BHPian viXit recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
TL;DR: Car goes for simple part replacement. Comes back with 5 more issues.
Only a Tata SVC can make a car drive out of the service centre worse than when it drove in.
Which is also funny because you never drive into them. Every TASC facility is jam-packed and I have had to leave the car outside the gate for them to take it inside later on.
My family has owned Tata cars for more than 2 decades now. I was brought home in one, I grew up in another, and learnt to drive and continue to drive another. I have always maintained that the cars are really good, but the entire brand is let down by the lousy workmanship of the Service centres.
It would be apt to say that every Service centre visit has been a compromise in some way or the other. And that they have gotten the advantage because I was too short on time to run behind the SVC for every damn thing they mess up.
I didn't mind this until recently.
Until it took 4 visits to change a door latch, that still doesn't work. And force a customer into signing forms that say "complaint has been taken care of to my utmost satisfaction" lest they hold the car ransom.
All this happened at a Tata service centre in Bowempally - one of Tata's biggest dealer networks down south.
We have been the proud owners of a Safari Storme since 2013. A faithful companion over more than 1Lakh Kms and a great deal of memories. Every effort has been made to painstakingly maintain the car in great mechanical shape because I often have to make highway runs on short notice.
Sometime back, the door actuator of the Safari Storme failed. The car was sent to the SVC for replacement of the latch. Because it prevented from the central locking and remote locking to not function.
The latch houses 3 parts
Even if one component fails, the entire latch has to be replaced.
On the first visit, they kept the car for a few days, dirtied it, sat and passed time in it, replaced some relays and called me to loot me and send me home.
I had 4 complaints during the visit.
Citing parts unavailability they did not replace the wiper arm. Because they were lazy, they billed me for anabond adhesive and fixed the broken 12v socket with it. Despite me instructing them to replace it with the genuine part. They tightened the handbrake cable and called for me to collect the car.
Went to the service centre.
Car was left on the road outside, New scratch on rear right quarter panel. Anabond smeared all over my rear left seat.
A professional service center, using anabond, which is nowhere in TATA's repair protocols. And an unskilled idiot who smeared the anabond over my rear seat. I was furious. A picture of the Anabond on my seat. The leather was SPOTLESS earlier, and now it is rough and dirty thanks to the adhesive smeared over it.
Here's a picture of the car at the SVC when I left it. Observe rear right bumper/quarter panel. No scratches.
Also attested by the form written up by the SA at time of handing over vehicle. No scratches/dents anywhere.
But on receiving the car there was a deep gouge although short on the rear right body cladding.
Door actuator was working. Doors were locking with the key as they should.
Took the car out the following day, the doors won't lock, the car still doesn't hold on slopes, and the 12v socket just popped out of the hole. Everything that I paid, down the drain. With more damage to my paint and interiors to boot.
Attaching invoice
But I knew better than that. This is just how the SVC functions. I got angry, frustrated etc. etc. But reminded myself of the Hanlon's razor and called them again.
After seeing how they treated the car, I did not want to leave the car at the SVC again. I waited for them to call me when they had a technician free to diagnose the car. Visited only when they said they can do that. Went to the SVC.
Sat in the customer lounge for an hour. Started asking them repeatedly about why work has not begun, and finally someone attends to my car. I stand with the car for 5 hours as they come and go as they please. By the time they close shop, the electrical guy comes and tells me the door actuator is gone, NO shit, Sherlock.
I tell the GM that I want that anabond stain off my seat, and that I will return when parts are available for my wiper, 12v socket and door actuator.
Took the car and went home.
They call me the following day because the Door latch assembly has arrived from their other branch.
I visit, made to wait some more time, by which I mean, a few hours.
The mechanic assigned did not know how to open the door panel. I had done it a few times so I instructed him. He was a new guy from another automotive company.
They installed the new part. Didn't work, they didn't know how to install it. I requested them to please refer the service manual several times. No luck.
After opening and closing my door pad 4 times, and breaking clips in front of me, which they shamelessly said they can't fix because they have no stock, they fixed everything back after a few hours. Ultimate trial and error.
Door locking well. But the cabin lights and puddle lamp won't turn off. The cabin lamp and puddle lamp turn on when the door is open. But despite the door being closed, they stayed on.
After the SA tried to tell me that's how it is, I had to remind him that I have owned this car for far longer than him. They make me wait for another hour or two before telling me they can't do anything now and have to close shop.
I gave up at this point. They took the latch from another Storme in the SVC and confirmed that the latch was indeed the problem. I verified. I requested my cousin to pick me up. Left the car with them and went home.
All this while, the Service manager tries to sell me some crap about some customer of his in Dubai who has a chemical business who can help them clean the anabond off of my seat.
Sometime after visit 2, I wanted to see the invoice of the visit and opened the TMSC app.
I logged in and saw that there was a feedback option enabled. I gave them good feedback in many categories, but IIRC, ease of driving into SVC and proper diagnosis was where the rating reflected my experience.
This feedback must have set some alarms off at Tata. I started getting repeated calls from the dealership in question. The anabond on my seat somehow slipped my mind. I didn't mention it on the Tata app. But I was assured by the GM that my SA will take care of it entirely and it would not even get escalated till the GM level.
A day after visit 3, when car was still at the SVC. I got a call from the SA. On progress of work, and tried to get me to close my complaint or report satisfaction. I told them to fix it. and I'll give them 5 stars or whatever as soon as it is done. Despite all the trouble I was made to endure.
This was followed by a call from the Service Manager who would just not shut up about how he was leaving no stone unturned to take care of my anabond stained seats and how the 3M guys will clean it and that I should commend him for his effort and report my complaint closed. I had to shut him down and tell him I was busy. He would not hang up unless I told him I was satisfied. First instance of forcing me to take my complaint down.
News flash, idiot. Anabond is not something a foam spray can clean.
I'm no chemical expert but if solvents like acetone can't clean something, it needs highly specialised chemicals.
I got a call yesterday, sometime after noon.
Car is ready, come and collect. Confirmed several times whether the work was done well, and a road test was done to ensure that auto lock was happening at 16kmph.
I went to the SVC:
I removed the wood trim of the grab handle to reveal the main screw and asked them to remove the screw and refit it.
Went inside to pay, made to wait another 40 minutes while the Service manager clicks around on his computer. This is something that infuriated me. Every single time that I have come to collect the car, I asked them to keep everything ready, I just want to pay the bill and get the hell out of that wretched place. NO.
I very cool-ly asked the Service Mgr. why it takes so much time, he said, sometimes they have to remove items from the bill. I understood. I said ok. Waited.
Before I arrived, I checked and I was told that the anabond on my seat issue was not resolved, and he said he will mention it on the bill. And that they will take care of it at the earliest. I did not want the car to be standing around in the SVC waiting for a resolution, so I took the car and went home. The Service manager promised me that they are in the process of sourcing the chemicals to clean my seats.
Good enough. I said ok. Sucker for compromise, did I mention?
Bill was prepared, he wrote on the invoice "seat will be cleaned at next visit" while he promised it will be done at the earliest. And told me to close my complaint.
I refused.
Another lifetime of explanation followed. He wouldn't hand me the bill till I closed it.
In fact goes on to tell me, "I have done all this, you have not closed the complaint, and I am still keeping my cool."
Why the heck should I close/take my complaint back when It is not resolved?
But my neighbour who brought me to the SVC was waiting, so I wanted to go. I took it down in writing on the invoice and they made me sign several forms which were some form or the other of "I am the happiest customer ever, TASC has taken care of all my concerns and much more."
The security guard came inside to mention something to the Service manager who was attending to me. A very irritable man, blasted the guard for interrupting, almost like to intimidate me. Asked me a few questions about the Military stickers on the car, gave me the bill, I paid and left.
The handle was not fit, they just put the wood trim back. I said ok, I'll fix it at home, no big deal.
Defeated another time, forcibly closing complaints and accepting a car dirtied and damaged by TASC.
I paid and left with my car.
The repairs didn't last until I hit the main road.
I turned on the Stereo, Sound not coming from driver door speakers. I suspected one of the RCA cable must have popped out while they were cleaning, got down to check. Opened the door, the cabin lights wouldn't turn on. It was in off position. I put it back in "Door". lights turn on, I go check the cables, they are all fine.
I understood that they didn't reconnect my speaker when they opened the door panel, I was really frustrated but then it was Shivratri and they were closing shop, there was no one to fix it, I decided to go home and fix it myself.
Driving home, the cabin light wouldn't turn off. The puddle lamp in driver door wouldn't turn off and the door ajar warning in the instrument cluster kept blinking. Door was closed properly.
I had enough. I decided to drive home, get them to pick up and drop the car once they do the work. The cabin lights were all turned off so I wouldn't notice that door open signal is being received by them. Real geniuses. They never turned off lights in any previous services.
In fact, they left my car in IGN overnight once, I've got video proof.
The car kept thinking I was opening and closing my door hundred times a minute, the auto lock kept locking and unlocking. It was a frustrating drive back home, to add to the lopsided music coming only from one side.
I paid for every single remove and refit job, yet this is how I was given a car.
I got home and locked the car with the remote key, to my surprise it locked, I was relieved, started walking up the stairs. I just about reach home and I hear the anti theft alarm ring.
I didn't know whether to laugh at their incompetence or to cry at my plight. I went downstairs, disarmed the anti-theft. Locked the car with the key. IT KEPT UNLOCKING ITSELF repeatedly. I was perplexed. I couldn't lock it with a fob, I couldn't lock it with the key. I tried repeatedly , and luckily it stayed locked. for a few seconds. I left it and came home.
Next morning, here I am.
If someone from Tata ends up reading this, which I hope they do, please know this.
I don't want any special treatment, I don't want any discounts from you, I don't need anything which you think will fix this.
I just want you and your Authorised Dealers to value the money we invest in your product and its upkeep. I have spent upwards of 8000 rupees in these 4 visits. The door latch costs 2500. I can install it myself at home. Really is a simple job. I wonder how you screwed this up.
I in fact told the Service manager and the SA several times, that I will give you all the highest ratings as and when you fix my issues, no matter how long it takes.
But they just can't help being idiots and blowing a trivial issue out of proportion my making it progressively worse every single time.
I have spent enough time and money on this. I decided that I will not spend a single penny, or a single minute standing next to the car anymore.
I shall simply post and mail everything for everyone to see. The dealership is free to pick up the car and do what it can to do justice to the money they have notoriously taken from me. This is just one of thousand disgruntled customers. Varun_hexaguy attests to how irritable this SM is, another BHPian and fellow Tata owner, Naivedya, had this dealership dent his car inside the SVC while moving the cars around.
In fact, we bought another car from this very dealer on Diwali. Every penny spent on the upkeep has been at the SVC, and every visit has been where me or dad has accompanied the car. I wonder how Tata, who is supposed to be one of the best names in the world and is so highly revered for being a hospitable and trustworthy brand, runs Tata motors.
I can't help but chuckle at the difference in the way customers are treated at Taj and TASC. Who are you trying to fool, telling us it's run by the same folks. Unfortunately, you pay more, you get more.
I wrote all this but didn't publish the thread.
I decided to give one last try and mail customer care.
I got a reply, with the numbers of the GM, Service Manager, and Customer relations manager of the said dealership.
I mentioned specifically that these three people are the ones who screwed up in the first place, but they were the ones I'm supposed to work with again.
I thought it was an automated response since there was no context-specific reply in the mail. But the fact that the phone number of the GM in the mail had 11 digits was assurance that it was typed by a human, that too a TATA employee for sure.
After that weekend, they came home and picked up the car, another complaint was opened, they took the car to the SVC.
I mentioned my troubles with the Alarm, Door, and speakers.
They took a week's time and proceeded to call me and tell me that my music system is defective. The door was opened for the latch replacement and the issue was definitely at the door. And I instructed them not to touch anything else.
But they go on to remove my amplifier which is securely bolted under my passenger seat and try to check continuity.
I got a call from them again about how all the additional fitments in the car are the issue and that the CEO will get someone from outside well-versed with audio systems to fix it.
I am very well versed with how everything in my car is wired up. I offered to work with them to diagnose and find out why it isn't working. I called the Number of the Tata motors contact in the mail and mentioned what was wrong. I was put on conference call and again I offered to help diagnose.
The dealership said OK and never called. They got some audio expert from outside to come fix it.
I went to collect the car. The door lock and cabin/puddle lamps were luckily working fine this time. Took a small test drive to confirm. Speakers making noise in all doors. All ok. Collected the car. Almost left.
But then I realized that the bezel of my head unit was broken.
Service manager again tells me he will take care of it, I wonder how, since I doubt the bezel is available individually.
The key was left with the security as I was transferring personal belongings from my other car as I was going to leave it for service. When I returned to get the key, I was requested to meet the CRM.
I was again coerced into signing this form. I didn't want to sign it, but it was a mistake my gullible self made because I was so done with this entire ordeal.
This was the form. I clearly mentioned my gripes but since I signed the form, no one cares anymore.
I knew exactly what the audio sounds like in my car. Something was wrong. But my car didn't deserve to sit around with fools anymore.
I went home and discovered that my crossover was THROWN loosely inside my door free to be crushed whenever I lower my window. The Mid-Bass speaker was wired directly with no crossover, And the tweeter was just not even connected. I laughed a lot and spent 2 minutes to wire it properly, and everything worked instantly as it should.
I have no clue why the idiots couldn't manage, when everything was labelled so damn clearly. They cut the stock factory wires and spliced new wires to it shabbily. I ensured that all my audio upgrades were independent of stock wires and nothing was cut/spliced. But it went out the window when this dealership laid hands on my vehicle.
I spent some time cleaning out the interior after they messed it up.
I realised that one of the damping sheets from my door was missing. Here is a picture from Visit 2 where a mechanic is opening my door panel. Where the damping sheets are all present.
And here is the panel now opened in my parking. Sheet missing.
I have decided never to send any of our cars to TATA for maintaining them or repairing them. I have not had a single good experience with any of the Tata workshops.
And this is consistent with all TATA SVCs throughout the country. We have experienced multiple dealers. This specific one may be a shameless thug who took me for a ride. And I have been a bigger fool trusting that the TATA logo on the gate means something. But TATA motors is the bigger thief if they let businesses run like this in the country.
This is a major failure for one of the biggest Car Makers in the country.
Shame on you tata.
Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.