Team-BHP > Team-BHP Reviews > Test-Drives & Initial Ownership Reports

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Old 1st February 2011, 22:05   #1
Distinguished - BHPian
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Please read these guidelines before posting an Ownership Report on Team-BHP!

Thank you for sharing your ownership review on Team-BHP; it will go on to help thousands of members & guests (including many potential owners of the car). Several of our member reviews have crossed over 100,000 views.

Please ensure that your new thread in the Ownership Reports section complies with the following conditions:
  1. Team-BHP doesn't permit merely booking or buying experience threads. For the benefit of members & guests alike, it is required that you include a complete report on the car (the driving experience, comfort, features, what you like, what you don't like).

  2. If you only want to announce your booking (without a review), this thread is for you. Once you are ready to compile a full ownership & driving report, only then should you create a thread in the Ownership Reports Section.

  3. Please use the Assembly Line to compile your ownership report. This private section lets you edit your posts indefinitely and get your review perfect. It will also ensure that the crucial review content is all on the first page of the thread itself, without other members' posts in between.

  4. Suggested areas that you may cover in your report (NOTE: It's only our suggestion, feel free to add or remove points as necessary):
    - Point wise likes & dislikes of the car (summary). Ideally, this would be at the very start of the thread & equal in number. This summary list of likes & dislikes is very, very important
    - All the alternatives that were considered, and why you zeroed in on this particular car
    - Complete booking & delivery experience with the dealership
    - On-road price & discounts
    - Extended warranties & service packages
    - Be sure to list the engine type & variant you opted for
    - The good and bad about its features
    - Safety & related equipment
    - Number of kms at the time of writing your review
    - Your usage pattern (e.g. 20 kms daily in dense traffic, highway on weekends)
    - Comments on the exterior styling & design
    - Overall build quality, fit & finish, paint quality and panel gaps
    - Wheels & tyres
    - Interior design & quality (plastics, upholstery, fit & finish etc.)
    - Interior space & comfort...front & back (seat support, legroom, headroom & width)
    - Driving position, ergonomics, controls & MID
    - Visibility & size of mirrors
    - Air conditioner cooling & effectiveness
    - Audio system & sound quality
    - Interior storage, practicality & boot space
    - Any other unique or noteworthy points about the interiors
    - Engine performance & driveability in the city
    - Engine performance & driveability on the highway
    - Additional comments on the engine (outright power, refinement, revv-happiness, turbo-lag etc.)
    - Overall opinion on the engine
    - Gearshift & clutch (smoothness, effort required, short or long throw etc.)
    - If automatic: smoothness, quick or slow shifting, kickdown reaction time, lag, manual mode etc.
    - Overall NVH levels (including engine, wind & road noise)
    - Fuel efficiency: City and Highway
    - Suspension & ride quality (at low as well as high speeds)
    - Handling, on-road behaviour, grip levels, stability, body roll & turning radius
    - Steering (size, feedback, weight, EPS / Hydraulic etc.)
    - Braking (effectiveness, pedal feel...)
    - Ground clearance
    - Any particular likes (damped ashtrays, powerful headlights etc.)
    - Any particular dislikes (weak wipers, poor foglamps etc.)
    - Any niggles, problems or part replacements
    - Quality of after-sales service
    - Cost of upkeep & maintenance
    - Anything else you wish to add about your car (feel free to include your family's observations too)
    - Detailed exterior & interior pictures complementing your review

  5. Please be sure to post a balanced review that includes all the good and bad things about the car. Members & Guests take Team-BHP Ownership Reviews VERY seriously and rely on them for purchase decisions. Request to ensure that your review is extremely neutral & unbiased. Accept a car for what it is, including the pros as well as the cons. This is the very principle that Team-BHP is built on.

Here's hoping that we can count on you for maintaining Team-BHP's unbiased stance & high quality content. Thank you for the anticipated co-operation

Good luck & Drive Safe!

The Team-BHP Support

Last edited by GTO : 17th March 2019 at 17:01. Reason: Adding some points
.anshuman is offline   (121) Thanks
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