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Old 4th December 2009, 18:06   #1351
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Originally Posted by akshay_b View Post
I ordered a TW tire shine online and i received the product in4 days flat,
@matt, How muh product are you supposed to use for 10ltrs. of water? Could you post a pic of the back sticker of the shampoo? Does the water become soapy and slick?
I don't remember the instructions as it is. I use a diff technique. I just hose down the dust and then mix the car shampoo with 4-5L of water in a small bucket. I used 1 cap-ful of platinum wash shampoo. Then I apply/wash the car using a sponge dipped in the diluted car wash. I followed the same technique for the previous ones too, but I used-1.5 cap-ful of Sonax. Sonax Car Was has a bigger cap. This one produces more lather while applying. And yes the water became more soapy.

I will try to take a pic and upload it.
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Old 4th December 2009, 18:10   #1352
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The whole Tyre & Alloy wheel Section - Team-BHP section is staring at you!

EDIT: @MODS : I am sorry!
I pressed EDIT on the previous message and added the content on the Quick reply window and submitted!

Last edited by Matt : 4th December 2009 at 18:12.
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Old 4th December 2009, 18:21   #1353
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Hahahaa... Quite a different exp here. I ordered TW Platinum Wash from Xenos-online.
My exp on Xenos site is atleast 2 months old - since they did not have TW products listed - I went ahead with Sonax from Reliance Mart in East Delhi who were carrying a 25% discount on the entire sonax range so a 399/- sonax concentrate shampoo came out to 300 for a litre
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Old 4th December 2009, 23:54   #1354
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
I don't remember the instructions as it is. I use a diff technique. I just hose down the dust and then mix the car shampoo with 4-5L of water in a small bucket. I used 1 cap-ful of platinum wash shampoo. Then I apply/wash the car using a sponge dipped in the diluted car wash. I followed the same technique for the previous ones too, but I used-1.5 cap-ful of Sonax. Sonax Car Was has a bigger cap. This one produces more lather while applying. And yes the water became more soapy.

I will try to take a pic and upload it.
I was planning to buy sonax concentrated shampoo and now i'm thinking of buying the TW platinum shampoo, Which one do you suggest? All i look for in a shampoo is the soapy slippery water solution when diluted.
I currently use sonax orange(regular use) shampoo which is better than the amway car wash which i bought a few days back which claims to be concentrated
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Old 5th December 2009, 10:59   #1355
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Originally Posted by akshay_b View Post
I was planning to buy sonax concentrated shampoo and now i'm thinking of buying the TW platinum shampoo, Which one do you suggest? All i look for in a shampoo is the soapy slippery water solution when diluted.
I currently use sonax orange(regular use) shampoo which is better than the amway car wash which i bought a few days back which claims to be concentrated
I think you have the *Sonax car WASH* that comes in Orange color. I had it before the TW platinum Wash(TWPW ) . I would rate TWPW higher than SCW for the following reasons:
* It makes more lather(physical effect + mental effect).
* Washing with SCW definitely removed the wax layer. Even single wash took away some wax(I use WAXPOl hard wax). While TWPW *claims* that it preserves the wax layer. I can't comment about that now.
* Lower areas of front door, behind the front tyres normally has more stubborn dirt. It always took some effort to remove them with the SCW. Less effort while using TWPW.
* TWPW smells better than SCW.
* SCW made my hands real dry after the wash. I am an oily skinned person, even in the driest/coldest hyderabad climate I don't have use any moisturizers. SCW made my skin feel a little uncomfortable. While TWPW did not have any effects.

Hope this helps.

BTW, Is it the MRP of SCW that you mentioned as Rs 399?
I remember the sticker-ed price to be around INR 270 only- around 1 year back.
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Old 5th December 2009, 13:24   #1356
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
I think you have the *Sonax car WASH* that comes in Orange color. I had it before the TW platinum Wash(TWPW ) . I would rate TWPW higher than SCW for the following reasons:
* It makes more lather(physical effect + mental effect).
* Washing with SCW definitely removed the wax layer. Even single wash took away some wax(I use WAXPOl hard wax). While TWPW *claims* that it preserves the wax layer. I can't comment about that now.
* Lower areas of front door, behind the front tyres normally has more stubborn dirt. It always took some effort to remove them with the SCW. Less effort while using TWPW.
* TWPW smells better than SCW.
* SCW made my hands real dry after the wash. I am an oily skinned person, even in the driest/coldest hyderabad climate I don't have use any moisturizers. SCW made my skin feel a little uncomfortable. While TWPW did not have any effects.

Hope this helps.

BTW, Is it the MRP of SCW that you mentioned as Rs 399?
I remember the sticker-ed price to be around INR 270 only- around 1 year back.
Nice lil' review there, Time to order one, Even i have expirenced the car loosing the wax layer after washing, The sonax car wash that i mentioned(SCW for frequent use/orange color) costs 270Rs, where as the concentrated car wash which comes in yellow color costs more than 350Rs a liter. Could you please tell me the dilution ratio mentioned on the bottle?
100ml of sonax frequent use shampoo is required for 10liters of water which is a lot, therefore a 1 liter bottle lasts only for 10 washes?
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Old 6th December 2009, 12:13   #1357
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I tried taking a pic of the instruction label, but could not get any good ones as the label is a shiny material.

Instructions goes like this: Hose down the dust using cold water. Add one capful of TWPW to a bucket and fill the bucket with warm water. use it to wash car. Rinse thoroughly using normal water and dry it using chamois leather.
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Old 6th December 2009, 12:57   #1358
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I bought SONAX Concentrated Gloss Shampoo yesterday from Car Fancy in Koramangla. It costed me 350/- for 1 ltr bottle. Have used it only once on my black new car, so can't really comment on it.

The guy at Car Fancy told me that you don't need wax after washing the car with this shampoo. But I do want to wax my car once a month to maintain the black gloss. Is there any particular brand for waxing the car? I have heard about turtle, waxpol, formula 1 etc, but not sure which one to go for.
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Old 6th December 2009, 13:56   #1359
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Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
I bought SONAX Concentrated Gloss Shampoo yesterday from Car Fancy in Koramangla. It costed me 350/- for 1 ltr bottle. Have used it only once on my black new car, so can't really comment on it.

The guy at Car Fancy told me that you don't need wax after washing the car with this shampoo. But I do want to wax my car once a month to maintain the black gloss. Is there any particular brand for waxing the car? I have heard about turtle, waxpol, formula 1 etc, but not sure which one to go for.
Try the waxpol liquid wax. Its easier to apply than the solid one, and gives a pretty good shine (check my thread for latest pictures of my car - waxed a month back)
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Old 6th December 2009, 14:14   #1360
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Originally Posted by blackasta View Post
Try the waxpol liquid wax. Its easier to apply than the solid one, and gives a pretty good shine (check my thread for latest pictures of my car - waxed a month back)
How long does the shine stay on the car? How frequently you wax your car? My cleaning guy will wash the car with normal water everyday and with shampoo once a week. I plan to wax the car once a month. Is that enough for a black car?
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Old 6th December 2009, 16:09   #1361
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Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
How long does the shine stay on the car? How frequently you wax your car? My cleaning guy will wash the car with normal water everyday and with shampoo once a week. I plan to wax the car once a month. Is that enough for a black car?
If you plan on washing the car everyday, I guess you should wax the car every month. I only wash my car once a week with car wash, and plan on waxing it every 2 months (waxing done only once).

This is a picture from last week after washing my car (wax polished about 3 weeks before that date):

A superb Car cleaning, polishing & detailing guide-dsc_3986.jpg

I guess the shine retention is pretty good.

PS: Nothing is enough for a black car - you should dust it every 30 minutes!

Last edited by blackasta : 6th December 2009 at 16:10.
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Old 6th December 2009, 21:04   #1362
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Originally Posted by blackasta View Post
I guess the shine retention is pretty good.

PS: Nothing is enough for a black car - you should dust it every 30 minutes!

Thats correct blackasta! I own a black SX4 ZXi and fully agree with you. however, like as in your cars pics, nothing matches a black beauty after it has been washed and waxed. it can turn more heads than angelina jolie dressed in a black evening gown( or can it?)
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Old 7th December 2009, 00:35   #1363
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Originally Posted by SX4LOVER View Post
Thats correct blackasta! I own a black SX4 ZXi and fully agree with you. however, like as in your cars pics, nothing matches a black beauty after it has been washed and waxed. it can turn more heads than angelina jolie dressed in a black evening gown( or can it?)
I'm not allowed by my GF to comment about other women on a public forum
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Old 7th December 2009, 12:49   #1364
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I had seen your shining bright i10 in your review thread. Do you think washing the car daily is good? I don't use the car daily, it comes out of its parking once in 2-3 days. Can washing the car daily damage the paint or reduce the life of paint? The water that is used to wash the car is recycled water. I am thinking about getting the car washed every alternate days.
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Old 7th December 2009, 13:50   #1365
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Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
I had seen your shining bright i10 in your review thread. Do you think washing the car daily is good? I don't use the car daily, it comes out of its parking once in 2-3 days. Can washing the car daily damage the paint or reduce the life of paint? The water that is used to wash the car is recycled water. I am thinking about getting the car washed every alternate days.
Whenever you wash the car you have to dry it using a cloth, and that is an abrasive to the suface, clear coat and finally the paint. It is best if you have to never wash your car! But in realistic terms, dirt and grime settles on the paint and washing is the best/easiest way to get rid of that. What I suggest is get a good waxing done every 2 months so that dust settles on the , and wash it once/twice a week with car wash - anyway you are using your car sparingly.
Is your Ritz already delivered?
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