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Old 7th October 2016, 15:53   #1
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Service & Repairs - Bagavathi Auto Works (My TVS) @ Chennai

MyTVS-ACS-Bagavathi Auto, CHENNAI
Velachery Main Road,
Vijaya Nagaram,
Chennai 601 302,

Phone: , 09884354165, 9884093900

After two service experiences, I am very happy with these guys, and would recommend them (provided you are ok with the cons)

Pros: competent service, reasonable costs, gives results, not too sales ish
cons: lots of follow up needed to make sure things are done. only one SA, and he could improve his english

Quoting from a discussion earlier
Originally Posted by greenhorn View Post
I've tried the Bagavathi MyTVS and come back pretty impressed (they did a better and cheaper job than Concorde or Ignite - though they took a fair amount of time & needed a lot of follow up )
Originally Posted by greenhorn View Post
Bagavathi MyTVS is at santhoshapuram, on the Velachery Tambaram Road.

It has the same set of problems you mentioned about SIFA - they have only 1 SA, and for my specific Issue, they needed a hell of a lot of push, follow up visits, and I had to literally eat the SA's head , and my car was there for almost 2 weeks, but in the end, they were able to solve it, and at a very reasonable cost.

Competence & Dedication - That's what matters to me. I had Jerking & Vibrations in 2nd/3rd Gear & a check engine light which would show up under a specific set of conditions - 4th/5th Gear, after at least 10-15 minutes of running, while decelerating after hard acceleration. Most Service centres are polite & have a quick turn around, but mostly try to dance around complex issues such as this one which required a fair amount of time to troubleshoot. They either Ignore it (concorde) or say that it's expected for older cars like mine (Ignite).

These guys at least bothered about it, and it took them a while to nail it, but more importantly, were able to do something about it.
Originally Posted by Sridhar K View Post
Greenhorn. Vijay who owns Bhagavathy Autoworks was a partner in SIFA when it started but he has now exited the venture. I have pretty good experience with them and your feedback is on the dot. Though over crowded, Vijay goes the extra mile to address issues even though it may take some time.

My list of repairs

a) Sticky dashboard on my earlier Getz. They initially suggested repainting the dashboard but later they figured out a treatment with a plastic primer would do the trick, they saved me cost on painting

b) Had quite a few of my friends got their body panels painted at fraction of cost. My other friend services his Vista regularly and is happy

c) For my Swift, I had got my Swift windshield, clutch assembly, suspension link rod replacement, adding metallic sleeves on the break caliper pins (which were making a racket and MASS kept greasing or replacing the pin for the issue to appear again). Recently got my 50k service done for 3000 odd bucks (usual 10k sevice at MSM used to cost me around 6000 odd bucks.

I was thinking about creating a separate entry for them in the directory section but did not find the time to take some photographs and do a proper job.

Some other positives
1) They have tie up with all OE suppliers through the my tvs network and they get the spares as the same cost.
2) The owner is educated, customer focused and an enthusiast himself. The guy knows his stuff.
3) Does not advise unnecessary and unwanted changes on the car.
4) Has a body shop including a paint booth
5) Cost is reasonable (especially parts are on par with OE MRP). Service charges are also fine.
6) If you own a Tata, your service history is recorded as it is a Tata authorized service point.
7) Also deals with accessories, body and interiors mods

Some of the negatives
a) Overcrowded and 1 or 2 day delays possible
b) Charges slightly more for the Shell helix ultra (Rs 1300/liter) in case you opt for synthetic oil
c) Only one SA (actually the workshop manager) and there is dependency on the owner.
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Old 29th July 2023, 22:13   #2
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Re: Service & Repairs - Bagavathi Auto Works (My TVS) @ Chennai

Does anyone know how MyTvs works? Do they win and operate garages or do they simply authorise some garages to use their branding?
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