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Old 15th February 2016, 18:39   #2071
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Can everyone on the forum tell their exact mileage in the Octy till date?
TDI DSG Elegance- 2014 model- have covered 31k kms and one battery change.
Also, who all have purchased the Extended warranty? I am being offered one for my car via their tieup with Cholamandlam for 33k! Should I go for it?

Last edited by shreyak_ss : 15th February 2016 at 18:41.
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Old 15th February 2016, 19:59   #2072
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Originally Posted by Mtv View Post
Something about a "mechanotronic" failure. Too bad the car is fresh out of warranty :(.

1.8 TSi, 18,600km

So yours is that rare Ambition trim 1.8 TSI. Dont you have extended warranty? Even if not, you have to coerce your dealer, to get you the replacement mechatronic under goodwill warranty. These things are known issues and Skoda and VW worldwide have accepted claims even after warranty is over.

You're lucky the failure didn't happen while driving.

If they don't honour the warranty do let me know we can take it up to higher authorities.

In worst case, the costs will be around 2 lakh.
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Old 15th February 2016, 20:03   #2073
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Can everyone on the forum tell their exact mileage in the Octy till date?
October 2015 1.8tsi Anniversary Edition Elegance with only 2400kms on the Odo
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Old 15th February 2016, 22:17   #2074
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

2013 October Skoda Octavia Elegance 2.0 DSG with 40k on the odo.
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Old 16th February 2016, 09:45   #2075
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Thanks for writing in guys. So far, two mechatronic failures reported on the forum for the 1.8 TSI. Extended warranty is a must guys, considering the issues with the car that even come up after the 2 year warranty period. I was charged 22K for it, and it was a tie up with ICICI Lombard. All dealers have different tie ups probably but surely it is through an insurance intermediary.
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Old 16th February 2016, 12:58   #2076
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Thanks for writing in guys. So far, two mechatronic failures reported on the forum for the 1.8 TSI. Extended warranty is a must guys, considering the issues with the car that even come up after the 2 year warranty period. I was charged 22K for it, and it was a tie up with ICICI Lombard. All dealers have different tie ups probably but surely it is through an insurance intermediary.
Spot on Adi. EW is a must - here in BLR, its 22k/24k (ICICI Lombard) for the TSI for the first 90 days, after which there are definite time-based slabs where the rate keeps on increasing
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Old 16th February 2016, 13:39   #2077
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Extended warranty is an agreement between the owner and the car manufacturer. What is the role of ICICI in all of this?

Please enlighten me..
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Old 16th February 2016, 13:41   #2078
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by freedom View Post
Extended warranty is an agreement between the owner and the car manufacturer. What is the role of ICICI in all of this?

Please enlighten me..
Your dealer will be the best person to get information. Car companies take an insurance policy which covers their cost of warranty replacement costs. Exactly like insurance gives you claims for damaged parts, Skoda will be reimbursed by, in this case, ICICI Lombard. We don't have to haggle with insurance company, that's the dealer and Skoda India's responsibility. As I just got the Multi-clutch replaced under EW, all I had to do is submit my RC copy, to verify VIN number in the EW certificate.
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Old 16th February 2016, 16:44   #2079
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
So yours is that rare Ambition trim 1.8 TSI. Dont you have extended warranty? Even if not, you have to coerce your dealer, to get you the replacement mechatronic under goodwill warranty. These things are known issues and Skoda and VW worldwide have accepted claims even after warranty is over.

You're lucky the failure didn't happen while driving.

If they don't honour the warranty do let me know we can take it up to higher authorities.

In worst case, the costs will be around 2 lakh.
Appreciate it! I will keep you posted about how things progress.

I haven't heard from the workshop rep since yesterday when he told me the requisite parts will take a while to arrive at the workshop.

Never before have I faced such a serious issue with any of my other cars in the past. Now that the warranty period is over, how likely are they to waive the mechatronic charges under goodwill?

It is indeed the 1.8 Ambition, regularly service, with only 18,500 km on the odo in a little over two years.

Incidentally, my neighbour's one year old 2.0 TDi DSG is at the shop after breaking down die to the same problem just last month. He had been told the parts would take a month to arrive. It has been three weeks since and he is yet to receive any notification from the shop.
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Old 16th February 2016, 19:26   #2080
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by Mtv View Post
Incidentally, my neighbour's one year old 2.0 TDi DSG is at the shop after breaking down die to the same problem just last month. He had been told the parts would take a month to arrive. It has been three weeks since and he is yet to receive any notification from the shop.
That's something to worry about. If it is indeed true, then this embarks the return of the infamous DSG issue in the 6-Speed wet clutch unit. That's particularly alarming for existing owners and prospective buyers like myself.

Anyways, hope the service centre complies with you and replaces your car's mechatronic unit under goodwill. Do update on your car's progress.
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Old 19th February 2016, 04:39   #2081
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Can everyone on the forum tell their exact mileage in the Octy till date?
I am keeping a keen eye on this thread.
Loud shout out to Adi for the tons of information he has shared with us with regard to his experience with Skoda.
You are not alone in that 'love hate relationship' with Skoda India.

My Octavia is a June 2015 Anniversary Elegance Trim 1.8 TSI DSG that has run close to 12000 Kms on the ODO. Seventy Percent of the distance covered was on Highways mostly toll roads and some ghats and state highways around Chikmaglur area. Also a trip to Mumbai and Goa. Ground Clearance is pretty good but I have managed to scrape the car a few times and felt miserable about it. The car has run non-stop for 700 kms on one occasion and has not had a single hicup so far (touch wood).

I also like to mention that I have done a DSG reset (ACC pedal buried for 30secs) several times and notice the difference and smoothness instantly. Did the same when I tanked the 3rd time on 97 Octane fuel very recently.

I have reported DSG clatter along with a low frequency sound from the front right suspension when driven on roads that are slightly undulated or small bumps/ditches. It is very annoying in an otherwise very silent cabin.
My neighbour who owns the same car that has run only 8K kms has also reported a strange sound (engine knocking sound in second gear=DSG clatter of a different kind) and a jerk when the car shifts from 2nd gear to 3rd. He is in touch with Skoda and quite angry with the whole situation. His Automatic Climate Control also failed due to which they had to open up the entire dash board. Now there is a rattle and it is scratched badly all over.

Like I mentioned the car has been running on 97 Octane petrol (Third Tank as of this post) and I have noticed that the car is much smoother and the gears shift much earlier than before. Also feels slightly quicker and torque has increased.

However there is no change in fuel economy and continue to achieve roughly 9-10 kmpl in the city. Running the car for short distances in bumper to bumper traffic or near redlining it occasionally and I have seen the FE drop to 5-6kmpl!
On the highway, its a whole different ball game. Keep the needle between 80-100kmph with cruise control and can expect 14.5-16kmpl. Driving over that upto about 130kmph and the FE drops to about 11-12 kmpl depending on how gentle one is with the ACC peddle.
On one occasion I managed to do Hubli-Yeshwanthpur (385 kms at an average of 100kmph in 3:50 mins with a FE of 11.4 kmpl)
I call this an achievement as me moving up from the Fabia 1.4PD Tdi where on the highways you have to floor the ACC to keep the car moving above triple digit speeds especially on toll expressways the Octy is the opposite small inputs in ACC and the car rockets ahead without any drama.
None the less the Fabia is rock steady all the way up to its claimed top speed and sometimes I feel more connected to the Fabia mostly due to its Hydraulic Power steering and louder engine than the Octy which has a rather disconnected feel when it comes to the steering.

I now use the faithful (rather economical) Fabia Tdi for short runs (daily car) and try and keep the Octy for more special drives (long distance car) in-turn clocking less kilometres which means less chances of a breakdown and less visits to the Skoda service station and overall less risk (they cracked the passenger side sun visor mirror only realised when a passenger accessed it for the mirror a few weeks later)I still have to get it replaced by the service centre.

I am yet to procure the extended warranty for the Octy. Any idea how much it will cost considering the first 90 day period is over.
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Old 19th February 2016, 18:20   #2082
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Mine is a 2015 1.8 TSI. It has run 12,000 kms and no hitch so far. Touchwood! It has run almost entirely on good to excellent highways though and I intend to keep it that way as I have another car for the city.

I got the extended warranty when I bought the car and the insurance was by Bharti Axa and it cost upwards of 70k+ (The insurance) and the Extended warranty if I remember was around 20k. I remember some discussions here on this forum as well as with the SA when I bought the car that I should go with the dealer recommended insurance for me to get Extended Warranty and that's the reason I went with that exorbitant amount (74K or so). Now for this year, I got a quote of just around 32k for bumper to bumper from Future Generali. The question I have is, is it alright to go with a different provider this year? Will it void my Extended warranty? Please help as my renewal is due in a month or so.

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Old 19th February 2016, 21:03   #2083
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Originally Posted by phreakv6 View Post
The question I have is, is it alright to go with a different provider this year? Will it void my Extended warranty? Please help as my renewal is due in a month or so.

Going with different company would not void your warranty as both are different types of policies. However check with your dealer whether they will provide cash less facility if you opt for this insurance. In ahmedabad they are not providing cash less facility of you get your insurance done through person other than the one nominated by dealer. I know it's illegal but they are doing it. In my case the difference between two quotes was negligible so I opted for insurance from dealer.

Please also check the IDV mentioned in the quote before comparing. You should also check coverage of zero depreciation, hydro damage and consumables.
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Old 20th February 2016, 09:45   #2084
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Originally Posted by phreakv6 View Post
Mine is a 2015 1.8 TSI. It has run 12,000 kms and no hitch so far. Touchwood!...Thanks!

Of course you have every right to get insurance from a different company. It has no effect on EW. This bundling scheme of dealers is patently wrong as they are in fact restricting your right to choose. Once you have the extended warranty card, you're safe. Also, insurance is something the dealers and salesman get huge cuts, hence why they promote schemes like these. Just go ahead and buy it online the rates are incredible!
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Old 20th February 2016, 10:31   #2085
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Yes, we can renew our insurance policy with any company, but its fairly necessary to have a look at the insurance that the dealer offers. Because, in case of a big accident, or total loss cases, the dealer will not cooperate if the insurance in not from within their umbrella of "approved" insurance companies. I personally faced a big problem where in I was asked to pay 10 lakh up for an accident damage and then the parts would be ordered and installed, and even then they did not guarantee the success rate of such installations.

No one would want to block their 10 odd lakh for about 6 months and lose interest as well as uncertainty in successful repairs.

I eventually gave up the vehicle for total loss, even then I got the claim money only after about 4 months.

For example in Ahmedabad, the dealer has a tie up with ICICI Lombard and Bajaj Allianz. Although I got the insurance for my Octy from my regular agent and not from the dealer, I stuck to ICICI so that they can still give me cashless support in case of an accident claim. My opinion is to not opt for insurance which does not provide cashless service at the dealer, else one can really face lot of issues. Paying 2-3K more is feasible but to get a renewal of insurance from a dealer approved company is must! Not necessarily it should be renewed from your dealer itself because they won't be able to match the rates compared to the market, but if they can, well and good!
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