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Old 16th January 2025, 18:06   #1
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Solo Weekend Ride and Hike: Exploring Three Alpine Lakes in Kashmir

I have read multiple travelogues on Team-BHP, so I thought I'd share my contribution here as well.
I had my own bucket-list of places I wanted to visit one day. Since I'm based in Kashmir from two years so trying to tackle the list as much as I can.

SO It went like...

Day 1 (12-OCT-2024)

Woke up early, completed my morning rituals, packed essentials, and hopped on my Tokyo (Name of my V-storm SX). Although I was a bit late, still okay since I encountered only 6-7 vehicles until Sinthan Pass (riding from Kishtwar) and the freedom was exhilarating!

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I didn't stop at Sinthan Pass, as I'd been there many times before, Instead rode downhill towards Daksum, where I stopped for breakfast. Nun-Chai and an egg omelette there, then continued towards Anantnag/Islamabad (Anantnag is also known as Islamabad among locals, its historical name)

Visited Ancient Martand Surya Temple Anantnag

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Having booked Zostel Pahalgam prior I reached around 14:00.

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After checking in and freshening up, went to common room and met a few fellow travellers (most of whom were solo travellers) and then I headed to Aru Valley with another solo buddy on his rented scooty.

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We reached Aru, where there was a large crowd at the base, bought apples from a local vendor and hiked to a less crowded spot, where we enjoyed the apples and met a family of nomads and negotiated a deal to take pictures with the children – three packets of biscuits for a few photos!

returning to the hostel had an amazing diner time with the hosts and fellow travellers

Day 2 (13-OCT-2024)

Started early from the hostel and set my navigation to Margan Pass. I downloaded offline maps, which became a saviour later. I rode on the same route until Vailoo (Kokernag), then took a left turn towards Margan.

Rode across several villages, receiving thumbs-ups and smiles from the locals. Network coverage disappeared after a few miles, leaving me alone with Tokyo and the beautiful mountains. The roads were decent until I began climbing Margan Pass, where roadwork was in progress with few broken patches and fresh tarmac in patches. After climbing 12-15 hairpin bends, I finally reached Margan. Surprisingly there was nobody at the pass, so I rode further to partially constructed JKTDC huts.

Dropped my riding gear, changed into normal clothes with a fleece jacket, and then saw a Himalayan 411 approaching from Marwah Valley., A couple on the bike had been traveling for over a month in Himachal and Kashmir so we teamed up and started hiking towards Chaurnag Lakes (one of the easiest alpine lake treks in J&K, with a 6-7 km circuit trek).

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Met a group of five local guys from Kashmir, who were also attempting the trek for the first time.

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It was 3 PM when we reached the third lake, so I decided to head back. While descending, I saw a few tourists which was fine but only after a few steps i saw some empty food packets and a plastic water bottle that weren't there earlier. I was disappointed to see the litter and thought about hiking back to those people with the trash, but only settled for shouting a few abusive words (and it was intensely as well and loud, i hope they have heard the words) due to the timing as i was bit far away from my place and way back there was still 5-5:30 hrs with climb to Sinthan Pass so I collected the trash and headed back to Margan Pass, changed into my riding gear, and reached home around 20:30.
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Solo Weekend Ride and Hike: Exploring Three Alpine Lakes in Kashmir-image-20.jpg  

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Old 18th January 2025, 13:24   #2
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Re: Solo Weekend Ride and Hike: Exploring Three Alpine Lakes in Kashmir

Thanks for sharing. Hoping to hear and read more, and also about how you got to Kishtwar in the first place. Please do share
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Old 18th January 2025, 15:50   #3
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Re: Solo Weekend Ride and Hike: Exploring Three Alpine Lakes in Kashmir

Lovely pics. Memories refreshed. Used to fly around the area on nearly a daily basis around 15 years back in the trusty old Lama SA 315 aka Cheetah helicopter. I was based out of Udhampur then. Must try to go to Warwan Valley at least upto Yordu Bridge and also Jai Gad Ghati on the Bhaderwah side. The former has the backdrop of the Nun Kun and Sickle Moon peak features and passing Sonder enroute you will be travelling under the Himalayan features of Brammah, Arjuna and Bharanzar with their glaciers. Navapachi was the most beautiful place there. I have lived and traveled extensively over the state and the above places are in my opinion the most untouched and heavenly places in the entire region including Kashmir Valley. it used to be like having being transported or rather flying into fairyland. There is even an adjoining valley across the Pir Panjal ridge called Paristan Gad - the valley of Fairys. Went there 22 years ago in my old faithful and trusty Pulsar 180. They were not accessible by motorable roads then but now I believe it has road connectivity. Ride safe.
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Old 18th January 2025, 18:55   #4
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Re: Solo Weekend Ride and Hike: Exploring Three Alpine Lakes in Kashmir

Originally Posted by vinya_jag View Post
how you got to Kishtwar in the first place. Please do share
Working as a Project Engineer here (Onsite Role)
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