Team-BHP - GetZ lost power after third free service

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some background first:
So I gave my getz glx 1.3 petrol for its third and last free service about 10 days after I finished one year of it being delivered from the showroom. I had this nagging feeling that it being the authorized service center and more expensive than your regular mechanic they Auth serv center guys dont expect you to come back so they will treat the car as per their whims ..cos the car goes out of warranty anyways so they dont care much. Anyways I asked with my friends if I should be worried and they said dotn worry, nothing like that will happen. so I gave it.
I told the service rep that I want to be there while they do the servicing. He said ok. After wiating about 2 hours I went out for lucnh. then I get a call about 2 hours later tellin me to come over. By the time I reached abt 20 mins later ..they were almost done.

Three weeks later when driving the car now I suddnly feel like there is some drag in the acceleration. There used to be more power with a/c on and carrying 4 people. Now I feel.. just only feel.. cant be sure though.. that there IS some loss of power. It could be that the engine is settling in too. Maybe thats why it feels smoother which is nice, but the drag while accelerating not nice. The first 2 weeks I dint find any difference. Then suddenly in the third week I starting to suspect something amiss. I wonder if Im imagining things after seeing some shady things happening at the authorised dealers service center, like the service rep trying to get me UV coating and engine coating done at a cheaper rate than what is charged by the service center. He is ofcourse goin to use the materials of the service center only ..but pocket the money instead of giving it to the company. If they can do that to their own company what stops them from messing around with my car's parts? How do I double check that nothing has been replaced that should not be.? I also asked them to do wheel balancing which they seem to have done but I dont see much difference. There is still some tilting to the left side. Also I feel now that the steering is a little sluggish.

Help. what to do? please:

I have seen so many A.S.S who dont do the actual servicing. One look at the oil, they decide not to change it. One look at spark plugs they would decide not to change it. The same with air filter and so on. Usually, if there are no complaints, then they have a careless attitude. This is not about all A.S.S , but some of them I have come across.

I dont go to A.S.S any more, but during the days I used to, I used mark my air filter spark plugs with very small dot. There have been so many occassions when I have been billed for parts that have not been replaced.

I am not saying that this could be so in your case, it could be a matter of bad fuel etc..

try removing / dusting the air filter. be carefull not to cause damage while removing.

also try disconnecting the battery for 15 min to reset ecu. start and go for a short speed drive.

@VDIATECH: I will try refuelling from a different bunker the next time. Ironic how authorized service shop gets called *** huh :P

@Gemithomas: Come to think of it I upgraded my headlights on a saturday and I noticed this difference on sunday. since you spoke of disconnecting the battery, could that be the culprit you think? because the chaps redid my wiring and all.
Also, how do I disconnect the battery?

Just loosen the nut on the terminal with a spanner.
Remove the wire from the battery.

Ensure that you dont overtighten/undertighten it when you put it back.

Go for a fast drive for 3-5 min. The ECU should relearn.

Just give it a try.

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