Team-BHP - The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.

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-   -   The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015. (

Pictures and report of the event have been moved to a new thread.

We are pleased to announce two day offroad event ‘The Offroad Carnival’ on 12th and 13th September, 2015 to be held at outskirts of Poona.
Its ‘Pune Pathfinder’s’ first offroad event and we want you to come and witness the event as spectator/competitor/marshal etc....

Tentative itinerary of the event

12th September, 2015
Registration and check-in 08:00 hrs to 10:30 hrs
Vehicle scrutiny 08:00 hrs to 10:30 hrs
Ceremonial start 11:00 hrs
Start of SS-1 to SS-6 11:15 hrs to 19:00 hrs
Gala dinner From 20:30 hrs

13th September, 2015
Start of SS-6 to SS-12 07:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs
Prize distribution and high Tea From 18:00 hrs

Please block your dates, get your 4x4 vehicle ready, and get prepared to a memorable event.

Vehicle scrutiny

Vehicle scrutiny will be done by group of marshals on day one during registration. All points mentioned under mandatory are basic pre-requisite to be eligible to participate in the event, failing to meet any of mandatory points will bar/ban participant to compete in the event

Mandatory requirements in vehicle scrutiny:
 Mud terrain tyres
 Seat belt for driver and navigator
 Front towing point
 Rear tow hook
 Working 4x4 with low gear ratio
 Minimum 4 point roll cage or complete A and B pillar covering driver and navigator
 Helmet for driver navigator
 Spare tyre

Optional but highly recommended equipment:
You can save precious time using below equipment to your benefit. All SS (special stages) are designed very technically and having below equipment may aid you to complete those SS quickly and with minimal damage to your vehicles
 Winch, leather gloves, winch dampener and tree strap
 High lift jack
 Snorkel
 Sand ladders
 Ground anchor
 Tow rope and D shackles

Mandatory documents
 Driving license
 Registration certificate
 Minimum third party insurance
 Pollution under check certificate
 Signed indemnity form (format will be provided by us)

General rules:
 The event is open to all road registered 4 wheel drives, provided the vehicle currently or previously sold to general public. No commercial/agricultural vehicles are allowed in the event
 Whenever it’s required to recover the stuck/breakdown vehicle from the track, recovery team would be called in to assist. In the interest of safety of all participants/viewers must abide by the recovery leader’s instructions
 Participants will be provided with trash bags at the start of the event and are requested to put all the litter in trash bag, which will be taken back at the end of the day or can be handed over to SS manager if required

Format of the event

It’s a two day competitive event organized at outskirts of Pune. There will be twelve (12) special stages (SS) spanned over two days with varied mix of rock, slush, articulation, incline/decline etc. There will be various SS where coordination between driver and navigator will play biggest role to successfully complete the SS.
Competitors will be competing in special stages (SS) distributed in two days. Each SS will have a separate track marked and managed by SS manager and marshals.

Remember, it’s not a race, it’s an offroading event !

Regulations for special stages (SS)
 SS manager will start the stop watch when the vehicle is parked with the front wheel touching start line. Driver and co-driver are required to be seated in the vehicle with seatbelts engaged.
 All recovery or any other equipment must be securely stored at start and finish of each SS. A 20 point penalty will apply per vehicle per equipment/tool/spare/part if left at track. Only driver and navigator are allowed to collect and put them on competing vehicle during SS.
 Holding of bunting is not allowed
 Starting order for the participants of SS’s will be by ballot
 Competitors must start in their respective ballot or designated order, unless the competition manager grants prior permission for a change in the running order. Any vehicle not ready to start at the time the previous vehicle leaves the start and vehicle which missed the start will get the opportunity to attempt the said SS at last of the event.
 Driver and co-driver are the only persons allowed in the competing vehicle during an SS.
 Driver and co-driver are required to wear ISI certified crash helmets
 Special stages can be marked by pegs, bunting or stated as a formed track
 Competitors when directed by a SS Marshal or official must immediately remove themselves and their vehicle from the course

Competitors found consuming or under influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs during the SS will be barred from the entire event and their entry fee will be forfeited

Special stage (SS) penalties
1. 10 points
a. Handling cable/rope without gloves
b. Winching without cable dampener
c. Stepping over/under a live cable (cable would be considered live once its attached to anchoring point)
d. Failure to wear seat belt
e. Failure to wear helmet
f. Riding on outside of vehicle
g. Breaking bunting or knocking over peg
h. Littering the trail
10 point penalty will be imposed after one warning is given
i. Excessive wheel spin and failing to recover on direction
j. Failure to stop when signaled to stop by marshal
k. Continuing to stand in front of vehicle whilst winching
l. Holding bunting to improve line of vehicle

2. When 4 wheels of the vehicle cross the course boundary the competitor will receive a DNF (Did Not Finish)

Note: some SS may have added penalties, if this is the case competitors will be advised prior to start of the SS

After an official warning a minimum 40 point penalty up to event disqualification will apply for below scenarios
a. Verbal abuse of marshals, spectators or competitors
b. Seek favor, influence, interfere with marshal’s duties
c. Tampering with other competitor’s vehicle Scoring

3. Each SS will contain 100 points

4. Maximum time to complete the SS for each will be announced during participant’s briefing, failing to complete the SS in maximum given time will attract DNF (Did Not Finish), getting 20 points

5. Failing to start the SS will attract DNS (Did Not Start), leading to Zero (0) point

6. Competitors that complete the SS without any penalty and in shortest time will get full points of 100

7. Competitors that complete the SS will be allocated points in order of merit from fastest to slowest as follows
1st 100 16th 85 31st 70 46th 55
2nd 99 17th 84 32nd 69 47th 54
3rd 98 18th 83 33rd 68 48th 53
4th 97 19th 82 34th 67 49th 52
5th 96 20th 81 35th 66 50th 51
6th 95 21st 80 36th 65
7th 94 22nd 79 37th 64
8th 93 23rd 78 38th 63
9th 92 24th 77 39th 62
10th 91 25th 76 40th 61
11th 90 26th 75 41st 60
12th 89 27th 74 42nd 59
13th 88 28th 73 43rd 58
14th 87 29th 72 44th 57
15th 86 30th 71 45th 56

8. Timing will be scored to the 10th of a second

9. In case of penalties point more than 100, there won’t be a negative score and it will be treated as Zero

10. If 2 or more competitors finish an SS with the same elapsed time, their penalties will be calculated and then their ranking will be declared accordingly. If two or more participants score equal points in the SS, they will be placed on same position. The competitor with the next fastest time shall be placed according to their own finishing positioning in that SS. The placing left vacant due to the tie will not be allocated

 Protest by a competitor must be and handed to the competition Manager within 2 hours of receiving/publishing the score for that particular SS
 Protest comes at cost, if you think you have a valid point to protest, you need to pay INR 2100/- for each protest
 Final say to any protest rests with ‘Competition Manager’ after hearing all the views

Breakdown Assistance
 In the event of vehicle breakdown or disability, the organizing committee will assist in getting the vehicle to designated arear for repair
 We are working to provide mechanic support on track on chargeable basis, which needs to be paid directly to those respective mechanics
 Services of those mechanics at site can be availed on ‘first come first serve’ basis

Few recce pics

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The team behind it (Just a partial group not the entire team)
The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-11889608_10152997754742539_3867891365589464643_n.jpg

Dear Shubhendra - this is great initiative by you and your team. I wish you all the best. If I am in Pune, I would like to come as a spectator, as I don't own any 4*4 (yet! :D). Let's see, I'll talk to Gajanan Chitale and Sudarshan Vaidya! :).

Best regards,

Behram Dhabhar


Originally Posted by DHABHAR.BEHRAM (Post 3787379)
Dear Shubhendra - this is great initiative by you and your team. I wish you all the best. If I am in Pune, I would like to come as a spectator, as I don't own any 4*4 (yet! :D). Let's see, I'll talk to Gajanan Chitale and Sudarshan Vaidya! :).

Dhabhar sir,
Thank you for your kind words. Please take out some time and visit us during the event, you may see/meet some old faces there.


We had a surprise visit by Ashish Gupta (RFC fame) who took out time from his busy schedule and gave us valuable tips.
In fact, we never thought so much in detail and the session was eye opener for us.
We are really touched by his gesture and are now working to close all loop holes lol:

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-compressed.jpg

Shubhendra Singh


Originally Posted by Shubhendra (Post 3786066)
We are pleased to announce two day offroad event ‘The Offroad Carnival’ on 12th and 13th September, 2015 to be held at outskirts of Poona.
Its ‘Pune Pathfinder’s’ first offroad event and we want you to come and witness the event as spectator/competitor/marshal etc....

99.99% myself and Vijay will be there for the event. Look forward to enjoying 2 days of off-road there.

All the best guys.


Originally Posted by khan_sultan (Post 3787861)
99.99% myself and Vijay will be there for the event. Look forward to enjoying 2 days of off-road there.

All the best guys.

Please make it 100% Khan saheb.

Few more recce pics

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0261.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0273.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0276.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0279.jpg

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The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-20150822154555.jpg

It was nice of Feroz khan (Choreographer) to create an invitation for 'Annual Offroad Carnival 2015'
Please join us on 12th and 13th September, 2015

This weekend we saw more than 50 people and elve20+ vehicles coming down to trail to help us preparing special stages. Right from lifting boulders, wooden poles, truck tyres to clearing thorny shrubs.
We were happy to see such turnout and we were able to prepare each SS in such a short time.
Twelve hours each day for two continuous days and we are almost done with SS.
Random pics of what to be expected in 'Annual Offroad Carnival'

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_20150830_144112.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_20150830_143823.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_20150830_142458.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_20150829_180419.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_20150829_175452.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0333.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0331.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0327.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0324.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0321.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0320.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0317.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img_0300.jpg

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The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-20150829182908.jpg

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-20150829182606.jpg

Shubhendra Singh

The event and track look delicious!.

All the best Shubendra & Team!


Originally Posted by dhanushs (Post 3792812)
The event and track look delicious!.

Thank you Dhanush !
its all natural track and we have not altered it with machines.

Things are getting excited slowly as we are joining hands with various sponsors for some fantabulous prizes for podium finishes.

After feedback from various participants and members from offroad fraternity we have segregated vehicle categories in our event ‘Annual Offroad Carnival 2015’ to have level playing field for all vehicles

Diesel class/category
1) Winner
2) Runner-up
Petrol class/category
1) Winner
2) Runner-up
Separate winch competition for vehicles equipped with winch
Above mentioned podium finishes, will get trophy, Certificate and various prizes.

below is event page for regular update/feed on event

Shubhendra Singh

Great initiative Suben Bhai. Finally after some time things have fallen into the right track for an event to happen there.

Good luck for the event and many more to come..

Great Initiative Sir. Sadly I don't own a 4X4 and don't know when will that happen.

Bhpians from Pune - I would love to accompany if anyone of you can accommodate. Please do let me know.

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-10-point-penalty.jpg

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The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-event-itinerary.jpg

We had huge turnout on Weekend to give finishing touches to trail. 25 vehicles and more than 50 team members came forward to help make their group's first offroad event successful.

The Offroad Carnival, Pune - 12th & 13th September 2015.-img20150906wa0002.jpg

Countdown begins !

All times are GMT +5.5. The time now is 11:00.