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Old 14th November 2008, 20:56   #346
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^^ Can you post a small guide how to use it, I was always apprehensive of using Chamois leather for fear of scratching the paint.
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Old 15th November 2008, 07:45   #347
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Hmm, the method I've been using is simple.

1) Wash the car normally.
2) Do a first wipe with a normal cloth.
3) Use Chamois to finish up.

Remember that chamois needs to be slightly wet to work effectively. I was apprehensive about the force required for it to slide along, but once it becomes slightly wet, it glides along, absorbing water and leaving a spotless gleaming surface behind.

Of course, do not, under any circumstances, drop the chamois on dirt or let it near the tyres/underbody. Avoid touching the wiper blades with it as well. Do not wring it like normal cloth to get rid of the water - you'll destroy it. After wiping the car, wash the chamois in clean water and hang to dry, preferably in sunlight.

Fresh chamois has a bit of dust to it that you can remove by washing the thing before first use. I'll add bits as I learn more.
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Old 15th November 2008, 08:10   #348
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Raajiv : How to clean the interior roof material of the car?
Eddy : +1 on this. My swift also needs attention at that place. Gurus ???
Cleaning a vinyl sheet roof lining should not be a problem.

For fabric roof linings, use an upholstery cleaning spray like that from 3M or Vista (have this right now). It works quite well - unless you have an extra bad /deep stain which will professional cleaning.

Process is simple :
1. Vacuum the area to remove dust
2. Spray the cleaner. Brush with a soft nylon brush. (I use a tooth brush).
3. Wait 4-5 min.
4. Wipe with a moist cloth. You will need to wipe the surrounding areas also so that you dont leave a clean patch in the middle there.
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Old 19th November 2008, 11:39   #349
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How can a sticker made of reflective sheet paper which is put directly on paint be removed.
my HM service centre has put a sticker just above the Mitsubishi logo on the boot and I want to remove it.
Had it been glass i would have scraped it out with a plastic scale or something which wouldn't scratch. But what to do with paint?
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Old 19th November 2008, 11:51   #350
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^ try to use a hair dryer to warm the plastic and remove it.
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Old 19th November 2008, 12:30   #351
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Originally Posted by leadf00t View Post
How can a sticker made of reflective sheet paper which is put directly on paint be removed.
my HM service centre has put a sticker just above the Mitsubishi logo on the boot and I want to remove it.
Had it been glass i would have scraped it out with a plastic scale or something which wouldn't scratch. But what to do with paint?
Use hand to remove it slowly, the residue gum and stickering color can be removed off using some kerosene or diesel. Wash off with car shampoo
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Old 25th November 2008, 17:55   #352
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Can someone throw light on the amway car cleaning kit. It has the car shampoo, polish(silicon glaze), vinyl and leather polish which can be used for dashboard cleaning.
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Old 25th November 2008, 19:45   #353
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I don't know about a kit, but you can buy those components separately. All prices from memory :

1) Car Wash - 290/-
2) Silicon Glaze (polish/wax) - 409/-
3) Leather & Vinyl Cleaner - 290/-

I've used #1 and #3 and can report they work exceedingly well. Prices may seem steep, but #1 is highly concentrated (1/4 cup for 4L of water. Will last you a year or two), #3 requires very little amount for proper application. Yet to break open the polish/wax bottle.

Last edited by ImmortalZ : 25th November 2008 at 19:46.
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Old 25th November 2008, 19:54   #354
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@ImmortalZ: Thanks. I ll be buying seperately. Prices are correct. Car wash:I am using sonax. Guess I ll go in for the silicon glaze and the vinyl polish.
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Old 26th November 2008, 09:23   #355
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ImmortalZ i also use them.
Infact all three are very good and economical. Car was as you said last for 100 washes for mid size cars, Silicon glaze I am using for Getz and Sx4 and used twice on both still more than 1/3 is left . Leather vinyl clear is even good for car which has sun burns on dash board along with seat covers.

Swift8847 you can check my PM for more details

Jaggu you can try Amway shampoo.Really good residue gum and stickering color. It is soft to paint and shine.

Last edited by aka_iitd : 26th November 2008 at 09:33.
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Old 26th November 2008, 10:31   #356
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Where can we get the above mentioned Amway products in Mumbai.
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Old 26th November 2008, 13:40   #357
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My wife is an authorized distributor for Amway products in Mumbai. You can PM me with your requirements and I will get back to you.
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Old 26th November 2008, 14:36   #358
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Bangy guys can contact Person is based in Bangalore but take care all over india without courier charges. For contact numbers etc you need to PM me

MOD if it voilates rules please remove the post
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Old 26th November 2008, 15:58   #359
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Does rain = free car wash?

I just drove in the rain and after coming back I wiped my car like I do after I wash it. Now that got me thinking - does rain = free car wash?
Are there any cons in doing this?
Is it safe to do this or better to wash a car with clean water after it gets wet in the rain? Any precautions to be taken after your car gets wet in the rain?
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Old 27th November 2008, 10:08   #360
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When you are driving in the rain, the water from the puddles on the road will splash onto your car. Rain water straight from the sky won't adequately "wash" the sides of your car, therefore, there'll be a lot of mud on the side. If you wipe it as it is, you are risking severe scratches.
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