Team-BHP - Santro Xing Engine Revs issue

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Hi Guys,

I have recently started facing this problem in my 6yr/50,000 K Santor Xing.
Sometimes while acclerating the engine loses power. When this condition
occurs the engine does not gain revs on accelerator input as it would do normally.
This condition last for 2-3 seconds and then the car recovers.
This happens very rarely and there seems to happen to after a long hard drive.

Also sometimes i experience a wiered hesitation when i start the car.
Something like revs not building while starting and then the car just snaps out of it
and recovers in few seconds. I somehow feel that this problem and the problem i
described in the above paragraph are related.

Clutch and battery already checked and ruled out as the cause of the problem.

Not yet taken the car to the service station.

The car is imaculately maintained and always serviced at H.A.S.S.

I drive hard frequently redlineing the engine.

Somehow loosing confidence in the reliability of the car because of the above issues.
Wondering it will give up on me suddenly.

Do not be sure about the A$$. I will suggest an ECU reset. Easy, just remove one wire from the battery for 30 minutes or so. The ECU learns all the time, and sometimes it has to be made to forget. 50,000 is not enough to blow the engine. Do this and then let us see.

Losing power while on the move. A peculiar problem for any car, let alone a Santro.

I suggest you get the ECU checked and re-calibrated if need be. The problem could be anything, actually. When was the last time you got the engine de-carbonized? It could be a faulty fuel delivery system!

when was the last time you checked the fuel-filter?
sounds like its blocked.

Dear friend,

The issue what you are facing is exactly the issue faced by my friend in santro. The culprit is the crank of the engine. this really sounds odd when i first heard from the authorised service station. But this is a fact, certain batch of santro had this issue.

At first i totally disagreed with the authorised service station when he said its the crank issue. And we refused for a change of crank. But after 6 month the car was producing engine noise and finally the car came to a stop when my friend was going to Erkm. The car is now in Hyudai authorised service station (Hilton) in quilon. They have changed the crank but need to change one pully also which they have no stock. We called the authorised service station yesterday and he updated that the part will be arriving soon. Hope it arrives.. Its now a total of 3 weeks the vehicle is in garage.
I googled the issue and found that the this issue is prominent in one batch of santro cars which was made approximately in year 2006. My friends santro is of 2006 model.
If the issue faced by you is of crank my advise is to change it ASAP so that other parts of the engine wont get damaged.

These issues really sound crazy for a car like santro. My question is why did not Hyndai recall the batch which had the crank issue?


Originally Posted by JediKnight (Post 2515124)
Hi Guys,

I have recently started facing this problem in my 6yr/50,000 K Santor Xing.
Sometimes while acclerating the engine loses power. When this condition
occurs the engine does not gain revs on accelerator input as it would do normally.
This condition last for 2-3 seconds and then the car recovers.
This happens very rarely and there seems to happen to after a long hard drive.

Also sometimes i experience a wiered hesitation when i start the car.
Something like revs not building while starting and then the car just snaps out of it
and recovers in few seconds. I somehow feel that this problem and the problem i
described in the above paragraph are related.

Clutch and battery already checked and ruled out as the cause of the problem.

Not yet taken the car to the service station.

The car is imaculately maintained and always serviced at H.A.S.S.

I drive hard frequently redlineing the engine.

Somehow loosing confidence in the reliability of the car because of the above issues.
Wondering it will give up on me suddenly.

I believe the problem is of air or fuel starvation. In case of air, your car mileage should be on a lower side. I suggest you do this at a local friendly mechanic's place under your supervision. These checks/ changes are not expensive and should cost you about ~500. Going to HASS will be expensive as I think mostly they will apply trial & error method, unless you know someone well at HASS.

1. Start with air filter, see if it is blocked and needs cleaning or replacement. Please replace if older than 10k km's. Costs only about 130 bucks.
2. Ask the mechanic to open throttle body and clean properly with spary. There are two sensors attached to throttle body, make sure both are properly cleaned with spray+soft brush and fixed back properly.
3. Change fuel filter if older than 10-15k km's. This should be about 160 bucks. You can use air and fuel filter from Elofic or Purolater.
4. Get the spark plugs cleaned/ replaced if older than 20-30k km's. If using old, check the gap with a guage before fixing back. If replacing, use NGK plugs, cost about 75 bucks per piece

Fill full tank fuel from a reputed pump (COCO if possible) and observe the car after these changes and if you still face the issues, please report back. The issue can be due to many other parts like ignition coils etc, but I'd start with the above first.

Agree with amit. Sounds like the air-fuel ratio may not be right, and combustion is being affected. Check the fueling system, spark plugs and ignition coils before looking for anything major. Checking to see whether the air filter is clogged is another simple check.

I too have a 2010 santro and so came right in to read about what the problem was. And before you decide to change major things I too would suggest you to do the basics first as mentioned above. That is to change the Air filter, Fuel filter.

I also own a 2008 Pulsar 220 Fi, and on one of my long rides I faced similar problems as you, as in when ever I tried to accelerate or if I was driving at high rpm's for long periods, then suddenly I would feel loss of power. I would let go of the accelerator for a few seconds then things would be back to normal again. I was stressed out and thought it was the clutch or something worse! At the end it turned out to be a Rs 50 Fuel filter. Now things are fine.

Other things that you could also check are the Spark plugs, and the Spark plug cables.

Do keep us informed about your progress in diagnosing this problem of yours :)

When was the last time that you cleaned your airfilter ? And when was the last time that you had your injectors,fuel filter changed?

ECU resets need just about 10 secs.Just disconnect the battery cable and the ECU is reset .

At the same time ,do ensure that the air intake and fuel lines are cleaned

Fuel filter can be a problem but then there is an easy way to check this out.If fuel filter is choked then it wont supply larger quantity of fuel.This is applicable even in lower gears but higher RPMs.So if fuel filter is the culprit the same phenomenon should occur in lower speeds but higher rpm in lower gears also.
Check for the spark plugs, the plug wires and air filter.Fuel lines and the fuel tank can also be inspected.Please resort to major works after all examinations.
Have you checked the temp guage.If you are used to rev the engine frequently and if your coolant lines have any issue or maybe the coolant itself is ageing then the temp will shoot up and could result in similar reactions.The temp guage need not shoot up as the temp itself.It could be a minor deflection towards the wrong side of the guage after the half way mark wher you can see 2 dots which are close to each other.


Originally Posted by JediKnight (Post 2515124)
Sometimes while acclerating the engine loses power. When this condition occurs the engine does not gain revs on accelerator input as it would do normally.
This condition last for 2-3 seconds and then the car recovers.
This happens very rarely and there seems to happen to after a long hard drive.

Hi Jedi,
Had a simular issue in my maternal uncle's Accent. As soon as did a test drive, quite puzzled on what this issue could be, I opened the bonnet inspite of the prevailing darkness in his parking space. But that proved advantegous. I was able to see sparks leaking from the ignition coil through a crack developed on it. The very next day purchased a pair of new coils and cables. Problem was solved.
Your explanation reminds of such an issue. Have a look under hood in darkness. Caution - Keep your hands away from the HT coils & cables.

please flush the tank and clean the fuel line for starters. Thats the only problem that i can think of in your case at this moment.

Apart from the above mentioned fuel supply issue, please also do check the ignition system. Looks like the ignition coil is playing tricks.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your inputs. You guys rock clap:

Went to HASS. Checked the spark plugs/HT cables nothing wrong. Throttle body and injectors were cleaned in the last service ( around a month back ). I dont think there should be a problem here so not checked. Air filter checked found okay. I told them to change the fuel filter. Fuel filter change interval for santro is once every 30K. I guess this is too long. In hindsight i never remmber seeing fuel filter billed to me in any of the services. But i may be wrong.

The issue is not reproducing at the moment. But it happens very rarely so i am not sure if the fuel filter change has fixed it. Only time will tell. Will keep you guys posted.


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