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Old 28th January 2014, 10:48   #46
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

I see a lot of confusion in this thread so let me try and make it simpler.

First of all. OE size = 175/65-15

Q) Do I need to upsize or go for better tyres in same size?

A) If your changing tyres then you must upsize. 175 is woefully inadequate for a car like the City. Either don't change the tyres at all or upsize. There's no sense in changing rubber to same size as the benefits will not be felt as much. If you're lucky to have got the Michelin's and you're a sedate driver then don't bother changing at all.

Q) What's the best upsize?

A) There are 3 upsizes possible without changing the rim. All 3 sizes have pros and cons listed below:

Option 1: 195/60-15.

Pros: This is the best upsize option available. Overall diameter only has a 1% error. You get much better grip thanks to the 195 width and the increase in overall diameter results in 3mm ground clearance increase.

Cons: Some dealers will threaten to void warranty depending on your rappo with them. You may also see a 0.5Kmpl drop in FE.

Option 2: 185/60-15.

Pros: Least error in overall diameter i.e. closest to OE and you will get a lower stance.

Cons: You will lose 3mm ground clearance.

Option 3: 185/65-15

Pros: Maximum increase in ground clearance.

Cons: This may foul with the wheel wells when turning depending on tyres opted for. Some tyres even of same tyre width are actually wider thanks to the sidewall design. So try them out before fitting. It will also look a bit odd as sidewall height is more.

Other options:
- If you go anything more than 195 like 205 then be warned that you will need to change alloys to a bigger rim width. While you may be able to fit 205 on OE rims, they will balloon outwards and will reduce the grip.

- If you decide to change to 16" rims then be warned ride quality will be affected slightly.
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Old 28th January 2014, 16:12   #47
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post

Option 1: 195/60-15.

Option 2: 185/60-15.

Option 3: 185/65-15
To add to the above post, the tyre options in 185/65/R15 are very limited with XM2 being the only good option.

195/60/R15 seems to be the best bet with an option available in all the brands (yokohoma ,MRF ZLO, Michelin) & we cannot afford to decrease the GC of the Honda City further.
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Old 28th January 2014, 22:32   #48
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Great analysis Vid66339. The 185/60-15 is ruled out due to GC. I definitely agree that we cannot reduce GC - no way. I am shying away from 195/60-15 as the dealer/Honda service guys are not agreeing to this.

So the options I am left with are 185/65-15 and default shift to Michelin XM2 since I got the MRF ZVTV on my car. I am getting a decent buyback for the MRF ZVTV and so I believe its worth switching to XM2 even if I go with the default 175/65-15...since the Michelin will provide a better ride quality...

Can you elaborate your recommendation for 185/65-15 keeping Michelin XM2 as the option? Between 185/65-15 XM2 Vs 175/65-15 what would you recommend?
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Old 28th January 2014, 23:30   #49
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

We have seen earlier thread that An ANHC AT owner has got 195/65/15 and he is very happy with those tyres. Ground Clearance has increase to great extent. Would be happy to know expert views on difference between 195/65/15 and 195/60/15. why 195/60/15 is considered better?
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Old 29th January 2014, 14:40   #50
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by thumpingheart View Post
The best upsize for the City is 195/60 r15. You may have to change the rim.

2) Michelin Primacy LC - amazing comfort, silent, very premium but may be prone to punctures, is quite soft.
My sx4 has been running on Michelin Primary LC 205/65 R16 since 2010. So far, touch wood, not a single puncture. As you said they are very soft and comfy. The ride is far better on them as compared to stock Bridgestone tyres. The tread is still very good and can run for another 15K. Already ran about 38K since installed.
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Old 29th January 2014, 19:22   #51
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by dilsoft View Post
My sx4 has been running on Michelin Primary LC 205/65 R16 since 2010. So far, touch wood, not a single puncture. As you said they are very soft and comfy. The ride is far better on them as compared to stock Bridgestone tyres. The tread is still very good and can run for another 15K. Already ran about 38K since installed.
That's amazing!! You must be really taking good care of your car and tyres.

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Old 29th January 2014, 21:21   #52
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

I have Michelin 185/65/14 on my Figo and they are really good . The grip is better and they make less noise. I believe 185/65/15 should do well on the City on the original rims. They would also increase the Ground Clearance which would be a very welcome fringe benefit of the upgrade.
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Old 30th January 2014, 10:27   #53
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by thumpingheart View Post
That's amazing!! You must be really taking good care of your car and tyres.

Thanks thumpingheart. I had very bad experience with Bridgestone tyres. They look strong but they are noisy. Just after 20K usage, they started getting flat quite frequently. Micheline rubber is smooth but still they do not get flat very easily. So far none in my case
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Old 30th January 2014, 13:55   #54
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

I've booked white ANHC CVT, SV variant. I've decided to change tyres immediately to 195/60R15. This will give me a decent buy back value of OEM tyres and apart from comfort and grip, I'll be able to add 3-4 mm to GC. I've finalized on Michelin Primacy 3ST tyres.

Snapdeal is running some 10% discount offer where these tyres come down to about 5380/tyre (after discount) if I buy set of 5. I'm assuming these would be fairly fresh stock as these tyres were launched very recently in this size. The price seems fantastic considering these are normally available in shops for around 6 - 6.1K.

However, I've had no experience with buying tyres online and then I'm not sure whom to sell the OEM tyres to (which shall probably fetch me somewhere around 3K/tyre) , so might just get it upgraded at one of the Tyre Shops as they will take the OEM tyres.
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Old 31st January 2014, 12:50   #55
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

I happened to see a Civic y'day. Initially I thought its ANHC. ANHC almost resembles Civic in some angles. I immediately took a snap of the tyre. Its 195/65 R15. It looked awesome. Is it possible to get this on ANHC and get the speedometer adjusted accordingly ?
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Old 31st January 2014, 12:54   #56
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by dilsoft View Post
I happened to see a Civic y'day. Initially I thought its ANHC. ANHC almost resembles Civic in some angles. I immediately took a snap of the tyre. Its 195/65 R15. It looked awesome. Is it possible to get this on ANHC and get the speedometer adjusted accordingly ?
What's awesome about it?

195/65-15 is too big for the City. Stick to 195/60-15. It will look better since it has lesser sidewall height.
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Old 31st January 2014, 13:02   #57
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
What's awesome about it?

195/65-15 is too big for the City. Stick to 195/60-15. It will look better since it has lesser sidewall height.
I mean the overall looks of the wheel was great. Alloy styling is good in Civic.
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Old 31st January 2014, 14:19   #58
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by neel911 View Post
I've booked white ANHC CVT, SV variant. I've decided to change tyres immediately to 195/60R15. This will give me a decent buy back value of OEM tyres and apart from comfort and grip, I'll be able to add 3-4 mm to GC. I've finalized on Michelin Primacy 3ST tyres
Have you checked with the Dealer/A.S.S on warranty post the change of tyres? I called both DH and Magnum and the Service Engineers in both places gave me a big lecture saying do not upsize, we do not recommend - it changes lot of characteristics etc. They did not however clearly state whether or not it has any impact on the warranty.

As for swapping the tyres, I am thinking of going to A1 Car Care Center:

I also checked Madhus (Tyreprofessionals) and the rate they offered to buyback the stock tyres was very low.
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Old 31st January 2014, 16:25   #59
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by vsrivatsa View Post
Have you checked with the Dealer/A.S.S on warranty post the change of tyres? I called both DH and Magnum and the Service Engineers in both places gave me a big lecture saying do not upsize, we do not recommend - it changes lot of characteristics etc. They did not however clearly state whether or not it has any impact on the warranty.

As for swapping the tyres, I am thinking of going to A1 Car Care Center:

I also checked Madhus (Tyreprofessionals) and the rate they offered to buyback the stock tyres was very low.
When I first checked with SA at Dakshin, he said same thing but the tone he had didn't seem that confident. I was like, please check with your senior first. He came back in 5 minutes stating that it would NOT void warranty and I can change the tyres. So I should be good there.

For buy back value, I did visit few places and was told that the value will depend on the tyre brand I get and buy back value will range from about 2.8K to almost 4K. I haven't been to Reliance Autozone but have heard that they offer good buy back value as per few posts on this forum. Once my car is alloted, I will check exact tyre brand for my car and will try getting exact quoatation from different tyre shops before taking I'll need to have OEM tyres changed right away
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Old 31st January 2014, 16:34   #60
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re: 4th gen. Honda City : Tyre & wheel upgrade Thread

Originally Posted by neel911 View Post
When I first checked with SA at Dakshin, he said same thing but the tone he had didn't seem that confident. I was like, please check with your senior first. He came back in 5 minutes stating that it would NOT void warranty and I can change the tyres. So I should be good there.

For buy back value, I did visit few places and was told that the value will depend on the tyre brand I get and buy back value will range from about 2.8K to almost 4K. I haven't been to Reliance Autozone but have heard that they offer good buy back value as per few posts on this forum. Once my car is alloted, I will check exact tyre brand for my car and will try getting exact quoatation from different tyre shops before taking I'll need to have OEM tyres changed right away
Great! Thanks for the info - I will consider the 195/60R15 now So I guess I need to decide between XM2 and 3ST. I got a quote of 5950 for XM2 and 6150 for 3ST.
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