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Old 20th July 2014, 23:04   #961
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Re: Wires of oxygen sensor chewed by rats!

Originally Posted by TheLizardKing View Post
The wires of the oxygen sensor on my one year-old Polo have been chewed by rats. Both sets of wires have been chewed in fact, the one coming from the sensor and the other from the ECU. There's also a set of connectors in between, and the one on the ECU side has fallen off!
The SA claims that the wires are made of aluminium and cannot be soldered. He's asking me to replace the sensor. And the parts are crazy expensive: sensor is 4.5k, the wire harness is 3k, and the connector is 2k.
The only silver lining is that it's the downstream (post-catcon) sensor, so it's not affecting my engine performance (read fuel efficiency) so much.
Is the workshop taking me for a ride? I posted this on the official Polo thread and some members think I'm being robbed. What are my alternatives?
Help please.
How many wires are going to the downstream sensor and what brand is it? If they are hard to solder you can always use a universal connector like the one provided by Bosch. If not, just have a new harness made and instead of soldering, crimp and heat shrink.
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Old 21st July 2014, 06:50   #962
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Who said aluminum wires cannot be soldered? If not any other issues like wire length and solder location are there, I don't see any issue in getting an aluminum wire soldered.
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Old 21st July 2014, 07:30   #963
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Re: Wires of oxygen sensor chewed by rats!

Originally Posted by sajusherief View Post
Who said aluminum wires cannot be soldered? If not any other issues like wire length and solder location are there, I don't see any issue in getting an aluminum wire soldered.
They are usually steel wires (SA probably does not know the difference) and are difficult to solder. Best thing to do is crimp them - when I worked for VW over a decade ago, we were shown how crimps are actually superior to solder as solder can melt if the circuit/wire gets too hot.

If one uses the types of crimps with heat shrink shown below, one will have no problem with the connections.
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Old 22nd July 2014, 00:24   #964
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Re: Wires of oxygen sensor chewed by rats!

Originally Posted by TheLizardKing View Post
The wires of the oxygen sensor on my one year-old Polo have been chewed by rats. Both sets of wires have been chewed in fact, the one coming from the sensor and the other from the ECU. There's also a set of connectors in between, and the one on the ECU side has fallen off!
The SA claims that the wires are made of aluminium and cannot be soldered. He's asking me to replace the sensor. And the parts are crazy expensive: sensor is 4.5k, the wire harness is 3k, and the connector is 2k.
The only silver lining is that it's the downstream (post-catcon) sensor, so it's not affecting my engine performance (read fuel efficiency) so much.
Is the workshop taking me for a ride? I posted this on the official Polo thread and some members think I'm being robbed. What are my alternatives?
Help please.
Definately being taken for a ride dude. Get it done from a good outside electrician.
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Old 26th July 2014, 16:10   #965
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I had some mouse trouble with my car but the worst was yet to happen. Until last week they never chew any plastic parts but today when I opened up the engine hood I saw they chewed up several plastic parts. (refer pics )
I will place some mortein rat kill cake in the engine bay tonight.
Fortunately the car is running fine. But if this continues they will surely enter the car cabin.

Here are the pictures of the damage and the dirty engine bay. There are muddy foot prints of mouse all over. I tried to wash them but it didn't help much.
Please suggest how can I keep the mouse away besides feeding them poison ?
I even tried tobacco and naphthalene balls.
Mods: apologies for posting 2 posts back to back.
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Last edited by Rudra Sen : 27th July 2014 at 10:38.
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Old 26th July 2014, 16:26   #966
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I've been using Varna rat repellent for couple of years now. Never had a rat problem since then. Check out the link below. You have models which can be placed in the garage as well as under your hood if you have to park your car on the streets at night.
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Old 27th July 2014, 09:14   #967
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by ajaypjayaraj View Post
I've been using Varna rat repellent for couple of years now. Never had a rat problem since then. Check out the link below. You have models which can be placed in the garage as well as under your hood if you have to park your car on the streets at night.
Varna is an ultrasonic based repellent. I have had trouble with these types (I have posted a while back on these) on following counts: 1) I believe the rats get used to them over a period of time and 2) they are a drain on the battery. Though the current drawn appears to be negligible, if the car is not driven for a week or so (and you also have a music system connected on standby current) the battery gets flat. I disconnected my ultrasonic repellent and went in for MX make flexible cable covers for all my cables and pipes which the rats don't relish biting into. Since the last year or so I have tried using pepper spray (those used by ladies for self defence) in the engine compartment to keep the rats at bay. A couple of squirts (be careful of the irritating fumes!) inside is sufficient to keep them away for a couple of weeks. No "Fecal" sightings under the bonnet for me since the last year!
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Old 27th July 2014, 09:45   #968
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I am using the plug in version in my garage and serves good for both cars in the garage. Din't opt for the in-car model. Hence I am not aware of the drawbacks of that model.
Varna rat repellents are tuned to that particular frequency range which is specific for rodents. Can rodents adapt to it or outlive it?
Anyone here who has knowledge about this, please share your comments.
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Old 27th July 2014, 10:56   #969
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After some googling and reading, found the explanation to that myself..

Ultrasonic signal which continually changes between 32 and 64 kHZ -Rodents cannot adapt.

Will The Rodents Eventually Adapt to the Sound?
Perhaps to a simple and repetitive sound. But the non-repeating, layered piercing wave prevents rodents from discerning any type of pattern or single tone within the complex piercing noise, making it impossible for them to aurally adapt to the unit over time.

Good I looked this up. Not sure if the model I have produces any complex frequencies. Might need a replacement if it doesn't.
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Old 27th July 2014, 11:41   #970
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Ok Guys.
This what I have learnd recently. Leave some tobacco in small pouches inside tha bonnet and inside the cabin. I'm told rats dont like the smell and dont venture where the tobacco is and in time they change their path of travel for food.
Your car will be safe.
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Old 28th July 2014, 13:26   #971
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by ajaypjayaraj View Post
Not sure if the model I have produces any complex frequencies. Might need a replacement if it doesn't.
Found this in the FAQ section on their website:

Will rodent get used to this repellent after a period of time?
Answer: Definitely No! The unit uses a complex "swept" sound frequency with multiple "peaks". The intensity, complexity and changing frequencies prevent rodents from getting used to the sound emitted.

After my recent trouble with rodents, am thinking about getting one. My car is my daily drive, so I don't have to worry about the battery getting drained. And at just 3000 bucks, it is a bargain considering how much repairs can cost...
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Old 28th July 2014, 13:41   #972
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How do you protect your car from rats?

Originally Posted by TheLizardKing View Post
Found this in the FAQ section on their website:

Will rodent get used to this repellent after a period of time?
Answer: Definitely No! The unit uses a complex "swept" sound frequency with multiple "peaks". The intensity, complexity and changing frequencies prevent rodents from getting used to the sound emitted.

After my recent trouble with rodents, am thinking about getting one. My car is my daily drive, so I don't have to worry about the battery getting drained. And at just 3000 bucks, it is a bargain considering how much repairs can cost...

You mean the FAQ section of Varna's website?

Oh yes it does work on multiple frequencies!! Just read it from Varna website. So I don't have to worry anymore. Thanks TheLizardKing! I had forgotten to check it out myself yesterday. Thank you.

Last edited by ajaypjayaraj : 28th July 2014 at 13:48.
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Old 31st July 2014, 14:51   #973
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

There is no Proof / study supporting this claim that Tobacco acts as a Rat Repellent. Visit pan shops in Mumbai; they will tell you the truth.
Even Ultrasonic Repellent fails as Rats slowly become habitual of that particular Ultrasonic Frequency. If you go to any Food Processing Plant; you will never notice such electronic repellent devices. They always prefer to use Rat Poison. Please note Rats are big menace all across India and still there is no permanent solution other than the Poison.

Originally Posted by fossilalan View Post
Ok Guys.
This what I have learnd recently. Leave some tobacco in small pouches inside tha bonnet and inside the cabin. I'm told rats dont like the smell and dont venture where the tobacco is and in time they change their path of travel for food.
Your car will be safe.
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Old 31st July 2014, 15:05   #974
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by ajay4060 View Post
There is no Proof / study supporting this claim that Tobacco acts as a Rat Repellent. Visit pan shops in Mumbai; they will tell you the truth.
Even Ultrasonic Repellent fails as Rats slowly become habitual of that particular Ultrasonic Frequency. If you go to any Food Processing Plant; you will never notice such electronic repellent devices. They always prefer to use Rat Poison. Please note Rats are big menace all across India and still there is no permanent solution other than the Poison.
There is a solution.
Its called "man up".
Yes man up. Do not be a mere mortal.
Its a war. A deadly war.
Its us vs them.

Kill or be killed.
So take up that broom. Or that stick. And hunt. Go to the netherworld, go to the depths. To the dark corners where these monsters lurk.

Hit true, hit hard. Never let your faith waiver, because what you are carrying is not ordinary broom. Its the torch of human civilization. Its the symbol of all that is good in this world.

Its with this broom you will extinguish the enemy, once and for all.
All is not lost my friend. May the force be with you.
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Old 31st July 2014, 15:16   #975
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re: Rat damage to cars | Protection, solutions & advice

Originally Posted by ajay4060 View Post
If you go to any Food Processing Plant; you will never notice such electronic repellent devices. They always prefer to use Rat Poison. Please note Rats are big menace all across India and still there is no permanent solution other than the Poison.
Scalability and Placement could be the issues in such large plants. That's why they opt for rat poison. In case of a car, the area is small enough to position the devices.
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