that why do people buy cars which they cannot handle!
Hands up anyone here who ever actually said, "I don't think I could handle that."

I bet there aren't many hands. That's why.


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Old 18th May 2015, 16:35   #1241
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by RavSam View Post
"M3 was over speeding.
So the M3 was doing speeds it shouldn't have been doing.


Originally Posted by RavSam View Post
The Activa driver was at fault.
Because his headlamps were turned off?

In this image,

It is clear that there was ample amount of light from street lamps to see a scooter crossing the road. Even if there wasn't any light, a pedestrian crossing the road the way the Activa was would've endured the same plight.

In my eyes, a clear case of Speed thrills, but kills.

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Old 18th May 2015, 16:39   #1242
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
RavSam, you assert the above as fact, and present a convincing diagram and a very possible scenario. It is just as possible as any of the other speculation on the thread, but as you say that you were not there, nor do you know anyone who was involved in the accident, can you share the source/authority for the information?

Heard from a friend who heard it from a witness who lives nearby. But still I do not know about the real scenario and so I can only tell you this much. Powerful people = Trouble, you see.

P.S. Please do not make me feel that I made a mistake by posting shared whatsapp photos!

Last edited by RavSam : 18th May 2015 at 16:43.
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Old 18th May 2015, 16:46   #1243
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by RavSam View Post
The Activa driver was trying to cross the road with lights off and the M3 hit it. The diagram would make thing clear.
Thanks. This is the most convincing explanation so far. (The car's positioning didn't make sense otherwise!)

Would be good if you could back it up with mentioning who the source was, or with any proof/pics of the debris in context. This will just make more people believe in this possibility.

EDIT: Ah, i see you're also the member who posted the original batch of pics (received via Whatsapp), from what seems to be right after the accident.

Originally Posted by ashwin.terminat View Post
It is clear that there was ample amount of light from street lamps to see a scooter crossing the road. Even if there wasn't any light, a pedestrian crossing the road the way the Activa was would've endured the same plight.

In my eyes, a clear case of Speed thrills, but kills.
Sorry but there's no proof that he was speeding (apart from the fact that he was driving an M3!). That's like cops who are more likely pull over bikers wearing helmets and jackets because they look like they are 'racing'!

Secondly sure, there might have been some street lighting, BUT if a biker is riding with his lights off at night, it's indicative enough of his overall awareness of road safety.

Lastly, who knows if the biker misjudged the car's speed & his attempt at crossing the road, or if he just didn't look, or if the car was coming at unfathomable speeds.

There are many possibilities, all of which are probable. But we don't know the FACTS, so anyone passing judgment is jumping the gun IMO.

Last edited by Rehaan : 18th May 2015 at 17:04.
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Old 18th May 2015, 16:51   #1244
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
Sorry but there's no proof that he was speeding (apart from the fact that he was driving an M3!). That's like cops who are more likely pull over bikers wearing helmets and jackets because they look like they are 'racing'!
I am just taking into consideration what RavSam had posted earlier about the M3 speeding.

But one thing baffles me though, the damage the M3 has taken. Is it really possible if the Activa was not riding directly into the M3?

That seems like a lot of damage for a T-Bone with a scooter.
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Old 18th May 2015, 16:52   #1245
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by RavSam View Post
The logical drawing you had given doesn't gel up with the pictures of the accident. If the M3 actually was driving in the right lane and hit the crossing Activa and then jumped onto the wrong lane, won't there be any impact or even a minor scratch to the right side tyres or low slung Bumpers of the car when it ran over the small median wall? And seeing the extent of damage to the left fenders being ripped off and the windscreen crash, it is more likely that the M3 was on wrong lane and hit the scooter to its left side, but again this is logical thinking.
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