Team-BHP - Single Person Commuting in a Car ? Good or Bad ?

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As i stood outside a Techpark waiting for my friend I noticed that 95% of the Cars which are entering the Park is commuted by a single person. is it a Real need to commute in a car daily or do people also have an alternative which is called as BIKE ?
people should also try Car Pooling which will reduce the traffic and also the travelling expenses.
Time to think and action.

As a single,i use car to commute,and dont have anyone,who can join me on my way for a carpool,and yes i do use my bike at times as well.
but,due to the weather,up here north,it has been only car for the past few weeks,and i dont really think,its bad,do i have an option?
if the public transport was as good as in west,i would have thought of it.

Same case here as well. My office timings are so odd that I dont find anyone to carpool, hence the solo drive always. I wish I could find someone to share the costs.:Frustrati

However during the weekend trips to malls, always try to avoid the car, use the bike or take the public transport.

I was using my car/bike alternatively when my office was near by ( ~ 5 kms ). But then, I shifted jobs and it is close to 22 kms one way. Bike, my family felt is not safer as here it is believed that if a construction is happening, it is the passer by who needs to take care and not the construction company - safety in a mess and human life less valued. Nor can I take my car out as it would mean to shell out major part of the increment I got due to the job shift :-(. What I do now ? Take BUS - it is a pain in my a** now as it has been nearly 7 years I had used public transport. But I am hoping I'll come to terms with it. Let me see what happens. And to car pooling - I believe many are not comfortable doing it - atleast I am.

I think we have a similar thread that discusses on the same -->

On the subject - I wouldn't feel guilty about commuting a few kms everyday for work (6-7kms as I do now) but if it goes to 20kms+ I would look to see if car-pooling was possible.

I used to take bike always to work. But due to health problems (allergic to Pollen grains), I had to buy a car. I usually travel alone to office since people staying on the way to work either use the office transport or timings dont match.

I prefer car over bike since car offer,
1) Safety - two wheels vs four wheels, better seating position with better understanding of environment around
2) Security - better taking care of personal belongings
3) Protection - from sun, rain & dust
So though bike is an alternative, it is not a substitution for car.

I agree car pooling will reduce traffic & expenses. But I drop my kid to school & sometimes my wife too. While returning I have to run some errands which may need a detour. Also, the departing times rarely match. Same case with my friends. So car-pooling might be difficult.

I drive daily in my car to the office. Traffic/No traffic, Any weather conditions. The only way I'd consider commuting by 'common transport' (not necessarily public transport) is if I had to travel for HUGE distances, to and fro. Say from Gurgaon to Noida daily.

For every other occasion, I have my car. Sensibilities be damned:D

There are many reasons why one might prefer a car in Bangalore. I for one use it as I am allergic to dust and while driving a bike, there is atleast one occasion where you have to drive through a dusty area. Also, Bangalore has very unpredictable weather, sunny for a moment, heavy rains the next. When I was using a bike, I used to get drenched in the rains while waiting for the signal to turn green or when stuck in the traffic. All this makes people use a car.

In addition, looking at the traffic around me, I feel safer in the car. I first switched to the car because a cab rear-ended my bike on Old Madras Road.

I am enabled. :)
If I am going alone and its not the month of Ramzan, I prefer my cycle.

Cleaner and there is a small possibility it will make me leaner. Am sure about the cleaner, not so sure about the leaner.

I cannot emphasize this enough. If your daily commute is less than 10 kms and you have flexible work timings, a cycle is an excellent means of transportation.

IMO,Car pooling mostly don't work as the flexiblity of leaving office is lost and work timings in office are unpredictable!
In conditions like Bangalore no way would I travel in another mode than a car, hoping things (infrastructure) would change once the Metro is in place!!

With such conditions around, that is the reason of buying a car and hence no guilt prevails while driving it alone!!


Atleast one can understand hatchbacks..but how about SUVs and bigger cars carrying just one person!
I feel guilty when driving alone but the road conditions and the dust in Bangalore is convincing me to drive alone guilt free.

Know of a person who drives Ford Endeavour all the way to office all alone !:deadhorse


Originally Posted by Sportygellar (Post 2462165)
Know of a person who drives Ford Endeavour all the way to office all alone !:deadhorse


What exactly is the purpose of this thread guys? If someone has bought a car to commute to work, why shouldn't one use it? Im confused and amused by this. Are you all turning into Greenpeace?

I used to drive the Scorpio and Bolero alone all the time. And I sure dont feel guilty about ANYTHING!!

Well, my office is about 14 kms one side through one of the busiest routes. Me and my brother work in the same office and have a sort of flexible work timings, but no one else to accompany us through the route. We travel mostly by bike which he rides and sometimes we travel by car (say once or twice a week) at which time I drive the car.

If the entire family has to travel together we take the car out. Helps keep the travel costs down 'a bit' and also keeps both the vehicles running in rotation.

For local commutes (between 1 to 2 kms radius) we either walk or choose to cycle.

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