My Thar's AC vents fogging up the windshield: Need a long-term fix

I tried various AC temperatures, air directly to the windshield and recirculation/fresh air mode, but everything failed.

BHPian batish recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Here is the problem I faced today. It was drizzling outside when I went for a drive. Switched on the AC and this is what I experienced.

Can anybody please tell me what is the solution for this? I had to drive all the way by using wipers every 10 seconds when it wasn't even raining. I do get fogging can be an issue sometimes but this one didn't go away at all. I tried various AC temperatures, air directly to the windshield and recirculation/fresh air mode, but everything failed.

It severely hinders visibility. Any solutions?

Here's what BHPian wooka had to say on the matter:

The solution for the AC vents fogging/misting up the glass is circular 03212 issued March 2022.

Take this info to any MASS for a free replacement of the entire HVAC unit. Mine is going in for this next Monday. The parts have been ordered. I will report once this is done. As per my MASS, they've not done this for anyone yet.

Short-term solution: run the heater full blast on the front glass for a few minutes until it's hot. Then go back to regular AC mode - easy 30-minute relief. Also, avoid mixed upper and lower vents - leads to more air Leakage via the glass ducts. Lastly, turn off air exchange with the environment as much as possible.

Generally speaking, never use an AC mode to defog the front windshield. This will result in condensation on the outside! Always use heat as soon as the engine allows (the engine must be hot to use latent heat from the coolant.)

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.