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Old 16th December 2024, 10:09   #31
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Stage 2 Remap: 246 kW (~330 HP) & 480 Nm Torque

Stage 2 Remap: 246 kW (~330 HP) & 480 Nm Torque

After playing around with several config options and getting comfortable with the VDASH software tool and it's use, it was then time for the big one -- the stage 2 remap.

Before the remap, I decided to get oil change done. This 3L S60 takes in approx. 7.3 - 7.5 Ltrs of oil and I found TOTAL QUARTZ 8000 5w-30 Synthetic to be the EXACT specification that this engine recommends (ACEA A5/B5). Also had a Liqui Moly oil flush used and then Liqui Moly Ceratec added during oil change.

Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap1.jpg

Post the oil change it was all about software and clicks on the laptop. You select the remap you want.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap2.jpg

VDASH hits you with a friendly warning: “Mess this up and don’t even think about blaming us, buddy.” Message received.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap3.jpg

One you hit the "I Agree" & "OK" button, then the only thing you can do is pray and watch and hope that no wire / connection gets loose or any such thing! The software goes into its own song and dance routine with the car booting/rebooting several times.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap4.jpg

Erasing the ECM’s memory (goodbye, old personality), and uploading the new map (hello, Mr. Hyde).
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap5.jpg

Several minutes later the fresh map is getting "uploaded" into the car
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap6.jpg

throwing light shows like it was auditioning for a DJ residency.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap7.jpg

Minutes felt like hours as I watched the progress bar crawl. The car kept playing musical chairs with its systems, and I sat there like an anxious parent during a school play.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap8.jpg

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, VDASH hit me with the magical words: “ALL DONE.” Green ticks everywhere. It was like getting a perfect score in your favorite video game! The Stage 2 map was locked and loaded, and the car was officially reborn.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap9.jpg

The stage 2 map is now shown as the default map on the car in VDASH. If I want to go back to stock, it will be a matter of 5 minutes, and it would be like the remap was never ever done!
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap10.jpg

I checked for any DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) because, well, who doesn’t love surprises? Thankfully, it was just the usual suspects—Driver Aid and Active Bending Lights—nothing catastrophic.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60t6awdremap11.jpg

Now, the million-dollar question: How’s the car?

Life’s been hectic, so I haven’t had nearly enough time to fully unleash the fun. After 300 km of driving (and a shamefully small number of "pedal-to-the-metal" moments), here’s the verdict so far:
  • In normal mode, the car’s still the same charming gentleman who will politely hold the door open for you.
  • But press that pedal with intent, and the car transforms into an angry cheetah, ready to lunge at the horizon.
  • The real fun? It’s all in S mode. Suddenly, you’re not driving a car; you’re piloting a rocket that forgot to pack its chill pills.

Need to find more time to enjoy the car, find open roads and have fun!

Last edited by khan_sultan : 16th December 2024 at 10:24.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 15:33   #32
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Re: Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde

Fantastic report. Congrats to another fellow T6 owner! I found mine here in team-bhp almost 8 years ago - and what a ride it has turned out to be! By far, the most sensible AND the most fun car I ever had. There are very few cars in the world that combine these two characteristics.
Attached Thumbnails
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s60.jpg  

Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-s602.jpg  

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Old 23rd December 2024, 15:52   #33
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Re: Stage 2 Remap: 246 kW (~330 HP) & 480 Nm Torque

Originally Posted by khan_sultan View Post
VDASH hits you with a friendly warning: “Mess this up and don’t even think about blaming us, buddy.” Message received.
You saw this disclaimer and you still didn't back out. You Sir, have steel ball bearings. This is a sleeper car like no other. Not as shouty as the bimmer but nearly as much fun.

Happy motoring.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 20:08   #34
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Re: Stage 2 Remap: 246 kW (~330 HP) & 480 Nm Torque

Originally Posted by khan_sultan View Post
Need to find more time to enjoy the car, find open roads and have fun!
Brother, your post is rather enlightening yet fun to read at the same way, such that, I might plan on doing something similar but not so much drastic on the off-chance I happen to get my hands on a nice, sleek S60 like yours.
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Old 23rd December 2024, 23:48   #35
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Re: Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde

Wow. Around a 30hp increase is pretty good, considering its already had 300 to begin with. Did the remap change how the gearbox performs as well?
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Old 3rd February 2025, 21:49   #36
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Volvo Goes Racing

Took the Volvo out for a well-deserved picnic… at Race Wars India! Because what’s a better way to relax than some good old-fashioned tyre-screeching, engine-revving, speed-chasing mayhem? The event was held at Buddh Circuit, and I signed up for the 0-100m drag with unlimited runs -- basically, unlimited chances to embarrass myself in front of speed junkies who do this regularly.

Now, this was my first-ever drag event. My past experience? Crawling over rocks and tackling slow-speed off-roading. So yeah, jumping into a drag race was like trading a calm yoga session for an intense HIIT workout -- big shift, much excitement, and lots of confusion.

Arrival: Early Bird Gets the… Empty Track?
Being the eager beaver I am, I reached before the organizers. Yep, first to arrive. Even the Volvo was like, "Bro, are we too early?" The winter morning drive was smooth, the car was happy, and I had a whole place to myself for a bit.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-10volvo-s60t6awdreachearly.jpg

Once the organizers showed up, registration went smoothly.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-2volvo-s60t6awdregistration.jpg

Got my bands, car access pass, and an entire sticker collection -- basically turned my Volvo into a moving billboard. Stickered up, feeling official!
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-40volvo-s60t6awdstickered1.jpg

With my car looking the part, I took a stroll and admired the tuner cars flexing their mods for the autotrack event.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-41carsearly.jpg

Meanwhile, the crew was busy setting up the drag equipment, testing the beams and computers.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-6dragarea.jpg

Prepping the viewing and the drift area, which later turned into a full-on smoke show.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-5viewing-area.jpg

Then, the drag lineup opened. Cars started rolling in, and some of them were:

BMW M340i – Fast, and the driver was nailing an avg of 0.4xx second reaction times with 0.2xx seconds on several runs!
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-80draglineup.jpg

X4 M40 – Absolute rocket. This thing launched and kept on going and going and going till the end of the strip!!
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-81draglineup.jpg

Audi TT 45TSI – Classy, sporty, and quick.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-82draglineup.jpg

And finally, yours truly in the Volvo, casually pulling up to the line.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-83draglineup.jpeg

The Drags: Reaction Time? What’s That?
My runs? Let’s just say the Volvo had the legs, but my reaction time needed some serious work. While other cars took off like fighter jets, I was out here contemplating life for an average of 0.9 seconds before hitting the throttle.

That said, once the Volvo got going, it did make up for the slow starts. Managed to outpace a BMW 330i and an Audi TT 45TSI, which was honestly unexpected with my skills. The real showstopper was a fully modded Skoda VRS in the OPEN Class -- that thing was lightning fast (and the fastest car of the day), but hey, I was only 0.917 seconds behind it. Not bad for a 13-year-old Volvo!

Key Learnings from My Drag Racing Debut
  • Master the Christmas Tree Lights -- Staring at them like they owe me money isn’t helping. Must react faster.
  • Improve Launch Technique -- Apparently, launching at zero revs is not the way to go. Holding revs for 2-3 seconds makes a difference.
  • Find the Perfect Transmission Mode -- Tried manual S1 & S2; felt weird. Found regular S mode worked best. More testing needed!
  • Volvo = Sleeper Beast -- It recorded the 5th fastest time overall, across all categories/classes. Fellow racers were shocked at how quick it was, and several came to me after the runs to ask about the car. A 13-year-old Volvo giving modern cars a hard time? Priceless.

Drift Action & Tyre Carnage
Between runs, I wandered over to the drift area -- because watching cars violently destroy their tyres is always entertaining.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-90drifting.jpg

More drifters waiting for their turn to burn some rubber
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-91driftareacars.jpg

Rubber was burnt, tyres were shredded, and a pit crew was on standby to tend to the cars and do rapid tyre swaps. Absolute madness.
Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-92driftareacarssetup.jpg

Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-941drifttryeshredded.jpg

Volvo S60 - T6 | The Swedish Mr. Hyde-93drifttyrechange.jpg

Did few more runs and as the day wrapped up and the circuit lights came on, it was time to head home -- happy and loaded with new racing wisdom.

Final verdict? A Sunday well spent. The Volvo proved itself, I learned a ton, and next time, I’ll come back sharper, faster, and hopefully, with better reaction times.

Last edited by khan_sultan : 3rd February 2025 at 22:12.
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