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Old 15th October 2010, 23:04   #3616
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Thanks guys... the "orange peel" effect is exactly what m concerned about. But yeah, will let it settle in before i start.
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Old 16th October 2010, 12:27   #3617
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Which car wash shampoo?

Guys,my formula1 car wash liquid is getting over.I need to buy a new car shampoo soon.I have 2 options.

1)Sonax gloss Car wash concentrate
2)Turtle wax platinum series car wash.

Which is better?
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Old 16th October 2010, 12:43   #3618
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Sonax gloss Car wash concentrate , the one slightly yelloish/orange in colour !!

it leaves a lovely glossy finish.
Old 16th October 2010, 12:53   #3619
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@sagarpadaki: I've tried Turtlewax platinum series car wash and Amway's car wash, found Amway's to be better. No idea about Sonax car wash.
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Old 16th October 2010, 15:33   #3620
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Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
How would spraying water and again buffing immediately after buffing the wax off help?

Since SHS is abrasive can you share your experience (frequency of application, how many coats, any other products along with this) using it on one car consistently.
To clarify your points regarding the sprinkling of water. Just like the barber does to mist your hair, the moisture eases to set the hair. This fine misting, and then buffing also lets the water again set into the wax, and the final buffing makes the wax more radiant. You can try this yourself. Do one fender without this process, and another with it. You will see the gloss difference.

SHS is used by me twice a year. Normally they say you can use it once a year but I generally prefer twice. If you love to use a detailer then TW has many such ones. You can top up the SHS with Express Shine, Emerald Series detailer, or any such product. I prefer to use a detailer after every 3 shampoo's. It gives me the extra sparkle. It is only temporary, but makes the car slicker.

Let me know if you have any other queries.
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Old 16th October 2010, 16:11   #3621
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Last week I had purchased and used Sonax Gloss shampoo. Its good one
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Old 16th October 2010, 16:58   #3622
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Sohail,You use turtle Wet n black for your i20 tires right?What is quantity and how much does it cost?Also how many applications will one bottle?How long will the tire shine last?And among amour all gel and this,which is better?
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Old 16th October 2010, 21:22   #3623
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Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Sohail,You use turtle Wet n black for your i20 tires right?What is quantity and how much does it cost?Also how many applications will one bottle?How long will the tire shine last?And among amour all gel and this,which is better?
IMHO looking at the current situation in bangalore, NO tire shine will last. I just shined mine and in the very next day, the mud splashes post the rains make it look like nothing was done. If not that, the dust that settles all around the tires kills all the effort put in. Just my feeling, shining tires is almost a 0 returns effort in our conditions, if aiming for the shiny looks. Try it out though, i use Armor All, its decent.
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Old 16th October 2010, 21:32   #3624
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Originally Posted by mkh View Post
IMHO looking at the current situation in bangalore, NO tire shine will last. I just shined mine and in the very next day, the mud splashes post the rains make it look like nothing was done. If not that, the dust that settles all around the tires kills all the effort put in. Just my feeling, shining tires is almost a 0 returns effort in our conditions, if aiming for the shiny looks. Try it out though, i use Armor All, its decent.

LOL!Yea bangalore has very filthy roads.But the products make tall claims like UV protection,repels road dust and brake dust.So are all these just marketing gimmicks?If it can repel road dust and brake dust effectively then why cant it last?

And ya,does armor all give a shiny ,deep glossy finish or a dry matt finish?how much does it cost and where can i get it in bangalore?

Last edited by sagarpadaki : 16th October 2010 at 21:33.
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Old 16th October 2010, 22:05   #3625
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I've used Turtle Wax Wet'n'Black Aerosol. Glossy finish but durability is like 3 weeks max. And am talking about good clean weather and Chandigarh roads . I've also tried Abel Auto Tyre Dressing, which is more of a dry black finish product. Durability is much more than Turtle and I've noticed it repels water as well!
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Old 16th October 2010, 22:25   #3626
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Originally Posted by thelord View Post
I've used Turtle Wax Wet'n'Black Aerosol. Glossy finish but durability is like 3 weeks max. And am talking about good clean weather and Chandigarh roads . I've also tried Abel Auto Tyre Dressing, which is more of a dry black finish product. Durability is much more than Turtle and I've noticed it repels water as well!
Hmmm.thanks for the input.Was thinking of going for turtle wax or armor all.have to rethink it now

Last edited by sagarpadaki : 16th October 2010 at 22:32.
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Old 17th October 2010, 01:45   #3627
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Tried out P21S total autowash and did some quick engine cleaning, really worth the buy, makes engine detailing quite easy.
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Old 17th October 2010, 07:03   #3628
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Originally Posted by Ash_vtec View Post
Thanks guys... the "orange peel" effect is exactly what m concerned about. But yeah, will let it settle in before i start.
Orange peel effect boils down to defective paint job due to multitude of reasons, don't accept such a repaint ! Fresh paint can be compounded & polished but not waxed for a few weeks to allow it to cure.

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
Guys,my formula1 car wash liquid is getting over.I need to buy a new car shampoo soon.I have 2 options.

1)Sonax gloss Car wash concentrate
2)Turtle wax platinum series car wash.

Which is better?
Havent used the TW, but Sonax is good. Just need to use a little, its multipurpose too, i use a stronger dilution to clean the alloys & tires.
Gentle on your skin too !

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
LOL!Yea bangalore has very filthy roads.But the products make tall claims like UV protection,repels road dust and brake dust.So are all these just marketing gimmicks?If it can repel road dust and brake dust effectively then why cant it last?

And ya,does armor all give a shiny ,deep glossy finish or a dry matt finish?how much does it cost and where can i get it in bangalore?
B'lore roads are horribly muddy & makes tire detailing a challenge which no product in the world can stand up to ! A gel would last longer as against a spray on product. Compared to the Armor all gel i find the Megs endurance gel lasts a bit longer. glossy shine on both is almost the same. But again it depends on the kind of roads you drive on !

Originally Posted by bottle View Post
Tried out P21S total autowash and did some quick engine cleaning, really worth the buy, makes engine detailing quite easy.
I'm planning to get the P21S tire gel soon as ive heard its quite good on the brake dust removal, please can you post some pics of the before & after & the process you followed ? Is it a multipurpose product ?
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Old 17th October 2010, 08:09   #3629
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Originally Posted by nirmaljusdoit View Post

Havent used the TW, but Sonax is good. Just need to use a little, its multipurpose too, i use a stronger dilution to clean the alloys & tires.
Gentle on your skin too !

B'lore roads are horribly muddy & makes tire detailing a challenge which no product in the world can stand up to ! A gel would last longer as against a spray on product. Compared to the Armor all gel i find the Megs endurance gel lasts a bit longer. glossy shine on both is almost the same. But again it depends on the kind of roads you drive on !
Thanks nirmal for answering all my queries.guess i would stick to armor all then.
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Old 17th October 2010, 10:23   #3630
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Originally Posted by nirmaljusdoit View Post
I'm planning to get the P21S tire gel soon as ive heard its quite good on the brake dust removal, please can you post some pics of the before & after & the process you followed ? Is it a multipurpose product ?
Sorry no pics, the Total Auto Wash is a degreaser afaik, probably like Mr.Muscle. Should work on anything even kitchens I tried it in the engine bay, covered the ECU with a bag and poured some mugs of water over other areas generally and sprayed TAW on and after a while rinsed off and it got rid of most of the dust and grime sticking to the greasy surfaces. I guess it would work much better with a pressure wash but thats not something thats advised with a Palio engine bay. There were a lot of crevices that were still greasy so I guess a tooth brush or something is needed for those areas. Overall for a 5 minute job I'm really satisfied, since most of the surfaces are squeaky clean now
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