Team-BHP - The Auto-Image thread

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Nice pictures civ4647

I would like to do them for you but just a little too held up with loads of stuff for the moment.
Nice stuff, i loved the safari pic. Mindblowing. The civic shots are not exactly ideal for HDRI, they seem to have brought in more problems than provide a visual marvel.
Maybe you could frame them better. And your HDRs too seem to have introduced a lot of noise , distracting the viewer...rather than give a visual elegance.

Straight off the camera no pp. Taken with the 50mm prime.
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Originally Posted by Torqueguru (Post 1321874)
I would like to do them for you but just a little too held up with loads of stuff for the moment.

Dear Torqueguru,
Appreciate your reply and hope you find time, whenever it is possible to do a la poster touch on my jeep pics. Again the Jaguar pic. is an epitome of createviety, expect nothing less from you.



Originally Posted by Torqueguru (Post 1321874)
Nice stuff, i loved the safari pic. Mindblowing. The civic shots are not exactly ideal for HDRI, they seem to have brought in more problems than provide a visual marvel.

Mukul i don't really understand what youe mean.
Yes the last picture is horrible with the trees that have moved,the first pic isn't that great either considering its burnt a bit.But i think the second last civic pic isn't all that bad.
Anyway,please point out the details

Ok here's what I mean.
HDR works best when you can get a wider range of colors than normal. Sometimes this wider range of color capture will introduce unwanted elements into your pictures, like noise...i have faced a lot of stick for this. In both the shots, the HDR process you tried has not brought out any of these wider range of tones. A greater amount of highlight/shadow combinations are best suited for HDRs, that is missing in both your civic shots.
In the second last civic shot, the composition is not great as there are too many distractions around the car, the head light overexposes the front part of the car, a little too much burn in the left corner, a purple color artfact in the middle on the tree, the lamp posts and a wierd one off pole, the and the 3 people in front too do not do any good to the shot.
Take a look at the safari shots you took, they are "well composed" and keep me glued on to looking at your subject, the car that too from interesting angles. The civic shot simply does not, infact it distracts me form the car.

Here is an eg of what I meant, the conditions here were much better suited for HDRI, shot with my regular point and shoot. 4 exposures used.
The Auto-Image thread-3291970579_de78c2280d.jpg

Here is another one, this one from the SLR.
The Auto-Image thread-3394066001_62aaf94476_b.jpg

Any ways, these are just my personal thoughts. The most important thing is, if you like a shot, keep it that way.


suggestions please....
The Auto-Image thread-vernacrdi.jpg


Originally Posted by hellstar (Post 1323503)
suggestions please....
Attachment 141465

Breathtaking snap hellstar. I really loved the composition. The only thing that comes to my mind is for you to send a High quality file to our PS experts with a request to remove the unnatural subjects such as the fence and the electric/telephone post in the background. Further, the car needs to be cleant up and highlighted with better contrast and reflections.

Truly a nice capture.

Fantastic shot Hellstar!

Just missed perfection - the wheels are cropped to the bottom right, the shot feels a bit incomplete due to that. Of course a bit more post-processing is required for it to pop out of the screen. :)

But still WOW.

Here are some shots of a Skoda Fabia from office. All shot at dusk on a rainy evening.

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Down under
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The wet look
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All shot with the Tamron 17-50 lens. PP'ed in PS 7.0 (don't have CS3 at office) and Sony IDC for RAW. I miss CS3.



Originally Posted by suren181 (Post 1323544)
Breathtaking snap hellstar. I really loved the composition. The only thing that comes to my mind is for you to send a High quality file to our PS experts with a request to remove the unnatural subjects such as the fence and the electric/telephone post in the background. Further, the car needs to be cleant up and highlighted with better contrast and reflections.

Truly a nice capture.

Like this ?

The Auto-Image thread-p1040990_fhdr-medium.jpg


Originally Posted by d_payne (Post 1323609)
Fantastic shot Hellstar!

Just missed perfection - the wheels are cropped to the bottom right, the shot feels a bit incomplete due to that. Of course a bit more post-processing is required for it to pop out of the screen. :)

But still WOW.

trying out the other enhancements will put it up soon, using the "rudra guide !"

@d_payne will keep the point in mind next time around

Thank you guys for your comments.

@TG, the second pic is really good. The clouds says it all...

@Hellstar...nice work there,

I've just highlighted Verna a bit more....

That is a nice shot, except for the cropped of wheel. I am sure you can better it easily the next time! Way to go!
Nice wet look :D

One from a recent shoot.
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Originally Posted by Torqueguru (Post 1325020)

One from a recent shoot.


A nice one but the horizon line on the left and the right of the Nissan is not inline and the gold in the cloud on the right does not continue on the horizon, on the left of the Nissan, thus the background is not unified and looks artificial.
I am just learning techniques in pp from you, though I dont know how to use them.

Shooting an auto pic after a long time.

This was taken at the office picnic today. It was very cloudy most of the morning. I shot only one image before joining up for beach football followed by beach volleyball. This is the only shot I took in the beach. By the time we finished with the beach volleyball, the spot where the GV was parked was under water. Yeah, I had to move the GV before the tide rose to that point.

The Auto-Image thread-p5293280.jpg


Originally Posted by fazalaliadil (Post 1325520)
A nice one but the horizon line on the left and the right of the Nissan is not inline and the gold in the cloud on the right does not continue on the horizon, on the left of the Nissan, thus the background is not unified and looks artificial.
I am just learning techniques in pp from you, though I dont know how to use them.

Those are hills behind, the line of the horizon is not even there. The gold color is due to the sun hiding behind the clouds, the day was overcast and the blue light is probably due to that, i did not introduce either of them.

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