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Old 26th May 2015, 21:18   #1291
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
My point?

Don't start passing judgments based on stereotypes (rich kids, flashy car, innocent victim), and don't believe everything that the media has cooked up either.
Very valid Sir, with no eye witness (read some video recordings from CCTV, Dash Cam), it will be hard to tell what happened in that split second. Blaming the Owner of the flashy car will not be fair. These days, even the media seems to be blowing hot air. Car / Bike travelling @ 200 KMPH, Lost control etc, driving a 1 Crore Car etc.
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Old 26th May 2015, 21:31   #1292
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Rehaan View Post
You can see it rubbing off here too (bold emphasis mine):

The writer of the article doesn't even understand what "road rage" is. I really wouldn't trust his description of "break-neck speed" either.

Also, has anyone here wondered what an 18 year old tourist from Rajastan might have been doing in the middle of the road in Hyderabad? Surely that could have something to do with it too.
I am sorry but please don't insinuate me of over dramatising newspaper reports.Maybe my choice of words was wrong but I relayed what the newspaper article said,since I couldnt paste the link.

If the newspaper report is wrong and somebody clarifies it then its fine and the new information shall be considered as the current truth.

And let's not cherry pick over what to believe and not to believe.I don't remember anyone arguing in the Ambani crash incident that we shall not speculate over what happened from newspaper reports and wait until it was proved that the kid was driving.

I am not prejudiced against 'rich kids with fast cars'.I guess we are all quite mature here to not succumb to such silly prejudices.Having said that.I believe some benefit of doubtt must be given to the person who got killed or is in the hospital because of the accident.(Thank goodness this fellow survived).And that's regardless of whether he got struck by a Porsche or a Maruti.

And not Hyderabad,its Kolkata.And Kolkata has a sizeable Rajasthani community,so its not weird for a victim in Kolkata to be from Rajasthan.
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Old 26th May 2015, 22:03   #1293
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by cityvic View Post
If you had read my previous post with a little more attention, you would have understood why my first hand information contradicts the article.
Highlighting them for you here now.
I'm delighted to know that there is not actually a victim, but no, your quote makes no allusion to what actually happened. So with all the attention in the world, my understanding in not increased.

No victim, no damage: Are you saying nobody actually ran into anybody?

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 26th May 2015 at 22:04.
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Old 26th May 2015, 22:49   #1294
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Why everyone discusses only supercar crashes with such enthusiasm is beyond me ! Is it any different than any other car having a mishap ? Will the media report an 800 running over someone (which I'm sure must have happened) with the same gusto ?

High profile owners (read Ambani, Salman Khan etc) maybe in the news for their misdeed whether it was an Aston Martin or a Maruti Alto.

If an ordinary citizen buys a nice car and has a mishap he becomes a celeb overnight by all the naysayers. Not just in India but everywhere in the world. (La Ferrari crash in china comes to mind so does wrecked

Is it some vicarious pleasure in seeing someone wreck an object of desire thats craved by many and possessed by few ?
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Old 27th May 2015, 12:32   #1295
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
No victim, no damage: Are you saying nobody actually ran into anybody?
I am trying to figure this one too. The pictures indicate the car being perfectly scratchless.
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Old 28th May 2015, 15:04   #1296
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by cityvic View Post
This is mainly because thankfully now the victim has survived
Glad to hear that.

Originally Posted by avishar View Post
I am sorry but please don't insinuate me of over dramatising newspaper reports.Maybe my choice of words was wrong but I relayed what the newspaper article said,since I couldnt paste the link.
Hey, not trying to insinuate anything!

My point was just that the media has certain ways of presenting things, which does rub off on the thoughts & words of people who are regularly exposed to it (ie. all of us). Saying a car "mowed down" a pedestrian is automatically a loaded sentence.

Originally Posted by avishar View Post
If the newspaper report is wrong and somebody clarifies it then its fine and the new information shall be considered as the current truth.
Personally I'll always take what's written in the media with a pinch of salt. Ask anyone who's ever had an interview printed up if the reporter got everything correct, and you'll find out that its rarely the case.

Originally Posted by avishar View Post
I am not prejudiced against 'rich kids with fast cars'. ... I believe some benefit of doubtt must be given to the person who got killed or is in the hospital because of the accident.
My point is simply that benefit of the doubt should be given to everyone involved, until the facts are actually known.

Originally Posted by avishar View Post
And not Hyderabad,its Kolkata.And Kolkata has a sizeable Rajasthani community,so its not weird for a victim in Kolkata to be from Rajasthan.
My bad. However, my point wasn't anything to do with Rajastan, Hyderabad or Kolkata. It was simply that the man was on the road. (Unlike a Salman Khan, where the car was on the footpath). Meaning, there is also a chance he did not cross carefully / ran across the road, etc.

Last edited by Rehaan : 28th May 2015 at 15:05.
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Old 28th May 2015, 18:45   #1297
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

The Calcutta Porsche picture Viz-a-Viz the story-boarding doesnt addup and thankfully a post clears up the doubt. Unless the car flew 6.5 feet up a speed breaker and smashed a human from the top - there is no indication of a frontal impact and 'killing him instantly' story!

God - things media write!
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Old 30th May 2015, 15:39   #1298
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

As all you guys know whatever they put in the news papers is to "sell their story". That is all it is, and on top of that the news is their "opinion". Read the news with a 'pinch of salt' is an understatement. I don't even read the news papers any more.
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Old 18th August 2015, 17:29   #1299
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

The bike is ZX-14R. Really sad to see this. The guy who lend the bike must be whipped. Money can buy superbikes, but not common sense.
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Old 18th August 2015, 17:41   #1300
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by mail4ajo View Post

The bike is ZX-14R. Really sad to see this. The guy who lend the bike must be whipped. Money can buy superbikes, but not common sense.
I can only hope that the boys took the key without the owner's permission. It is absolutely ludicrous to lend any bike that is reasonably powerful to a 15 and 18 year old. Let alone a ZX 14R.

Sadly, a mechanic was killed due to these children wanting to show off a ZX-14R to their girlfriends. And the 18 year old chap is in critical condition.

What I learnt today:

1) Don't keep keys to vehicles at easy access to kids
2) Teach the importance of helmets at an early age
3) Exercise extreme caution while lending your vehicle(s) to anyone
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Old 18th August 2015, 17:56   #1301
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by ashwin.terminat View Post
3) Exercise extreme caution while lending your vehicle(s) to anyone
Don't lend your vehicle to anyone. Or maybe lend it to someone whom you think is at least as responsible as you are. Nobody else!

P.S - If cops prove that the bike was lent by consent, the owner may land in trouble (No DL, causing death etc).

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Old 18th August 2015, 17:59   #1302
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by ashwin.terminat View Post
It is absolutely ludicrous to lend any bike that is reasonably powerful to a 15 and 18 year old. Let alone a ZX 14R.
Fully agree. I strongly believe that we need to have the UK age based system of limiting motorcycle power to riders. With powerful bikes available at low cost in India, this system must be put in place.

Dont pounce on me guys... bikes like KTM 390 are serious machines at such low cost and develop good power at the lower end of the rev band. I tried one recently and had tough time handling it. Machines like this should not be available to teens.
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Old 18th August 2015, 18:01   #1303
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Divya Sharan View Post
Don't lend your vehicle to anyone. Or maybe lend it to someone whom you think is at least as responsible as you are. Nobody else!

P.S - If cops prove that the bike was lent by consent, the owner may land in trouble (No DL, causing death etc).
Completely agree. Not lending the vehicle altogether is the best way forward. And when I said exercise extreme caution, I meant only give it to people who you think is responsible. I would rather say no and make them feel bad than saying yes for their sake and then seeing them have an accident.

And yes, there are full chances that the owner will land in trouble as well.

Originally Posted by mail4ajo View Post
Fully agree. I strongly believe that we need to have the UK age based system of limiting motorcycle power to riders. With powerful bikes available at low cost in India, this system must be put in place.

Dont pounce on me guys... bikes like KTM 390 are serious machines at such low cost and develop good power at the lower end of the rev band. I tried one recently and had tough time handling it. Machines like this should not be available to teens.
Completely agree. I see so many newbies learning to ride on a Duke or an RC. It is just a recipe for disaster. Also, I feel ABS for a first time rider should be disallowed. Get him/her used to ABS and he'll never learn to brake on a non-ABS equipped bike.

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Old 26th August 2015, 11:48   #1304
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

I as a teenager feel that it should be left up to an individual to chose weather he/she can have an ABS equipped bike or not. There are quite a few responsible teens and a hell of a lot more irresponsible adults on the road,it would be better if we don't stereotype any one. An old bullet without discs at the front driven by a moronic adult trying to go flat out every where to compensate for his bikes lack of power is definitely more dangerous than your Stereotypical teen.
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Old 26th August 2015, 14:19   #1305
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Re: Supercar & Import Crashes in India

Originally Posted by Doge View Post
... There are quite a few responsible teens and a hell of a lot more irresponsible adults on the road,it would be better if we don't stereotype any one. ...
What you say is true. Every single youngster that seeks to driver safely, on two or four wheels, is a hope for the future. Please keep up the good work, and continue it when you are no longer a teenager.

However, speaking in general terms, there are lots and lots of statistics: the world's insurance companies employ people just to digest, process and understand the numbers, and that is why insurance premiums, in many parts of the world, are so high. Simply, they reflect the reality of the risk. Youngsters, and inexperienced drivers of all ages, have more accidents.

But, sure... I've seen old guys (even older than me!) on bicycles, inviting death too.

Last edited by Thad E Ginathom : 26th August 2015 at 14:23.
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