Team-BHP - is it a car with jet propellers? or a car with turbines? now isnt that the eyeballer!

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-   -   is it a car with jet propellers? or a car with turbines? now isnt that the eyeballer! (

hhhmm..sat 22nd, 11 am..tring tring..wonder whose on the phone..
caller: hi rahul this is when are u coming??
mclaren: hi ashok.. im on my way..should be there in about 10 min..
caller: oh fine i shall be waiting for u..

11:15 am i reach soundfactor in my alto driven at snails pace by my i enter the shop i see the tank parked outside darned with all the ornaments that made it one of the most sought exhibits at the vahaan yatra..well pick up the keys yes i said it picked up the keys to the eyeballer thanked ashok and gang and got inside the car..turned the key in and i could see a smile on my face instantly..the engine fired up and the complete race exhaust goes vvrrooom vvrrrooomm..pure bliss for motorheads such as me..step on the pedal and the music just seems to give the people standing on the road a few jitters and also turns a number of heads in the direction of the eyeballer..

shift into first and drive off carefully just to make sure im in control of this mosnter and also to get used to its mechanicals..maintain a light foot on the pedal as this car roars like a jet engined plane,so didnt want to grab the attention of the cops..once i get a clear stretch i floor the pedal a bit and the car just takes off !!!! now now i can see all the oldies complaining about the noise...noise what is that ??? thats the sound of a car running on custom made headers and a complete freeflow exhaust guys not to mention the engine was rebored to 1.8 i think and running approx 120 now i remember someones signature saying " why waste money on all this engine vengine lol.. go get urself a good music system"...haha..wonder whats sam gotto say about this...because the eyeballer seems to be a fully race bred supercar with 400 kgs worth of music equipment,wonder whats that for.. to give a sound company to the driver is it lol: while he is out to burn some rubber..

next pitstop is home and on the way the eyeballer had already grabbed quite a lot of attention..a few even asked me to pump up the volume sadly but true neither was i carrying a CD neither did the guys at soundfactor provide me reached home with a bang and nearly woke up half the neighbourhood with the exhaust note who came running out to see which beast it was..sadly i must say a lot of them were disappointed as they expected to see something big, something expensive..then i rushed in and got a CD only to figure out that the HU hahaha..yes yes ICE fans the premior HU thats running in the eyeballer started its own saga of not then with great amount of experimentation and a phone call to sam figured out the way to get it to work..

so here goes on how to work on the HU..1st press the eject button once and then press it again and hold it until the face plate forcebly comes insert the cd and it should slide in automatically aint it?? na its not that easy..gotto to push the cd in forcebly too..sam what have u done to the HU lol: that it seems so frustrated to do what its supposed too and thats playing CDs..once the CDs in pump up the volume and i nearly hear the oldy who was passing by nearly get a heart attack..such was the sound from this mean half an hour i spent changing the settings to make it more pleasurable listening to guys sitting inside the car..

by now a few neighbours wanted to see the car and as i popped open the boot nearly all of them fainted looking at the boot..a few were like "wheres the rear seat???"...whuf..whats a rear seat now..aarrrggghhh...these elders all that they give a s##t is to mileage and car now all the youngsters were going like oooohhh and aaaaaahhhhhh...and there started an array of questions with each asking what they felt answering them was the next big challenge...once thru all the questions it was time to pump up the music and see their eye***** come out of the sockets...i guess the only reason why sams named it the "EYEBALLER"..

then there was i slight prob owing it to some slight sniggles due to which the amp was going into protection..looking around the entire wiring but as this problem was persisting since sam had left the VY didnt bother too much about it..then it was time to take it for a spin and check out the true potential of the GTX..sadly came back having found not one clean stretch where i could see what the car was capable of without getting galis from the others..on my way back home a guy in a NHC who stood next to me at a signal asked me " are those turbochargers at the back"..*** are turbochargers doing at the back now was my 1st impression and the guys sounded so sure that even MR.Bachaan wud have locked his actually turned back to confirm that the turbos that so seemed to him were the 15" woofers pumping out 5000W each...i could go on like this with what all had to say but the turbo thing was too much to not mention it here...i mean a twin turbo at the place where the rear seats should be...u kidding me much for half knowledge..

then the entire day all that i managed was getting a 1000 eye***** staring at the car wondering what was running under the boot..had a tough time convincing all of them what it did and actually ended up playing it due to popular public demand..

then comes the main reason why the eyeballer was with me and thats ofcourse the tbhp a surprise instore for all...reached MG.Road by around 11 pm and then for the rest of the story u can read in this thread

the drive was a pure bliss..imagine a GTX take on a vtec and a baleno in a straight line with all that load at the back and eventually beat them both..haha..the look on the faces of the baleno and vtec boys said it all...sam *** have u done to the car !!!! it if the music is not enough to make us fly...

a small grounding wire prob was detected by v1p3r and that dealt with it was all go the eyeballer...hhhmm it was nearly 1 in the morning when we all decided to head back home..

on reaching home i found that the parking of the eyeballer seemed to pose the biggest in my place only 1 car can be parked inside the gate..and that honour was taken up by my zen which since day 1 was inside driving the indica to be parked on the does the eyeballer get parked on the road too???
no way !!!! u kidding me with stuff worth 5 lakhs in that car...i wud have hold on to dear life had something happened to wake up dad at 2 in the morning and ask dad to get the zen out onto the eventually had to take the sub and the parcel tray out of the zen so that its safe on the road and parked the eyeballer inside..should have seen the shock on my dads face when i said leave the zen out..which hasnt happend ever since its come out of the showroom..that was the extent i had fallen in love with this car..

next morning a few of my friends came over to see the car and were bamboozled too see the eyeballer...after a lot of insitance had to show them the boom boom and then drove off for the lunch at bhagini with the rest of the bhpians..what a wonderful time i had with the eyeballer and soon after lunch i had to give the keys to one Mr.v1p3r who then was set out to show off his MISSbehaviour..hhhmm after lunch i got to drove the eyeballer for some more time and then finally had to part with it once we got to my place...with great difficulty i parted with the eyeballer and let v1p3r take it away...

next morning went to sound factor and returned the car..haha as usual our v1p3r's always late and by then i had a very good chat with santosh of team JBL..had one last spin in the car, a demo and returned the keys to santosh..and thats the story of me with " INDIAS LOUDEST CAR"...

i would love to thank sam and team JBL without whom this wud have never been possible...the attention it grabbed, the presence it had on the road was unimaginable...and also sam free publicity bhi milagaya JBL ko lol: ...wont be surprised to see ur sales go up rey..not that this matters to sam,does it baba???

PS: pics coming up with loads of other stuff and a few exclusive experiences with the eyeballer shortly..until then love to see u all envy it out..signing off..gggggggoooooooo eyeballer!!!!!!!

thats me with the eyeballer :

another view of the eyeballer :

hey mclaren

congrats im sure it must have had a hell of a time driving that baby around.and i reall can imagine how much attention it grabbed !! hahaha your one lucky should have gone outside a disco and played might just have been as loud as that. lol.wish i were as lucky as sure you had a great time


a view of the front doors with the components and the crossovers :

a side view of the eyeballer..neat looking graphics:

a view of the twin turbos,or jet propellers or the turbines that people asked me if it were lol: :

woofer (not turbo) charged eyeballer vs the doodhwala,any guesses who won :

a view of the sparco racing wheel which has excellent grip and provides quick response to the inputs and has a very good feeling too :

thats me with the eyeballer again :

last but not the least the pioneer HU lol: ..haha couldnt keep that one out sam.. :

now now did i tell u all how to change the CD on this HU..
1st press the eject button once,as the faceplate just about opens press and hold the eject button again...if ur lucky it slides down fully once in a 1000 times..if not keep trying until it does..and thats not the end of it...once the faceplates down start giving gaaalis or abusing the HU aka sam style..only then will the HU eject the cd lol: ... haha sam i hope u got a warranty on this HU...nahi tho band bajana padega HU ki..

mclaren, for HUs such as these I got 2 solutions.

1. get a gun
2. give them to my son


Originally Posted by mclaren1885
now now did i tell u all how to change the CD on this HU..
1st press the eject button once,as the faceplate just about opens press and hold the eject button again...if ur lucky it slides down fully once in a 1000 times..if not keep trying until it does..and thats not the end of it...once the faceplates down start giving gaaalis or abusing the HU aka sam style..only then will the HU eject the cd lol: ... haha sam i hope u got a warranty on this HU...nahi tho band bajana padega HU ki..


I'm throwing that stupid HU out.


Originally Posted by mclaren1885
now now i can see all the oldies complaining about the noise...noise what is that ??? thats the sound of a car running on custom made headers and a complete freeflow exhaust guys not to mention the engine was rebored to 1.8 i think and running approx 120 now i remember someones signature saying " why waste money on all this engine vengine lol.. go get urself a good music system"...haha..wonder whats sam gotto say about this...because the eyeballer seems to be a fully race bred supercar with 400 kgs worth of music equipment,wonder whats that for.. to give a sound company to the driver is it lol: while he is out to burn some rubber.. was a pure bliss..imagine a GTX take on a vtec and a baleno in a straight line with all that load at the back and eventually beat them both..haha..the look on the faces of the baleno and vtec boys said it all...sam *** have u done to the car !!!! it if the music is not enough to make us fly...

Ayyy, your spoiling my engine-wengine joke. Shhhhhh..... Don't tell anyone, actually even I like fast cars. Lekin i enjoy pretending i dunno anything and HATE engines... hee hee hee

Sam, you sure it is not something simple like a nylon cog that has a crack in it or something? Maybe Aditya can fix it.


Originally Posted by navin
Sam, you sure it is not something simple like a nylon cog that has a crack in it or something? Maybe Aditya can fix it.

ahahaha I'm sure he can.

For those not getting the joke, that's his little son....


Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
Ayyy, your spoiling my engine-wengine joke. Shhhhhh..... Don't tell anyone, actually even I like fast cars. Lekin i enjoy pretending i dunno anything and HATE engines... hee hee hee

finally sam speaketh the truth..engine wengine haha lol: ...sam duck,v1p3r's coming with a hammer...


Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
ahahaha I'm sure he can.

For those not getting the joke, that's his little son....

not at all surprised !!! like father like son..haha imagine if aditya comes up with something wilder than the CCTB lol: ..i can see navin praying now..


Originally Posted by Sam Kapasi
For those not getting the joke, that's his little son....

He might be a chip of the old block. Wants to be an enigneer so he can "fix things". If he is so fortunate he'd be a 4th generation engineer.


Originally Posted by navin
He might be a chip of the old block.

Ya.... I've always pictured Navin as an old block....

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