Team-BHP - A minor but irritating issue after getting a new Exide battery

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My stock Exide battery served me well for almost 5 years and then finally it conked off a month back.

I wanted to get Amaron, so called their Customer Service, the guy told me they don't handle sales & gave me the No of the local distributor, called him & told him what I need, he then gives me another no of dealer near my locality, I was pissed off with this attitude, why should a customer call 3 - 4 different nos to get a new battery!
Since I was happy with the stock Exide battery, I decided to continue with Exide.
So called their Batmobile No, told them what I need. After 10 mins, I get a call from the local dealer that he is trying to get the 50Din battery I asked for & will deliver to my home in 1 hour time.
After 2 hours, he bought the Exide Matrix (5 yr warranty) battery & installed on my car.

Though it is working fine, I am facing a minor issues on cold starts i.e when I start the car after a long duration (like first start in the morning), the car cranks, no issues, but when I switch on any electrical stuff like Headlight, Indicators, Stereo etc, the engine shuts off abruptly!
Sometimes, after I start & drive the car for short distance & then put the side indicator, the engine stalls all of sudden & have to start again.
It is a nuisance when it happens on busy roads.

Pals, Any idea why this issue? And what can be done to rectify it?

Could be a case of loose connection, check the lugs near battery terminals.

How long since you changed your battery ? and whats a 50 din battery ?


Originally Posted by esteem_lover (Post 1168600)
How long since you changed your battery ? and whats a 50 din battery ?

It is 5 weeks now since I got the new battery.

DIN is the power spec of the Battery, Palio requires a 50 DIN battery.

call up bat mobile & ask them to look into it.

What's the current rating in Ah for your battery? If the current rating of your new battery is higher than the older one then your alternator is not able to charge the battery fully causing the battery to drain overnight.

If your battery is of correct rating check the alternator. Your alternator may be weak and unable to charge battery fully.

before you go after all these, check if terminal wires are aok. if corroded a replacement is in order.


Originally Posted by finneyp (Post 1168521)
My stock Exide battery served me well for almost 5 years and then finally it conked off a month back.

I wanted to get Amaron, so called their Customer Service, the guy told me they don't handle sales & gave me the No of the local distributor, called him & told him what I need, he then gives me another no of dealer near my locality, I was pissed off with this attitude, why should a customer call 3 - 4 different nos to get a new battery!
Since I was happy with the stock Exide battery, I decided to continue with Exide.
So called their Batmobile No, told them what I need. After 10 mins, I get a call from the local dealer that he is trying to get the 50Din battery I asked for & will deliver to my home in 1 hour time.
After 2 hours, he bought the Exide Matrix (5 yr warranty) battery & installed on my car.

Though it is working fine, I am facing a minor issues on cold starts i.e when I start the car after a long duration (like first start in the morning), the car cranks, no issues, but when I switch on any electrical stuff like Headlight, Indicators, Stereo etc, the engine shuts off abruptly!
Sometimes, after I start & drive the car for short distance & then put the side indicator, the engine stalls all of sudden & have to start again.
It is a nuisance when it happens on busy roads.

Pals, Any idea why this issue? And what can be done to rectify it?

Its just a simple case of loose terminals , tighten them properly and your problem is solved.Also check the wire terminal ends , they could have corroded and come loose , but anyways dont worry you dont have a major problem on your hands :)

Thanks Sukiwa, Vid, Jaggu, Tech, Sanjz for the inputs.

I will check the terminals first thing tomorrow.


Originally Posted by finneyp (Post 1168521)
when I switch on any electrical stuff like Headlight, Indicators, Stereo etc, the engine shuts off abruptly!
Sometimes, after I start & drive the car for short distance & then put the side indicator, the engine stalls all of sudden & have to start again.

Pals, Any idea why this issue? And what can be done to rectify it?


Originally Posted by finneyp (Post 1168627)
DIN is the power spec of the Battery, Palio requires a 50 DIN battery.

Either your polarity is reversed, or your ECU and auxiliary supplies are short-circuited/reverse polarity connected. Get the connections re-checked by a competent auto electrician. Don't turn on lights/horn when driving, or you could burn out a lot of expensive electronics related to engine management systems. Best not to drive and sort out the issue ASAP.

A DIN battery is an ordinary battery in a special case. The case has a kind of "lip" oe "chin" around its lower end, onto which a clamp fits to retain the case in place. High-end cars like the Merc, BMW, etc., your Palio and my Accent Viva CRDi have DIN batteries. DIN stands for Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardisation), and these batteries have a lower height and that lip at the base (among other things). They are produced in limited numbers in India, and so the higher price (you must have paid around 5k for it?). A regular battery of similar Ah rating will foul the bonnet lid when you place it in the battery box, and you won't be able to clamp it down either (unless you did some home-made modifications).

I checked the battery terminals today morning & finally caught the suspect!

The -ve terminal was not fitted properly (a small portion of the clamp was sticking out of the spindle), so unloosened the clamp, hammered the clamp fully into the spindle & tightened the clamp.

And now when I start the car & switch on any electricals, everything works & engine stays on!

Thanks to everyone who adviced! T-BHP rocks!clap:

Sometimes the most obvious is ignored.

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