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Old 9th January 2025, 01:22   #11896
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by dearchichi View Post
A week ago, I used Ech2o diluted 1:12 as a drying agent (spray on wet panels and wipe). This resulted in heavy streaking over some panels.

Can I get rid of the streaking using Reset and a contact wash step? Or, should I use an APC like Greenstar (which I don't have at the moment)?

Also, what dilution ratio do I need to use the Ech2o with as a drying agent and as a quick detailer? The US site lists it at 1:15 - 1:25 for the latter.
Normally streaking is caused by underdiluting a product, as in not adding enough water. Try 1:25 and see if you still get streaks, here I assume you’re already using two towels to wipe (one wet and one dry for the final buff), you’ll need to frequently switch out the dry towel as it gets saturated with solution, not switching every few panels will again result in streaking.

1:15-1:25 range is fine, no need to change just see what exact number works well for your paint and conditions.

For removing streaks, Reset should work otherwise you can always step up to Greenstar but most likely Reset will work. Worst case you might have to use a light cut polish like Menzerna 3000 by hand to break down the dried out product.
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Old 9th January 2025, 13:59   #11897
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Thanks Anish. I did a contact wash on the car last night, and Reset did remove the streaks. I'm glad about the same.

Originally Posted by AJ56 View Post I assume you’re already using two towels to wipe (one wet and one dry for the final buff).
Oh, I only spray the diluted Ech2o solution and wipe the panel using a dry towel, since I assumed that enough lubrication is supplied by it (and, as you say, it gets very wet absorbing all that solution). Should I spray, wipe it down with a wet towel and then buff the panel with a dry one? Can you explain the reason for this sequence? I'm not using this product as a rinseless wash but as a drying aid.

Lastly, after a few cycles of contactless and contact washing, I think I'm ready to add a layer of protection to the paint. I'm considering Hydro2 (spray on , rinse off), which adds a temporary ceramic coat, lasting about 3 months, and brings in the attendent hydrophobic properties. I have a few questions regarding this:

1. Once a sealant like the Hydro2 has been applied, should I stick to GFX for maintenance washes, and not use Reset which might strip the coating?

2. Can I use Ech2o as a drying agent after rinsing off the Hydro2?

3. Would this be the wash process?

When applying/reapplying Hydro2 every 3 months:

rinse > foam with Reset > contact wash with Reset > rinse > for each panel, spray Hydro2 and rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

Maintanence washes:

rinse > foam with GFX > contact wash with GFX > rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

4. I don't use a leaf blower to dry since it's very slow (I have a 600W Agaro). Would this blower be useful after using Hydro2 due to the hydrophobic properties imparted?

Thank you as always.
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Old 9th January 2025, 14:49   #11898
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by dearchichi View Post
Oh, I only spray the diluted Ech2o solution and wipe the panel using a dry towel, since I assumed that enough lubrication is supplied by it (and, as you say, it gets very wet absorbing all that solution). Should I spray, wipe it down with a wet towel and then buff the panel with a dry one? Can you explain the reason for this sequence? I'm not using this product as a rinseless wash but as a drying aid.

Lastly, after a few cycles of contactless and contact washing, I think I'm ready to add a layer of protection to the paint. I'm considering Hydro2 (spray on , rinse off), which adds a temporary ceramic coat, lasting about 3 months, and brings in the attendent hydrophobic properties. I have a few questions regarding this:

1. Once a sealant like the Hydro2 has been applied, should I stick to GFX for maintenance washes, and not use Reset which might strip the coating?

2. Can I use Ech2o as a drying agent after rinsing off the Hydro2?

3. Would this be the wash process?

When applying/reapplying Hydro2 every 3 months:

rinse > foam with Reset > contact wash with Reset > rinse > for each panel, spray Hydro2 and rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

Maintanence washes:

rinse > foam with GFX > contact wash with GFX > rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

Thank you as always.
Just my 2 cents as I have used SONAX BSD , EchO2 and HydrO2 both in the past and can shed some light and suggestions Ofcourse I am not an expert like AJ56 but I have few of my own observations :-

1. I use Ech02 mainly as a Quick Detailer and occasionally I use maybe 5 ml of that in a ONR solution during a rinseless wash for some added protection which though is very light but still no harm .

2. I have used BSD as a drying aid in a diluted form and it works wonders. I have also used BSD as a sealant and it works wonders there too. The most economical product I have ever used is this. Only drawback is that it doesn’t offer the slickness other than that it’s a gem of a product.

3. If you are using HydroO2 post that use EchO2 for a rinseless wash and for full wash use any PH neutral shampoo. Reset is a lil bit harsher in my opinion plus less economical .

4 . You don’t need any other product after applying HydrO2 for the first time ,maybe in consecutive washes you can use EchO2 post washes.

5. Gyeon WetCoat is also an equivalent product to HydrO2 and also comes in concentrated form in case you want to try a different brand.

6.For regular washing and Rinseless washes I would suggest you stick with a simple and standard steps. Trust me the more complicated you make them the sooner you will stop following them and vice versa.

Below are the links to their reviews in case you want to go through them

BSD (Gloss/Protection in disguise at the cost of peanuts | Sonax BSD | Ratio (1:2))

HydrO2 (CarPro Hydr02 Silica Spray Sealant)
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Old 9th January 2025, 22:23   #11899
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by AJ56 View Post
Just water won’t cause any lasting damage as the mineral content is near zero (as it’s condensed from the surrounding air).

That water looks contaminated as it’s turning yellow. Likely surface contamination.

You should put very high quality paint after sanding off any rust on the roof material (inside and outside), this ensures there is no surface water contamination which will minimise any scarring on the paint (once it drips down).

First, put a good ceramic coating to give a sacrificial layer over the clearcoat (this one should do anyway.)

In case of hard water etching, use a mineral remover like Puris D19 to safely remove. Don’t leave minerals on the paint too long as they can start to etch into the clearcoat.

Polishing/compounding can fix this scarring provided it’s not too deep, in some extreme cases you’ll need a repaint as there is a safe limit to abrading your clearcoat with a polisher (12-14 microns).

Ideal solution is to cover off the entire section so you’ll have a dust and temperature controlled area to park in.

Thanks @AJ56 for your detailed solution on how to tackle this issue!!

Some questions:

1. Would you suggest not parking the car under the shed in the meantime? The car will be covered in dew in that case.
2. Should I go for a professional grade ceramic coating or a consumer grade(carpro) one will be fine?

Regards & Thanks!
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Old 14th January 2025, 12:33   #11900
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Thanks Artyom for your detailed response.

I need a bit of advice regarding the usage of Hydro2 and Ech2o since you've used both.

Originally Posted by Artyom View Post

3. If you are using HydroO2 post that use EchO2 for a rinseless wash and for full wash use any PH neutral shampoo. Reset is a lil bit harsher in my opinion plus less economical .

4 . You don’t need any other product after applying HydrO2 for the first time ,maybe in consecutive washes you can use EchO2 post washes.
The paint if my 9-month old car currently has no protection (no PPF, ceramic coating, wax or sealants).

My wash sequence is: rinse > foam > contact wash > rinse > spray Ech2o (drying agent) > wipe.

I foam with Reset or GFX, but now want protect the paint using CarPro Hydro2 or Hydro2 foam.

1. If using Hydro2 foam, can I follow the same sequence as above? That is, can I still use Ech2o as a drying agent and not remove the protective properties of Hydro2? I normally dilute Ech2o 1:20. Should I dilute it more?

2. Since the protective properties of Hydro2 foam are said to last 3 months, can I use:

GFX for maintenance washes, using the same sequence as above?

Reset or Greenstar as a pre-wash every 3 months and foam again with Hydro2?

3. If using Hydro2 (not Hydro2 foam), will this sequence do the job? It any appear complicated, but would be straightforward once I do it a few times.

When applying/reapplying Hydro2 every 3 months:

rinse > foam with Reset > contact wash with Reset > rinse > for each panel, spray Hydro2 and rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

Maintanence washes:

rinse > foam with GFX > contact wash with GFX > rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

Again, I wouldn't want to neutralize the protection of afforded by Hydro2 by my use of Ech2o, if any. So, I wanted to know if the above sequence is sounds okay.

4. Have you experienced steaking with Hydro2? If yes, how did you remove them and prevent them from recurring?

5. In your thread on Hydro2, you mention the use of IronX. I assume we could use it on panels, plastics and glasses as well as the wheels. Is this correct?

6. Would you have a comparison of the protective properties of Hydro2 vs. your native ceramic coating?

7. Is Ultimate Detailerz a reliable retailer (PCC does not have Hydro2, only Hydro2 foam)?

Many thanks for your time.
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Old 16th January 2025, 11:59   #11901
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by dearchichi View Post

Should I spray, wipe it down with a wet towel and then buff the panel with a dry one? Can you explain the reason for this sequence? I'm not using this product as a rinseless wash but as a drying aid.

Lastly, after a few cycles of contactless and contact washing, I think I'm ready to add a layer of protection to the paint. I'm considering Hydro2 (spray on , rinse off), which adds a temporary ceramic coat, lasting about 3 months, and brings in the attendent hydrophobic properties. I have a few questions regarding this:

1. Once a sealant like the Hydro2 has been applied, should I stick to GFX for maintenance washes, and not use Reset which might strip the coating?

2. Can I use Ech2o as a drying agent after rinsing off the Hydro2?

3. Would this be the wash process?

When applying/reapplying Hydro2 every 3 months:

rinse > foam with Reset > contact wash with Reset > rinse > for each panel, spray Hydro2 and rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

Maintanence washes:

rinse > foam with GFX > contact wash with GFX > rinse > for each panel, spray Ech2o and wipe with wet and dry towels

4. I don't use a leaf blower to dry since it's very slow (I have a 600W Agaro). Would this blower be useful after using Hydro2 due to the hydrophobic properties imparted?

Thank you as always.

No, what I do is spray into a dry towel and then apply it to the paint (be it as a drying aid or rinseless wash), this is your ‘wet towel’ after this simply follow through with your dry towel for a haze and streak free finish.

If you prefer, you can spray directly onto the paint but this causes overspray on surrounding areas and more importantly it atomises the solution in the air which we breathe in, in much higher volumes vs spraying into a towel where the droplets are contained.

First off, if you’re going to apply yourself do consider something more durable like Gyeon Cancoat. Hydro O2 is good and it works but is short lived (water activated sealants generally tend to be less durable than standard spray sealants.)

1) Always stick to GSF (GFX is the same product, just the Christmas edition of the same) for maintenance washed as Reset is unnecessarily aggressive.

2) Yes

3) Spot on. I’ll add a third option- quick rinse with just pressure washer and air (once you have a blower). This last one will save you at least 45-60 mins per wash while achieving 80-90% of the same results. Translates to over a dozen hours saved every month.

4) Unfortunately no, even with the most hydrophobic ceramic coating, 600W is just not enough power to create the flow rate you need to push the water beads off panels.

Something like this will work-

Last edited by AJ56 : 16th January 2025 at 12:08.
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Old 16th January 2025, 12:41   #11902
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by AJ56 View Post
2) Yes
Thanks Anish for your detailed response to my queries.

To follow up, I have two more questions on the usage of spray or foaming sealants like Hydro2 or Hydro2 foam:

1. Above, you stated that I could use Ech2o as a drying aid after the use of Hydro2.

The CarPro US website for Hydro2 states that any streaking caused by the product can be buffed away by using a quick detailer (or, more of Hydro2 itself). If a quick detailer causes the removal of streaks (i.e. striping of the product), I wonder if Ech2o can be trusted not to strip the protection offered by Hydro2 after the latter's use?

2. Must I decontaminate the paint before using Hydro2 (rinse > wash with Reset > wash with Iron-X > wipe with IPA), or would a wash with Reset suffice? My car has run 5K KM and is usually parked in the basement.

Thank you for your time.
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Old 16th January 2025, 13:13   #11903
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by dearchichi View Post
Thanks Anish for your detailed response to my queries.

To follow up, I have two more questions on the usage of spray or foaming sealants like Hydro2 or Hydro2 foam:

1. Above, you stated that I could use Ech2o as a drying aid after the use of Hydro2.

The CarPro US website for Hydro2 states that any streaking caused by the product can be buffed away by using a quick detailer (or, more of Hydro2 itself). If a quick detailer causes the removal of streaks (i.e. striping of the product), I wonder if Ech2o can be trusted not to strip the protection offered by Hydro2 after the latter's use?

2. Must I decontaminate the paint before using Hydro2 (rinse > wash with Reset > wash with Iron-X > wipe with IPA), or would a wash with Reset suffice? My car has run 5K KM and is usually parked in the basement.

Thank you for your time.
Happy to help. You’re just like I was a decade ago, going deep into any subject rarely disappoints, your paint should look brand new if not better even a decade from now.

1) Not at all, to be clear, removing streaks is not the same as stripping the product (ie; complete removal). Removing streaks simply means removing excess product accumulated on the surface, similar to removing a high spot in a coating. You’re levelling the product, not stripping it.

If you stripped it, you would immediately see a total loss of water repellency in that section.

Echo2 or a quick detailer are both perfectly safe for removing high spots as is using more of hydrO2.

2) If you want to do it correctly, yes. As long as you don’t clay you’ll be fine as no abrasives are being used. Forget 5000, even brand new cars with 20km on the odo are full of ferrous contamination. It’ll vary by location and driving/parking conditions but once every 4-5 months is a good rule of thumb for chemical decon.

Also, use TRIX, this attacks not only ferrous but tar contamination as well in a single step.
Also, post spraying TRIX rinse very thoroughly to ensure all of it is off the paint completely. If you still see any left, don’t hesitate to foam again to fully neutralise it.

Then IPA and apply your spray sealant.

Last edited by AJ56 : 16th January 2025 at 13:15.
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Old 16th January 2025, 14:09   #11904
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by AJ56 View Post
Happy to help. You’re just like I was a decade ago, going deep into any subject rarely disappoints, your paint should look brand new if not better even a decade from now.
Thanks Anish for the quick and thorough response as usual. Your suggestions and reasoning are always a pleasure to read.

I wash my car in a dark basement, and have attempted to follow these best practices. Not many swirls show up under a cellphone flashlight, but they are seen when examined under a street light at night. The radii of these marks are large, but they are definitely there. It's always disappointing to note them.

I know I won't be able to consistently achieve the level of perfection that a detailing service can provide, but this would be my last new car while still being reasonably active, so I'd like to protect it well. Your posts, and this thread and the experiences of others, motivates me to get better.
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Old 16th January 2025, 14:15   #11905
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by Mr_Slowly View Post
Thanks @AJ56 for your detailed solution on how to tackle this issue!!

Some questions:

1. Would you suggest not parking the car under the shed in the meantime? The car will be covered in dew in that case.
2. Should I go for a professional grade ceramic coating or a consumer grade(carpro) one will be fine?

Regards & Thanks!

1) Yes, avoid until you can fix the paint in the shed. Dew is not an issue at all, it’s relatively clean water that doesn’t leave permanent staining. Just put a good wax/sealant for protection and get a pro coating when you get the time for long term protection and ease of cleaning.

2) Get a pro coating from a detailer you trust. Carpro is a big name in the coating industry and they offer both consumer and pro grade coatings, the consumer grade variant is called UK 3.0.

Their pro variants include Carpro CQuartz Professional, Carpro Finest Reserve and Carpro DQuartz which is their flagship coating.

Originally Posted by dearchichi View Post
Thanks Anish for the quick and thorough response as usual. Your suggestions and reasoning are always a pleasure to read.

The radii of these marks are large, but they are definitely there. It's always disappointing to note them.

I know I won't be able to consistently achieve the level of perfection that a detailing service can provide, but this would be my last new car while still being reasonably active, so I'd like to protect it well. Your posts, and this thread and the experiences of others, motivates me to get better.
Appreciate the kind words.

Trust when I say, the level of thought you’ve already put into just one of the many steps that go into a good detail (wash and decon process), places you well ahead of many so called pros I see out there and on YouTube.

We’re separated by a few thousand km otherwise I’d love to drop by and meet in person. If you’re ever up north near Gurgaon/Delhi let me know.

For the lighting, I can suggest a powerful handheld light like this one-

It has a high CRI (colour rendering index) and produces clear, bright light and will run for a few hours per charge. I’ve used it extensively and it’s a must have when checking paint.

Last edited by AJ56 : 16th January 2025 at 14:24.
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Old 17th January 2025, 05:05   #11906
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by AJ56 View Post
We’re separated by a few thousand km otherwise I’d love to drop by and meet in person. If you’re ever up north near Gurgaon/Delhi let me know.
Thanks Anish. I'd be very interested to meet you too and watch you at work. That would be a dense, educative experience! I'll surely reach out to you when around Delhi and Gurgaon.

Thanks for the recommendation on the work light. I'll check it out.

I look forward to learn a whole lot more from you on this thread and elsewhere!
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Old 21st January 2025, 10:26   #11907
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Hello People,

I'm from Chennai and I need help with advice and any detailer recommendations on a terrible mildew issue on the interiors of my car.

The car has been standing for the last 3 months and with the rain there's bad bad mildew stains on the leatherette seats that I need cleaned.

I welcome and appreciate any help.
Thank you all in advance.
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Old 21st January 2025, 12:17   #11908
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Please suggest a product - Wax or Spray Sealant to be applied to 3 year old car. Paint is scratch-less - there may be swirl marks on viewing in light.

Easy to apply and long lasting - minimum a month.
I have earlier used Turtle Wax Ceramic liquid spray coating - bottle ran out in a year, so looking for options - but when I look there are multiple items very similar adding to confusion.
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Old 21st January 2025, 14:03   #11909
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by ptaneja View Post
Paint is scratch-less - there may be swirl marks on viewing in light.

Easy to apply and long lasting - minimum a month.
I have earlier used Turtle Wax Ceramic liquid spray coating
Since it's been 3 years, if possible give to a good detailer for light polishing to remove swirls and oxidation, no need for high end coatings. After that you can continue to maintain the shine with the same product you are using, Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Wax. Even I'm using it once a month or two to my satisfaction.
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Old 21st January 2025, 14:42   #11910
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Re: A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide

Originally Posted by thoma View Post
Since it's been 3 years, if possible give to a good detailer for light polishing to remove swirls and oxidation, no need for high end coatings.
Earlier there used to be 3M in Gurgaon which I found satisfactory. Now every road has couple of detailers. Need a recommendation - dont want to spend too much on this.
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