Team-BHP - Linea - Noise on hard cornering (only during right turns)

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I have a 1.4 Linea since almost 2 years now.
Its done 28k kms and has been maintained well.

Its used by my family and is chauffeur driven.:Frustrati

When i take it on a drive, i have noticed a 'tick-tick' sound from the front left when i do hard cornering (right turns). I never paid much attention to it and also, it was subdued by the tyre noise.

I recently changed the front tyres (allignment issues screwed up the original set) to C-drives (which are much more grippy than the goodyears). (Stock size)

And went on a trip to Amby Valley, Lonavala.

I was really aggressive on the ghats :D and this 'tick-tick' sound was all too evident.
It starts from corner entry, and gets really wild on the exits of the corners while i try putting down the power.

Surprisingly, it only occurs on right-handers.
I have no clue on what the issue might be except that it is likely from the ARB.

Hi Jalsa777 plz read following,

"Since 2nd day of ownership I could hear some starnge scratching noise coming from front right wheel. I thought it may be beacuse of rain water entering in brake drums. But to my surprise even though my feet was away from brake padel, this scratching noise will start whenever I turn steering in right. Also it is matching with speed. i.e. if speed is more its frequency is more, if speed is less its frequency is less. Immediately on 3rd day I shown to SA who explained all features to me. Unfortunately when he took ride, because of traffic noise and horns he could not hear that sound. Finally he says no problem sir. On next day morning again it was repeating. then I could suspect something is touching reem. It may be something external or internal to brake drum. I have also checked hand brake to full close position. Finally I noticed the inflation in front right tyre was little less. When I checked , to my surprise it was hardly 17 psi. After filling air at 33 psi this noise was considerably reduced. But still it persists and comes very occasionally (only during right turns) whenever I use in my office where no trafiic noise and comp. silent. Now what can I do? If I tell SA he will say there is no problem at all. Shall I ask them to open front right wheel and check for any markings on reems/brake drums from inside? or shall i wait till 1st servicing?
Other than this problem, for driving, Linea is Marvelous beauty!!!!!"

After wheel alignment and brake setting:-

"Today was one of the memorable FIATful day!!!

1st : problem of 'scratching noise from front right wheel' of my Linea is solved. It is totally vanished. Example of goooood After Sales.

2nd: First time I saw "FIAT500" in my life. Literally I have never seen 500 till today in live. (only in pictures/photos)
But when i was waiting on signal i saw one white color 500 zooming to catch the green signal. After 02 turns i got green and like mad, i changed the office direction and went behind him. I drove for almost 2 km till next signal but I could not catch him.
"So 26Nov10 is the day When i saw FIAT 500 live" Wow!!! she was looking so cute!!!! ( Kash 5-6 lakhs me hoti)"

if it is noise like some metal ball is slipping in bearing, it might be CV joint. but i am not sure, since it is new car with low mileage, my lancer has same tud, tud noise on full right turn, but nor on left. but mine is high mileage car.

check your drive shaft boot for damage

Anti roll bar usually squeaks due to worn out bushes.
Sounds like the open differential's work.
I suspect the drive shaft as Rajivanoj mentioned.

My friends Punto had a bearing seating issue which made this noise while taking hard turns in the ghats. check for that too.

Hey Guys,
FINALLY solved it !!

It was quite a journey,
took it to Wasan Motors and told them about the sound.

According to your advice i suggested that it might be Axle issue, they also felt the same.
Unfortunately, they didn't have it in stock. So I had to wait.

I did not hear from them after that and even I got busy with work.
Finally, on 8th March (almost 3 weeks later), i got fed up and contacted them.

The said they still dont have it :Shockked: but it is in shipment and should be here in 2 days.

(Why does it take so much time for a part to come from Pune to Mumbai is beyond me )

Anyways, I went 2 days later and gave the car to them. My driver got it back once axle and lower link were changed. I took it for a test drive, the noise was STILL THERE.

I was furious, took the car again the next day.
Two days later, get a call that its done.

I again sent driver to pick it up (stupid:)
I drove it, NO CHANGE.

I was beyond furious, immediately called up the service advisor in total rage.
But, he said he wasn't at workshop cause his brother met with an accident, he'll check it and give me a call the next day. I couldn't argue to that.

In the meanwhile I got a call from FIAT regarding service feedback. I gave a big ZERO.

Next day, I get a call from service advisor, that his replacement had released the car without actually working on it.

I gave the car back to them. This time, I also took a mechanic on a test-drive and demonstrated the noise to him.

2 days later they called me , saying "It seems to be solved, but we are not sure cause we cant replicate the noise"

I went there, AGAIN. This time took a very senior mechanic with me and the noise was still there, I patiently explained to him how to replicate the problem during test-drives.
We also took another Linea to ascertain that it was not a design issue or anything. The problem was only with my car.
(I noticed that my new front tyres had been put on the rear wheels, on asking he said he's done it to protect the new tyres during test-drives. I liked how he cared for the car)

Finally after 2 days I got a call that the car was ready.
Went there, took it on a test-drive and indeed it was all solved.

On inquiring about what was the issue and what all work they had to do, here's what I got:

List of parts changed one-by-one to find the cause of the noise (on each part changed, they had to re-assemble everything to test-drive it !!):
1. Axle and lower link
2. Shock absorber mounts
3. Shock Absorber
4. Gearbox
5. Gearbox mounts (one of these was the culprit)

Finally, the replaced the faulty component (engine side mount of gearbox, B mount), and out my original parts back.

The cost: Rs. ZERO
All covered under warranty.

I have a mixed feeling, happy that they solved the problem and worked hard on it.

On the other side, I feel its their job to solve the problem, but they troubled me with soo Many visits.

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