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Old 9th May 2011, 00:15   #556
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

I seem to have a strange problem, there are very small holes forming on the tank hoses, petrol is leaking while refilling. Don't know whether it is insects or due to adulterated petrol. New ones are forming once in a while.
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Old 15th June 2011, 11:04   #557
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

I too have faced this rat menace on both my cars. Our driver had kept a small soap to wash his hands in our garage. He said sometime back that his soap was missing. We initially thought that our maid would have misplaced it or so. But, last week our Scorpio was smelling bad. I thought it could be because of air freshner. So, referring teamBHP posts, I bought myself 'MyShaldan' freshner. Although it was great I still found some bad smell once in a while. So, weekend I opened the bonnet to my scare. Found poops of rats all over the engine cabin and also our drivers soap

Soon, we cleaned the engine surroundings with water and dry cloth. Later, kept Mortein Rat kills all over. We stuck the rat kills with insulation tape all over the place.
In 2 days, found the priced catch - 2 huge dead rats. Was so happy seeing them.

Did the same on my Honda city too.

Will take both the cars to service center once to make sure the rats have not chewed on any important wires or cables.
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Old 15th June 2011, 12:10   #558
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Latest victim of rat nuisance

we recently shifted to our newly built house which has full basement parking measuring 25 X 45 ft. Since all the luggage and some construction equipements are still not sorted and arranged in order, the basement has become a dumping yard on one side. There is place for 2 cars and 6 two wheelers other than that all other space is occupied by junk material.

So this has become a breeding place for the rats. We wondered how they came in and later found out the they have removed the Lappa or the wax type material from the ventilator windows and broken the glass and entered inside.

they first attached my esteem and chew away the G sport steering grip on the area where it was dirty. Later i had just kept my insurance copy on the seat and it was chewed and the rear seat also.

next they have attacked My vista and chewed some wires. This wire is connected to the engine block and they have chewed the skin and the outer cover. I need to get is replaced.

I am now parking my cars outside till the whole mess is cleaned and the basement is made rat proof with new glass to the windows ( they have damaged 3) .
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Old 15th June 2011, 13:04   #559
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
So while everyone's busy talking about rats, I found a tiny lizard in the hatch today.

Luckily, it was just in the gap between the roof and the hatch door so could throw it out immediately.

Anyone with clues on how I could deter these creatures?
A stray incident could just be ingnored, but if your car is attracting lizards, esp. household geckos, it may be that there are insects, esp. roaches round that area. Anyway, geckos are not known to do any harm, and they do an awesome job of eating far more peskier insects like roaches.
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Old 4th July 2011, 12:49   #560
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Kitten in the engine room: Will this solution work?

Guys, I was shocked to see a little kitten suddenly disappear from under my parked car when I approached yesterday morning. I checked all around the car but couldn't see it. Then decided to open the bonnet and found it hiding there !

Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-03072011001.jpg

Had a tough time shooing it away as it continued to go deeper whenever I tried to put my hand in.

Now I don't want the poor kitten to suffer if I start the engine and drive away. I've started opening the bonnet and checking every time I start the car. But that is just yesterday and today, and would be a pain to follow everyday.

I am thinking of fixing a hexagonal wire mesh (a.k.a. chicken mesh) under the engine compartment.
Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice-product_15864_l.jpg

I guess any auto mechanic with a ramp and some urge for innovation (jugaad?) can do this.

Before I try, I would like to know views from fellow members. If this works, possibly this can be a solution for rat menace too!

BTW the car is a 2006 Swift VXi, 38K old and gives me 13KMPL in Pune city driving.
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Old 4th July 2011, 15:24   #561
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Found a product - Rat Vanisher. Kept it in my parking area. Seems like it is working. Have been using for about 2 weeks now. Usually there used to be lot of rat filth, which isnt found for 2 weeks.

Another trick I used to do was to draw inside the engine compartment with lakshman rekha- the same chalk piece used for killing cockroaches! Do this artwork twice a week.
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Old 4th July 2011, 16:06   #562
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Re: Kitten in the engine room: Will this solution work?

Originally Posted by k36 View Post
I am thinking of fixing a hexagonal wire mesh (a.k.a. chicken mesh) under the engine compartment.

Before I try, I would like to know views from fellow members. If this works, possibly this can be a solution for rat menace too!
You could try fitting a sump guard instead. That will protect the engine bay too.

Ask the A.S.S. if they have it; or some accessories shop.
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Old 7th July 2011, 15:02   #563
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by zerocritical View Post
Just saw the sticky pad.. one small mouse got stuck to it... here's the pic:
Attachment 107551

Hi all,
Noticed the above post in page 19 .. and couldn't read further without sharing the link below. In case someone has already done it.. pls excuse the lecture.

Anyone intending to use sticky pads .. pls spend 5 mins reading this link:
Rodent Control & Rat Glue Traps, Trays & Pads - Varna Pest Control

Last edited by scanD : 7th July 2011 at 15:03.
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Old 7th July 2011, 16:23   #564
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by scanD View Post
Hi all,
Noticed the above post in page 19 .. and couldn't read further without sharing the link below. In case someone has already done it.. pls excuse the lecture.

Anyone intending to use sticky pads .. pls spend 5 mins reading this link:
Rodent Control & Rat Glue Traps, Trays & Pads - Varna Pest Control
Very good info. Rat repellent seem to be most humane thing.
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Old 7th July 2011, 17:36   #565
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Re: Kitten in the engine room: Will this solution work?

Originally Posted by k36 View Post

I am thinking of fixing a hexagonal wire mesh (a.k.a. chicken mesh) under the engine compartment.

I guess any auto mechanic with a ramp and some urge for innovation (jugaad?) can do this.

Before I try, I would like to know views from fellow members. If this works, possibly this can be a solution for rat menace too!
I had a brake failure because of this Jugaad in my car. I have only 8 more lives left (I had 9 lives before).

See, the wire mesh will have sharp edges. When you keep turning the steering wheel, there is a high possibility of the brake pipe (which goes from the master brake cylinder to the wheels) rubbing against the wire mesh.

My car's brake pipe got cut about 3 months after installing the wire mesh.
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Old 8th July 2011, 00:00   #566
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Today both headlights of my 5 month old Scorpio refused to turn-on. Fog lights worked as a lifeline in this tricky situation. Parking lights were also working.

Initially I thought it could be a mess created due to the installation of HID kit 2 months ago; and started cursing myself for installing HID kit.

From office took the vehicle directly to the accessory shop where the HID installation was done. Technician opened the bonnet and we were surprised to see that one of the wires from the battery to the relay has been chewed by rats at couple of places and the wire was completely cut-off midway.

The wire was replaced in few minutes; and the headlights started working efficiently.

I suspect the new parking location in the basement at office could be the place where rats could have entered the engine compartement. I have been parking at this new location for last 2-3 days.

I will change the parking location and will also go for the mortien rat kill / tobacco leaves.
Advise on ultrasound rat repellent will be appreciated.

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Old 8th July 2011, 13:46   #567
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by bj96 View Post
Try ultrasound repellent device. Here is one, I Googled for you, made in India, for auto use:

Some interesting tidbits on Rat audio What do rats hear?

Originally Posted by Night_Hawk View Post
Advise on ultrasound rat repellent will be appreciated.
Read through the 2nd link posted by bj96 .. it has a section "Do ultrasonic pest repellers drive away pests?". Seems like ultrasound repellent is not guaranteed to work 100% like tsk1979's claims.

In my area, cars were under attack by rats as well as squirrels. I'm surprised that noone else here has had any Squirrel trouble.
I'm going to try Tambaaku precaution.. and hope it will work on both. If not, then i would try out the Ultrasound device.

btw, I got a quote for Rupees 3.5K from MaserIndia and 2K from Varna for their automobile rat repellents.. both having similar specs.
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Old 10th July 2011, 21:10   #568
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by scanD View Post
btw, I got a quote for Rupees 3.5K from MaserIndia and 2K from Varna for their automobile rat repellents.. both having similar specs.
ScanD : I use the Ultrasonic rat repellent system from Maser India in my SX4 and also was using the same in my Accent , this unit definitely helps keep the rats away , prior to using this system it was a nightmare during monsoon periods with the rats creating havoc in the engine bay.

It depends on how you place the unit in the engine bay for best results , I have placed mine in such a way that the wave generator faces the hood when closed so that the rays bounce in various directions thereby giving you maximum coverage area in the engine bay,

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Old 10th July 2011, 21:22   #569
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by Peter View Post
ScanD : I use the Ultrasonic rat repellent system from Maser India in my SX4 and also was using the same in my Accent , this unit definitely helps keep the rats away , prior to using this system it was a nightmare during monsoon periods with the rats creating havoc in the engine bay.
Yippie .. i'm glad someone has had success with these.

When stuff like pepper powder was being recommended.. i wondered what the mechanics would go through to inspect such cars during service/checkups :-) I know for sure that I would be much hesitant to open the hood in that case.
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Old 19th July 2011, 16:19   #570
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by Peter View Post
I use the Ultrasonic rat repellent system from Maser India in my SX4 and also was using the same in my Accent , this unit definitely helps keep the rats away
Peter, I'm thinking of buying the varna repellent system for the parking area. Quote is 1650/- and will cover 300sqft as per them.
Is your repellent system working fine? Do you recommend buying the varna system? I badly need something to handle the rats
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