Team-BHP - Rear parking sensors to be made compulsory on all Indian cars

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Rear parking sensors or rear view cameras will soon be made compulsory for all new cars sold in the country. This announcement was made by Mr. Abhay Damle, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The step is being taken to control the increasing number of cases of small children and pedestrians getting injured due to reversing vehicles.

According to the Government, studies have revealed that though the IRVM and ORVMs give an idea about the vehicles behind one's car, smaller obstacles, as well as children are often not visible through these mirrors. The presence of reverse parking sensors can alert the driver of a hindrance while reversing, thus avoiding any accidents that may occur due to blind spots at the rear.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) is expected to issue a notification directing all manufacturers to offer reverse parking sensors as standard on all cars, even in the base models. No specific time window has yet been announced for implementing this new rule.

The Government is also planning to make speed warning systems compulsory on all cars. This is being done to curb what is believed to be the biggest cause of accidents - over-speeding.

Rear parking sensors to be made compulsory on all Indian cars-marutibaleno24.jpg

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More than Cars, it should be Mandatory in Tempos, buses, trucks and other heavy vehicles.
We do occasionally come across news of people getting crushed under bus/truck while reversing. I am sure we have seen many a times people taking a Nap under a truck/tempo etc.

Parking sensors are not very useful because they often state/display wrong distance estimations. Therefore, a camera would be most appropriate.


Originally Posted by dZired (Post 4053526)
children are often not visible through these mirrors.

This is important. I would explore fitting rear parking sensors /camera in my old car also. Even if I sell my car in near future, this would ensure that the next owner/driver is also helping in safety of young children.

Good thought from government. :thumbs up

Really ? This is prioritised over making ABS / Airbag(s) compulsory ?

It's okay that the LHS rearview mirror isn't mandatory but small children getting run over by reversing cars - we must put a stop that. I'm happy to see that the Indian government has its priorities right.

Also before all the small children who are at risk of getting run over by reversing cars get on my case, there are far cheaper and more reliable ways of getting the job done.
Rear parking sensors to be made compulsory on all Indian cars-rear_blind_spot_mirror_main.jpg

I read this news article earlier today and it doesn't make sense to me. While no one adheres to the seat belt policy, what major difference will this make?
These things can be inaccurate

- Seat belts should be enforced countrywide and not just in city areas in metropolitan places
- Seat belts of back benchers
- ABS, ESC, ESP, DSC all should be mandatory before sensors
- Airbags
- Child seats
- Proper pedestrian crossing effects into place ( Most Important)
- A stricter policy towards overspeeding
- A stricter policy towards rash and dangerous driving
- Greater impetus put into place to adhere by road laws and road safety

All these listed above should be made compulsory before rear view cameras and sensors. Its like the government almost wishes for us to get into accidents. All the same though, it is something better than nothing.
I have a strong feeling this policy will be scraped and looked over in the future

We don't have ABS and Airbags as mandatory and government is planning to make parking sensors and speed sensors as mandatory. :Shockked:

According to any data, people getting killed in accidents due to high speed will be much higher than accidents related to reversing.

It is a good move but other important ones should be prioritized such as ABS, Airbags, structural safety, and others.

Wow. Just wow. Of all the things they could have done to improve road safety, this is what they have come up with?

Anybody have real statistics on how many lives could have been saved with parking sensors? I think it'd round up to a big fat zero, especially next to the thousands (lakhs?) of people which could be saved with safer cars (Read safe bodyshell, ABS, Airbags)


Originally Posted by basubhatta (Post 4053541)
Parking sensors are not very useful because they often state/display wrong distance estimations. Therefore, a camera would be most appropriate.

Factory fitted one's are pretty accurate. Also its not a good practice to blindly trust parking sensors.

For eg: I was almost going to bang against a seating bench since my sensors did not detect the seat which was higher than the sensor location on Baleno's bumper.

Only Camera will assist in ensuring no one is hurt, but it does not help in parking in tight spots where sensors do an awesome job.

This is so silly, how about first we stop pedestrians and unattended small children from running around on the road without paying attention to reversing vehicles first ? If they are on the footpath then they are in no danger correct ?

Once while parallel parking a guy comes from the outer side and bangs on the glass telling me to be careful while reversing as I almost ran over his foot. He was with his family and was not visible in the ORVM before I turned backwards to reverse so he possible got out of an auto that was a bit further behind or from between the other parked cars. I pointed to the wide, well maintained and unencroached footpath (so no excuse not to use it!) and said if you walk on the footpath you are in no danger compared to walking on the road. Obviously this chap finds this unbelievable and retorts with the usual is this your father's road that you can run me over and kill me and my children if we dont use the footpath ? Had to control my temper ad give a sarcastic apology and move on with my life.
I think its about time pedestrians and bikers are held accountable for their actions otherwise we might need to fit 360 degree view cameras on our cars just for our regular commutes to make sure no one is trying to commit suicide under my car.

I have a very simple belief, if they do not value their own lives, why should I ? Its only the "bigger vehicle is at fault always" type rules and laws that protect them. Natural selection should be allowed to run its course, our country is overpopulated anyways.

I am not sure it's worth typing a feedback about such decisions anymore! I am not surprised there is no statistical data provided for enforcing this decision.

Has anyone recently heard of any rear parking accessories companies setting up shops or increasing their capacity?! That should be the answer to all our surprise.

The government doesn't do anything about the safety of drivers / riders, don't enforce good driving etiquette and keep bringing such low priority items on the top of the list.

I believe govt is not targeting the root of all evil - unrestricted DL distribution.

Make a proper written/online test mandatory, passing which a (non farcical) proper road test should be taken. then only a DL should be issued.

Believe me - 90% of all problems should be fixed!


Originally Posted by silverado (Post 4053540)
More than Cars, it should be Mandatory in Tempos, buses, trucks and other heavy vehicles.
We do occasionally come across news of people getting crushed under bus/truck while reversing. I am sure we have seen many a times people taking a Nap under a truck/tempo etc.

First let them make all bus/lorry/tempo run on roads with proper tail/stop lamp and under run bar.

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Originally Posted by Eddy (Post 4053543)
Really ? This is prioritised over making ABS / Airbag(s) compulsory ?

Forget about ABS, base variants of some cars don't even come with left side ORVM :Frustrati

I feel rear view camera combined with parking sensor is a boon for city usage of car especially in tight parking spots.

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