Formula 1: McLaren dumps Honda; gets Renault power for 2018

McLaren and Honda have announced that they will discontinue their partnership for the FIA Formula One World Championship at the end of 2017 by mutual consent. Renault engines will power McLaren cars in 2018.

McLaren and Honda started their partnership back in 2015. The split comes after consistently poor performance and reliability from Honda's engines since the two joined forces. This move is believed to have been influenced by McLaren driver Fernando Alonso who said he would not be continuing another year with the Honda powered car. Till the 2017 Singapore GP, the team had incurred a total loss of 260 grid positions for engine penalties.

The split also involves a loss of revenue to the McLaren, as Honda contributed about a net amount of US$ 100 million to the team through free engines, sponsorship funding and paying half of the drivers' salaries. Despite this, the team has decided that their performance was affecting not only the prospective Formula One prize money, but also the sponsorship deals.

From 2018, McLaren cars will be powered by Renault engines. The initial contract between Mclaren and Renault has been signed for three seasons. As part of the deal, the team will receive full support from Renault - like a works team with the same level of performance as Red Bull in a long-term deal. Additionally, Carlos Sainz, who is driving for Toro Rosso this season, will move to Renault from 2018. Toro Rosso will switch to Honda engines from next year in a multi-year deal.