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Old 9th August 2009, 19:25   #241
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Originally Posted by R2D2 View Post
If one buys a 12-14 lakh car, I dont see any reason why he/she cant afford to pay Rs 1000 every 24 mths to change wiper blades and save his windshield (atleast 8x more expensive) and more importantly maintain safety standards. Unless of course the owner is a real cheap skate and penny wise pound foolish.
Hi R2D2
I Also dont understand why people try to preach when they are really uncalled for. Without knowing all details your comments were really not welcome.
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Old 9th August 2009, 20:01   #242
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There is no reason to be offended. You aren't a cheap skate or you would've bought an Altis

Come on guys, lighten up. Why so serious?
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Old 9th August 2009, 20:02   #243
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Originally Posted by lalitk25 View Post
Hi R2D2
I Also dont understand why people try to preach when they are really uncalled for. Without knowing all details your comments were really not welcome.
Sorry lalit. Not sure why you took it personally as it wasnt aimed at you or anyone in particular. Just seen it happening too frequently with many folks including my friends and relatives. But then they arent half as enthusiastic or knowledgeable about cars as most TBHP members are. Hence if one were to step back and think, they'd probably realise what I said is true. If an owner likes to compromise on safety and risk scoring their windscreens it's their choice.


Originally Posted by ImmortalZ View Post
There is no reason to be offended. You aren't a cheap skate or you would've bought an Altis
May be I am and that's why I bought one. But no compromises on safety, ever. I've change my 8 month old 9G Corolla's alloy rim + tyre after the rim got a 1.5" long and 1 mm deep score along the edge/lip and tubeless tyre sidewall slashed when it hit a grate whilst doing a U turn.

The tyre walla assured me the rim was ok but I simply dont take risks and replaced it. And the tyre was mounted by the Toyota dealer on the new rim. Total cost Rs 11,500. Just for my peace of mind. But then to each his own.

And contrary to what some may think, I certainly practice what I preach. Both wiper rubber blades replaced with a refill pack when the car turned 2 years old.


Last edited by Jaggu : 10th August 2009 at 16:05. Reason: back to back posts, use multi quote please.
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Old 10th August 2009, 10:27   #244
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I reacted because I also never compromize on safty and never mind about cost which are worth for.
But then my wipers are not in the state of replacement which I got confirmed from the service guy.
Any way leave it.
lets enjoy driving our beauties and hare our experiences.
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Old 10th August 2009, 15:58   #245
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Originally Posted by lalitk25 View Post
I reacted because I also never compromize on safty and never mind about cost which are worth for.
But then my wipers are not in the state of replacement which I got confirmed from the service guy.
Any way leave it.
lets enjoy driving our beauties and hare our experiences.
Thanks Lalit. Agreed.

Just a point I need to make; we folks on TBHP speak our minds and the truth with a view to help and guide fellow members and even casual readers (non members) who may stop by when surfing the 'net. For it is only when our diverse experiences and knowledge are pooled together that we begin to make a difference. It is this very active participation, enthusiasm and knowledge that has helped TBHP win new members, me included.

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Old 25th August 2009, 01:36   #246
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Well a very weird thing has happened.My civic has done 16k kms and now it requires a front brake change.I can see that the pads are worn off but these guys are saying that the discs have gone to the min thickness as well.

this is totally unacceptable IMO.

How can a car's brake discs conk off in 16k kms.I'm not racing the car or using it in rallies.

I've put up the issue with these guys but they're just saying that this is a wear and tear part and cannot be replaced under warranty.

Any heads up as to what i should do now?
Any of you had this kind of experience?
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Old 25th August 2009, 07:07   #247
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The same info was told to me at 30k to change both pads and discs for the front. But I decided to check out on my own, and came to a conclusion that the pads will last another 10k of sedate driving. Discs - no way, needs a skimming probably when I change the pads.

Hopefully your case is not of a bad part that worn out fast. Discs + pads for the front is around 11K.

Take it to a friendly M.A.S.S and ask a visual check. Honda A.S.S. in your area might have a service target for the month

As a matter of fact, my friends sparky had to change pads at 16k. When we went to collect the car in the evening, we were shocked to see more than 3/4th of the pad still good. A grin was the only answer on asking the service advisor, damages were 1k, hence did not bother.

Last edited by laluks : 25th August 2009 at 07:10.
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Old 25th August 2009, 13:08   #248
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Ok.thanks for the tip.i'll get it checked by a MASS.i visually checked the brake pads and about 5mm of the stuff is still on.
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Old 25th August 2009, 14:03   #249
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When your brake pads hit the minimum limit, you'll start hearing a squealing from the brakes as you apply them. This is a metal tab in the pad that warns you that it is time to change the pads.

16K KMs seems too early for a brake pad change, let alone a rotor change.
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Old 25th August 2009, 16:00   #250
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Originally Posted by lalitk25 View Post
3. Ac auto start creates more sound than earlier.
This happens for me too. On idle, I have noticed that engine vibrates when auto A/C kicks in.. I am sure that this was not happening when car was new

Originally Posted by lalitk25 View Post
4. Some rattles in center arm rest and height adjustable seat belt
Check the cup holder in side the center box. It gives some rattle for me. I inserted a small paper in between, and solved
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Old 25th August 2009, 22:54   #251
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You may know that I've been struggling with a brake issue since my accident repair. The repair was completely cosmetic and minor. The issue with my brakes is that I don't have any response for the first 10% of pedal travel and a big lack of feel.

Yesterday, I noticed that my rear brake pads are worn unevenly. They are flush with the rotors only at the edge (the wheel hub). It looks progressively worn outwards. It's tough to put into words and tougher to photograph - the series of pictures I've taken are here : Index of /brakepads

The weird thing is that the pads look worn like this on both sides. The front, as the one pic in the collection shows, looks perfectly flush with the disc as it should.

Do your brake pads look like this? If they are perfectly flat with the disc, please help me build a case by taking pictures that show this. If not and this is normal with all Civics, I'll keep searching for the reason my brakes have gone all mushy.

Last edited by ImmortalZ : 25th August 2009 at 22:56.
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Old 25th August 2009, 23:21   #252
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I'll get some pictures by tomorrow.
Is it that all your discs have scoring marks due to the pads. I have similar marks in the front ones
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Old 25th August 2009, 23:39   #253
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Yeah, all my discs are scored. I'm not surprised really considering the forces, speeds and temperatures involved. Besides, they aren't deep. If I run my fingernail across the disc, it feels uneven, not pitted.

Thanks a lot for looking, laluks.
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Old 26th August 2009, 06:54   #254
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Its wearing out evenly for me, atleast from what I can see. The scoring is heavy in the front but lower at the rear.

I guess something to be probed in your case.

Check these pictures.
Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos-front.jpg
Honda Civic : Maintenance, Service Costs and Must dos-rear.jpg
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Old 26th August 2009, 12:31   #255
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Oh man, that is what I feared. Anyone else care to chime in with pics?

I'll have to think about my options now.
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