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Old 19th September 2017, 18:01   #16
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Re: Maruti S-Cross : Official Review

Originally Posted by Vigkey
If the temperature of engine goes above limit, isn't there a warning mechanism? Like a light or sound or something?? Are we expected to rely solely on the temperature gauge???
The airconditioner tripping is a key warning during engine-overheating - he also had it, though he missed the cue.
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Old 19th September 2017, 20:28   #17
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

Three incidents of breakdown and towing - in the same thread of a rather recently launched Japanese car that didn't sell in big numbers. Surprised.

Even though one was an owner fault, still doesn't seem to be a major impact and points to a delicate system?

Last edited by CrAzY dRiVeR : 19th September 2017 at 20:51.
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Old 21st September 2017, 10:17   #18
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

Ramdas Tilak shares the following via our 'contact us' page:

I would like to point out that this issue with MJD engines may not be isolated.
My friend who is in Bangalore was travelling to Chennai in his Swift VDi; without warning, the A/C stopped working and then he noticed the engine temp being high.

Thermostat valve had bursted and coolant splashed all over the engine bay. He was fortunate enough that he stopped in front of a Maruti authorized service center when the car refused to accelerate. Service center changed the valve, filled coolant and they were on their way.
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Old 21st September 2017, 15:58   #19
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience


When my car sprung a coolant leak ( there was loud beeping and the coolant sign came up), I called up my insurer Bajaj-Allianz and they took the car in a flatbed to the garage. Allianz only uses flat beds.

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Old 21st September 2017, 19:21   #20
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

That was really a bad experience! I am hoping that you made a complaint to Maruti about this whole towing experience. In spite of several attempts from you and your uncle, if these guys could not drive safely, I think they deserve a complaint against them.

Into the end of 4th year of ownership, when the extended warranty was a few more days to expiration, my car had broken down. Within one hour the dealer's mechanics came to the spot (dealership was around 10 Kms away) and decided that the car needs to be towed. Made a call again to the roadside assistance people and a flatbed came in another hour and a half - unfortunately their towing partner was around 45 Kms away. And this is with a brand that has a bad name against their after sales service - Fiat. I was charged zero rupees for towing.
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Old 22nd September 2017, 09:40   #21
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

Most of the recovery van guys are third party personal, contracted by the service stations. These fellows have no respect towards your vehicle and they just want ringer the things done.
Pls do report the matter to Maruti, explain them the entire scenario, they should get your car checked up completely for any unseen damages.
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Old 22nd September 2017, 13:00   #22
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

Sree73, towing was our family's bread and butter business for over a decade until i decided to get out of it one fine day. Time is money so we have towed vehicles at 80kmph+ speeds, dad used to be very careful and we not had a single incident of this sort. Towing is not an easy task and involves lot of practice and a perfect co-ordination. It took me 3, 4 years to sync with my dad. Going by your experience these guys must be very less experienced and probably way over confident. The recent regulation is to have a flat bed only for any passenger vehicle towing. so request you to write to Maruti...
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Old 21st June 2018, 04:20   #23
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

OK, so its my turn to run into this issue - Exact same symptoms. This happened yesterday night on my way back from office. The coolant is sprayed all over in the left side engine bay. Luckily I noticed the issue as I parked into the basement. The engine fan came on unexpectedly and as soon as I got out of the car, noticed the coolant spill all over the basement driveway.

ODO Reading at the time of incident: ~53K

Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience-1.jpg

Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience-2.jpg

Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience-3.jpg

Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience-4.jpg

Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience-5.jpg

Last edited by sudeepg : 21st June 2018 at 04:25.
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Old 22nd October 2018, 19:54   #24
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

Hi Everyone

I faced the exact same issue today with my 2011 SX4 VDI with 79838 kms on the odometer. AC stopped working - immediately realized the issue would be with the coolant, since had faced it in my chevy aveo earlier. The temerature gauge didnt hit the red mark though. Drove sedately with blinkers on for another 15 odd kms and have given the car for 80K km service. Thankfully my trusted car didn't leave me stranded on the road.
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Old 27th November 2018, 09:41   #25
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Re: Maruti S-Cross breakdown: Coolant leakage, miserable towing experience

Good morning everyone,

I have S cross since Dec' 2015 with current odometer reading at 20,000 Kms. Yesterday, I found coolant below my car at office parking place. I couldn't believe when I found that it's leaked from my car, most likely from thermostat valve area. I know the area, because there was leaking from thermostat valve of my previous car, Vista Quadrant at 1,37,000 Kms. Will go to Nexa tomorrow. Hope they replace it under extended warranty!
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