Team-BHP - Atrocious situation in Hyundai plant

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I would appeal to the mods to shift this thread to the "Shifting gears" section cause what we are discussing here is definately not automobiles. I understand that our feelings have been hurt by this incident.

But I truely believe that we need to be focusing on Hyundai's cars rather than their racist comments and policies in this thread and in this forum as such.

Mods, please take appropriate action...........

That was some nice inputs V1p3r!!!

What I mean by the efforts on customers is the way their salesmen and servicemen behave with the customers. Walk into a Hyundai showroom outside India and you'll understand what I am saying about. Their Showrooms (most of them) outside india either have some damsels staring at you like 'what are you doing here?'
It's very much not worth going to their showrooms and service staion for any good, quality assistance. That's not the situation here in Indian Hyundai showrooms.

And regarding the Suzuki Gearbox thingy, You know how Indian government handled Maruti till then! There's nothing strange in Suzuki thinking of being incapable then!! No racism involved there, I assume.
(Ok, I am a Suzuki fan. No doubts!)

VW scandal is much what goes through in every industry. Sex, ransom, Bribes etc.. happens and it's much considered as part of the game!!! :Shockked:
But the controversies which Hyundai has got into many a times has got very much to do with trust and the reliabilty of a car manufacturer. And that's what counts most in this whole automobile industry right? Has any of the car makers in the world ever caught for stealing money from banks??

And all those cars you have listed of not buying in the end (Skoda, Fiesta etc...), I dont like any of them da! :D

We have no one to blame but ourselves for the Sriperumbudur plant issue! That's 100% agreed sir!

Dark side of hyundai exposed. But the real question is, does only hyundai have this dark side? What about the Japanese and Chinese companies?

In fact they treat Indians the same way as Koreans do. Forget the Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. What about our own Indian companies? Just a few months back we saw police beating mercilessly protesting employees of "Hero Honda" in Gurgaon.

The fact is that Indians dont treat Indians well. There are a lot of examples. The foreign companies may have taken inspiration from this attitude. We Indians are only to blame for this.


Originally Posted by adarsh76 (Post 329537)
But the real question is, does only hyundai have this dark side?

Perhaps, but we're discussing the situation at the Hyundai plant in this thread. I suggest we stick to discussing Hyundai's dark side.


Originally Posted by adarsh76 (Post 329537)
The fact is that Indians dont treat Indians well. There are a lot of examples. The foreign companies may have taken inspiration from this attitude. We Indians are only to blame for this.

u've hit the nail!!!!!!!*


Originally Posted by Steeroid (Post 329548)
Perhaps, but we're discussing the situation at the Hyundai plant in this thread. I suggest we stick to discussing Hyundai's dark side.

This is the specific attitude we need to change. We talk about Hyundai's attitude and protest against this. May be the situation in Hyundai changes because of our protests. But again we're not discussing the wider arena. A mere change at hyundai doesn't improve other companies attitudes.


Originally Posted by adarsh76 (Post 329607)
This is the specific attitude we need to change. We talk about Hyundai's attitude and protest against this. May be the situation in Hyundai changes because of our protests. But again we're not discussing the wider arena. A mere change at hyundai doesn't improve other companies attitudes.

But isn't this thread all about Hyundai's pathetic situation in their plant in India??? Soo why dont we stick to the topic at hand, like earlier requested by Steeroid as well?please:



Originally Posted by prince85 (Post 329625)
But isn't this thread all about Hyundai's pathetic situation in their plant in India??? Soo why dont we stick to the topic at hand, like earlier requested by Steeroid as well?please:


I've just voiced my opinion. I've not worked with any Korean companies, only worked with Indian companies. I'll say that the way employees are treated in certain Indian companies are worser than what Hyundai does.

Indians need to self respect themselves. Then only other will respect you. A person who doesn't even clean his own room in his house will go and clean roads in Dubai or else where in Middle East just for the sake of money. If Indian people had the attitude to clean their country's roads promptly we would have world class roads too.

Yeah we're discussing about Hyundai's pathetic plant situation. Let it continue. Who am I to stop it? lol....


Originally Posted by theMAG (Post 327909)
A colleague of mine from our Chennai branch reported this situation at the Hyundai plant outside Chennai, when he'd visited there recently on a business requirement:

4-5 Korean (management?) people sitting around in chairs smoking while bad-mouthing the "miserable Indian people" that work there. Apparently Indians arent allowed to sit in the company of these Koreans. And even an Indian top man doesn't sit when Koreans are around. And this Korean group even taunted the Indian employees there with firing - as a regular conversational item. Apparently Koreans in Hyundai's India plant regularly look down publicly on the Indian workforce there - similar to a vassal system. [...]

So the Koreans have a poor opinion of Indians. So what? As long as they make great cars and sell them at affordable prices, that is what counts. Let us not make fools of ourselves with our huge inferiority complexes (witness the ridiculous reaction of our MPs to an innocuous comment by Greg Chappell). It is time we became more mature and pragmatic. Maybe the Koreans are even right in thinking that Indians are lazy, unpunctual, unproductive etc. I personally think that man for man, we are more brainy than the Koreans or anybody else. It is just that we cannot pull together like the Koreans or the Japs or the West; at least, we are not quite there yet.

As for hire and fire, that is the scenario at almost any multinational company; threats are consistently issued to extract performance from the employees, and this applies to everybody (including top-level managers). I don't like it, but that is the way it is everywhere in the world. We Indians are used to taking it easy in the workspot, but you can't get away with that in a multinational company.

my two pice to the issue :- remember Gandhiji asking "Ba" to clean her own toilet? It was a dignity of labour as well as respect for the person doing the job issue. We indians still do not respect our own fellow citizens, we do not respect our ownselves, we turn a blind eye to people who want help on the road (in the case of accidents) we are afraid to stand up for our own respect and rights. We need to change our attitude drastically and the Hyundai plant is a good place to start with.

I suggest a leak to the media like ndtv or tehelka for a scoop.

I am wondering whats the fuss about. Did they do something too rare and unheard off? The Indian industry scene is full of cases where people from one part of country/language/region/religion etc., get together and look down upon others not from their group and use unprintable things.
Nothing korean, or japanese or chinese about all this. Its prevalent everywhere.
There is a term for it too, which is called racism, and many people around the world are racists, including Indians.

Hi, I've worked in Korea for almost an year, and these are my observations about their general behavior/attitude
1. They are very very hard working and they make you work really hard to meet deadlines. According to some of my friends there, their main aim is to beat the Japanese, and they will go to any extent to achieve that.
2. They are very animated in their discussions, and from their tone and actions we sometimes felt that they were fighting with each other. But at least in my opinion, they are humble and give respect to others. I'm not saying that we disrespect other Indians, but I've felt that we give more importance to foreigners compared to our indian counterparts.
3. Regarding the manager-employee relationship, most of my Korean colleagues were literally afraid of their bosses, and there was a very well defined line between the two. The employees took every effort to see that their bosses were pleased with their work. Moreover their love and commitment towards the country drove them to put that extra effort.

I dont know exactly what takes place in the hyundai plant in India. But the fact is that they set very high expectations for the working hours and the effort from the employees. I personally dont expect any production unit to come to India and setup a plant, just to please the Indian masses and appease their employees. Their aim is to make profit, and they know very well how to squeeze the last drop from the employees to meet their targets. First, let us learn to respect other Indians irrespective of their status, then we can expect outsiders to give us respect.


Originally Posted by theMAG (Post 327909)
A colleague of mine from our Chennai branch reported this situation at the Hyundai plant outside Chennai, when he'd visited there recently on a business requirement:

4-5 Korean (management?) people sitting around in chairs smoking while bad-mouthing the "miserable Indian people" that work there. Apparently Indians arent allowed to sit in the company of these Koreans. And even an Indian top man doesn't sit when Koreans are around. And this Korean group even taunted the Indian employees there with firing - as a regular conversational item. Apparently Koreans in Hyundai's India plant regularly look down publicly on the Indian workforce there - similar to a vassal system.

The Indian employees my colleague interacted with told him to keep his mouth shut at that moment else they'll lose their jobs.

This is a totally unacceptable treatment by this Korean company toward our nationality. We should do something about it strongly.

Actually, if you want you can even see Indians discriminating Indians. Its happened to us in Goa.

Those locals are so obsessed with the "goras" or rather their "hariali", that they feel it's not worth catering to other fellow Indians.

So, i guess you can't expect much from others. But, that doesn't mean one should give in to such crap.

Rem Angelina's bodyguards? They'd think twice before opening their mouths again.



Originally Posted by Shan2nu (Post 329936)
Actually, if you want you can even see Indians discriminating Indians. Its happened to us in Goa.

Those locals are so obsessed with the "goras" or rather their "hariali", that they feel it's not worth catering to other fellow Indians. Shan2nu

I agree man, people like this really make us Goans look bad. I've come across it too and reserve my worst language for these types.

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