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Old 29th September 2016, 09:20   #2386
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by newtonMeter View Post
As I checked it's Amundsen mib 2
Yup, very much the Amundsen which is identical to the current 6.5" Bolero plus navigation which also means you have a second SD card slot.

Was idly checking whether my Bolero has an update as I cannot get that dratted Android Auto to work with my Note 4 ever since it 'upgraded' to Marshmallow. Entered yours and below is the result :-)
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Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-amundsen.jpg  

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Old 29th September 2016, 09:50   #2387
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Is there a similar site for VW?
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Old 29th September 2016, 19:26   #2388
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PDI inspection done! The music system is Amundsen 2 with 2 SD card slots- in the glove box.

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Old 29th September 2016, 20:09   #2389
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Originally Posted by RohanDheman View Post
PDI inspection done! The music system is Amundsen 2 with 2 SD card slots- in the glove box.

Unable to upload pictures. Getting a security error.


Pls use the desktop site to upload pics, everyone is eager to see. What about the electric boot release?
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Old 29th September 2016, 21:10   #2390
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by AbhisheKulkarni View Post
Had a question for Octavia owners with Bi-Xenon headlights on their cars. How is the performance of the lights - high/low beams? Are they acceptable for pitch-dark highway driving? Do they inspire confidence to drive at good speeds on those deceptive roads where a pothole may come up all of a sudden?

Could someone please post pictures of the light throw and beam cutoff if possible?

PS: maybe all official reviews could now also include this aspect of the vehicle's performance - the headlights. Especially projector headlights as they have so many varieties (Halogen projectors, Xenons for low beam, bi-xenons, LED etc). I noticed that in the Creta's official review, a picture of the high/low beam spread has been included, which is great to know without having to TD the car at night.
I also find the headlights to be completely underpowered especially low beam is very bad and need to be extra careful watching out for pedestrians and vehicles driving without any lights. During rainy conditions it is even more worse. I found halogen's to be much more confidence inspiring. I have CR70 in the front, I always used to wonder if they would be better without it.
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Old 30th September 2016, 19:10   #2391
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Yup, very much the Amundsen which is identical to the current 6.5" Bolero plus navigation which also means you have a second SD card slot.
Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Pls use the desktop site to upload pics, everyone is eager to see. What about the electric boot release?
Here are the first pics! Done just 13 kms! The system is Amundsen2 with 2 SD card slots- in the glove box. In my excitement, i forgot to check the electric boot release. Delivery is scheduled for Sunday at 8 am. Hoping to create an ownership review this time around (someone teach me how!)
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Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_4842.jpg  

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_4841.jpg  

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_4843.jpg  

Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)-img_4844.jpg  

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Old 1st October 2016, 08:56   #2392
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Nice updates! This is how the car should have come in 2013. This is all because of the 2016 Elantra coming loaded with features at 4-5 lakh less!! Now what we (geeks) are interested in is how much actually has been added to the Octy. I see the new shark fin antenna for the navigation, it might help the otherwise sub-par radio reception, and also might boost phone signals if they have equipped the front console with "phone box".

The electric boot release will be a button on the front button panel where the parking sensor and lock-unlock button sits. It won't be in the traditional location on the driver door or something so you might have missed it. Look for additional features in each pane of the infotainment car setup as well as the MFD. Hope with all added tech your car doesn't breakdown more than mine 😄😄
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Old 3rd October 2016, 18:42   #2393
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Took delivery yesterday morning at 8am! The dealership was kind enough to specially open the showroom for 10 minutes to deliver the car to me- absolutely wonderful experience.

The electric boot release is not present. But it does have a rather cool compass on the MID! Navigation is damn neat! Hoping to start an ownership review and share as many pictures as possible.

Please let me know if anyone wants a specific picture and I'll post it here.

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Old 3rd October 2016, 22:34   #2394
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by RohanDheman View Post

Took delivery yesterday morning at 8am!
Congrats Rohan on your latest acquisition

One of my colleague was hopping between Elantra and Octy, when I got to drive the latter and man is it in a league of its own

Surely you have started drafting your ownership report, just ensure you try to capture as many pics as possibly of this Czech beauty.

Wish you a happy motoring and drive safe.

Last edited by Vik0728 : 3rd October 2016 at 22:35.
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Old 4th October 2016, 13:58   #2395
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Yesterday morning as I was leaving for office, I left home and filled in more than half a tank of petrol from my regular pump, and within 2 kms after that the car just stalled mid way. It started losing power, no acceleration, and just came to a halt within seconds. No error on dash board but it was found that some relay was faulty. I have refused to pick up the vehicle back till they act seriously this time.
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Old 4th October 2016, 16:14   #2396
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
Yesterday morning as I was leaving for office, I left home and filled in more than half a tank of petrol from my regular pump, and within 2 kms after that the car just stalled mid way. It started losing power, no acceleration, and just came to a halt within seconds. No error on dash board but it was found that some relay was faulty. I have refused to pick up the vehicle back till they act seriously this time.
Really disappointing thing that, the amount of niggles the Octavia is throwing at you makes me wonder why are you still using that same car. If I were you, I would have sold it by now and would have bought a diesel Octavia or an equivalent reliable petrol sedan (Corolla/Elantra).

The Octavia is a great car, but this gearbox is making mess of it, after reading several stories here. My friend had finalized this version and had booked it, next day he called me to inform the same, I immediately adviced him to stay away from 1.8 TSi & change booking to 2.0 TDI. He has Diesel Style Plus and is enjoying it every bit. He thanks me each time when we meet.
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Old 5th October 2016, 12:08   #2397
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by adi_petrolhead View Post
No error on dash board but it was found that some relay was faulty. I have refused to pick up the vehicle back till they act seriously this time.
Really really sorry to read about your situation. You are either the trendsetter for all of us who have bought the TSI or you were saddled with a lemon.

Please do keep us updated what happens now.
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Old 5th October 2016, 13:22   #2398
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It's highly unreliable and they are testing my car since 2 days over 200 kms. Still they haven't diagnosed the issue.

The problems are not inter-related to gearbox issues but seems though because of so many visits to the service center and everytime different person attending the vehicle in the process of opening and re-fitting components has lead to this issue. Now I am very firm on not taking the vehicle back. I suggest and urge all new buyers to stay away from Skoda for sometime. Once their sales decline they'll realise that they need to act.
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Old 5th October 2016, 23:31   #2399
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re: Review: Skoda Octavia (3rd-gen)

Originally Posted by itwasntme View Post
Really really sorry to read about your situation. You are either the trendsetter for all of us who have bought the TSI or you were saddled with a lemon.

Please do keep us updated what happens now.
I agree and it seems like it is a lemon. I honestly still think a TSi cannot be this unreliable.

But I do hope Skoda fixes adi's car.
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Old 5th October 2016, 23:59   #2400
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I disagree because I have personally seen many Octy DSG issues at the dealership be it petrol or diesel. Only thing is now they are trained by testing their methods in my car, and then replicate the right one on another car faster and more efficiently.
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