Own a 2019 Ford Endeavour 3.2L 4x4: Keep or sell before going abroad?

I can use it once I'm back 4 years later, till then the SUV can be used by my parents.

BHPian anumod recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hi All,

I own a 3.2 Ford Endeavour (4X4) Titanium plus. I bought this when I got to hear that in India 3.2 engine will not be available anymore. At that time, I had an Endeavour 2.2 (4X4) manual. I exchanged the 2.2 for a 3.2. I got one of the last sets of 3.2 in October 2019.

Now I need to travel abroad (for at least 4+ years). I am in double mind, should I sell this now or keep it? And once I come back, I can use it. When I am abroad, my parents can use it, but very rarely. (they don't drive, but will have a driver and use it.)

If I sell, I may need to buy a small automatic for my parents.

The reason for keeping it is we may not be able to get such a big engine in the coming up years.

(NB: Moderators, if this doesn't warrant a discussion, please merge with any similar threads)

Here's what BHPian Turbanator had to say on the matter:

Sell it not just because Ford is not here or any vehicle-related issues but purely because of the lower resales you will get after 4 Years.

Get your parents a Petrol Innova. It will be far more comfortable and practical for them. I won't be surprised if they use that much more than you are anticipating (visiting distant relatives/ friends etc.)

Here's what BHPian condor had to say on the matter:

4 years of not enjoying it? And won't even be used by parents - even with a driver. Wish there was a way for you to keep it. I normally would have said try to keep it, but in this case - Not easy, but let go. At least another enthusiast can put it to use.

Hopefully, there will be good options when you are back.

Here's what BHPian Sheel had to say on the matter:

IMO, depends on 2 aspects:

  1. How much would the SUV be used? If it can be used for even 800 - 1000 km monthly, it would be good. And if the driver is competent enough to get it serviced properly sticking to manufacturer recommended consumables changes and can engage 4H & 4L once a month to keep the mechanicals working/oiled,
  2. How would Ford play it out in the next 4 years and beyond?

The first aspect is something which you can fathom and can control somewhat. The second one is something which none of us has any sort of idea about.

Pros for keeping your 3.2. Engine, solid build and all the pros of the Endeavour. Plus no DPF nonsense.

Cons, well, not much in terms of the product, but what and where would the market be moving towards, your priorities may change towards a van or a sedan. Plus, maybe nice turbo petrol AT 4WD may come from any manufacturer, who knows.

A confusing situation indeed. Do keep us posted

Here's what BHPian diwakarmuthu had to say on the matter:

Voted for Sell. It is most likely to be chauffeur driven and 4WD may never get used at all. As it ages, my belief is that spares and service costs could potentially go up, unless Ford starts to import the next-gen Everest / Endy into India.

4 years is a very long time for the automobile world and you may get a top-notch EV that does the same thing for a similar price as your 3.2 Titanium Plus.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.