Team-BHP - Ever contemplated an Automotive career?

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Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 3052399)
It would be of great help if anyone here can give some suggestions on what my next course of action must be. I went through the ARAI link.

Well let me answer after working 3.5 yrs in auto industry in hardcore Engine field. ECE Engineers have a Huge scope in Auto Industry. Now a days, Bosch, Denso, require electronics engineer to develop ECU for the OEMs. Even you will be surptised to know most engine development is done by companies like FEV, ALV etc. OEMs just buy designs from them. If you look outside Engines there are pretty good scope with both Electrical & Electronics engineers. Not so sure about electronics and communication though. I have no Idea how different the curriculum is from Electronics.

Designing in Automobile Industry is not all rosy. I know a guy who is designing valves from the last 2 years. Guess how boring it will become. A friend of mine is in mountings and he does not know anything about combustion. My point is in Automobile you enter a field that is too narrow. Be wary of that.

Secondly don't expect to have any freedom in calling the shots. The product planning is decided my Marketing guys and the top officials. You just have to comply with their requirements. Let me give you an example. My friend had to calibrate the bottom end of an engine for better fuel effeciency. I don't know how much actual FE benefit was obtained, but all I know is the torque in low RPM reduced by 10Nm. And trust me that is a lot in small petrol engines. So if you are interested in Rnd & engineering, I guess it is fine. It does involve read SIAM, SAE papers, working on new designs, testing these engines and more. But if you want to be in auto industry because you are a petrol head, DONT. You will be disappointed.


Originally Posted by audioholic (Post 3052399)
Currently pursuing Engineering in Electronics and communication. Why I chose this is because I didn't have a better choice. Being a hardcore petrolhead from when I was a kid, my goal always was/is to work in the same field. Research and development would be the best place I could be in.

It would be of great help if anyone here can give some suggestions on what my next course of action must be. I went through the ARAI link. Though I made up my mind and was happy that something like this existed, sadly ECE engineers don't fall in the eligibility list. Any other institute or lead? The last thing I would want to do is join the IT industry(not that it is bad, but I prefer working on what I am passionate about. Helps keep my energy levels up as well as improving quality of work)


A sure shot way for you to get into the industry is to go for a course in automotive electronics. You would be playing with the engine and vehicle control systems. Some of our engines can be made to produce 30bhp more just by flashing a different dataset(affects fuel efficiency though).

Find above links of two universities offering this programme. The eligibilty criteria mentions ECE in

As for calling the shots goes, I would nt be bothered so much. You would have to do it in any industry, it is called paying your dues. Being a petrolhead will definitely get us noticed, but we cannot surpass the stalwarts who have been in the industry for decades. From what I have seen, there is a lot we can learn from them.

Trust me it is far better than sitting in an IT firm and developing or testing a code for some MNC in banking or insurance.

I am also looking for a job in the automobile sector into the marketing department. Currently i work in the Media sector in Marketing.

Any one did a Masters in Automotive systems from Europe or US? If so what is the value of that degree at global level. Is there a chance of being one of most sort after engineering professional by auto majors across the world?

I do know it all depends on an individual's capability, but still since in Europe and US the R&D is at a different level.

Guys how is a PG degree in Germany fruitful? Are there good recruitment.opportunitues there or is the USA a better option always? I am interested in getting into a PG related to automotive electronics and systems. So any pointers would be helpful.


Originally Posted by GullwingGT (Post 3137651)
Any one did a Masters in Automotive systems from Europe or US? If so what is the value of that degree at global level. Is there a chance of being one of most sort after engineering professional by auto majors across the world?

I do know it all depends on an individual's capability, but still since in Europe and US the R&D is at a different level.

I went for an M.S. in automotive engineering to a university in michigan. The auto industry there was down in the dumps in 2009, two of the big three filed for bankruptcy. Obama administration made it tougher for immigrant students to land jobs in core industries.

I quit the course after two months and joined an course from ARAI academy. 60 out of 80 students in our batch are currently working in the top OEMs and Suppliers in the country.
My friend from the M.S. course in the US went on to finish his degree and is currently working as a programmer in a software firm.

This is just one example though. There are others amongst my friends who have done an M.S and continued at the university in a research position instead of going into the IT industry. Another guy did a masters in mech from germany, he is applying for jobs and research positions there.

Bottom line is- the level of education and exposure is definitely better but the university grants and jobs after the course are not the same as before making these courses expensive for us Indian students. Which means we have to take up low paying internships after the degree, which may or may not convert into jobs. After investing 20 - 25 lakh for the course, typical students are not in the position to return and take up a job here. One of the reasons why the same students opt for high paying IT jobs inspite of having advanced degrees.

This is my experience - others might have made it and must already be on their way into the auto industry, but as luck would have it these were the conditions when I went for the course. My decision to return seemed like the best thing to do at that point, especially when I compare my situation with that of my friend who finished the course. The auto industry here is really in the most exciting phase today- sort of like the 70s for the US.

All said and done, if you have to go you should go no matter what anyone says. It is after all the birthplace of the automobile as we know it today. Who knows you might actually get to live the great american dream, you really have to take the plunge and find out, there is no other option.

Hey guys, I'm thinking of doing Mechanical Engineering in Undergraduate level and MS in Automobile Engineering in USA, is that a good idea?



Originally Posted by DReddy (Post 3137723)
I went for an M.S. in automotive engineering to a university in michigan. The auto industry there was down in the dumps in 2009, two of the big three filed for bankruptcy. Obama administration made it tougher for immigrant students to land jobs in core industries.

I quit the course after two months and joined an course from ARAI academy. 60 out of 80 students in our batch are currently working in the top OEMs and Suppliers in the country.
My friend from the M.S. course in the US went on to finish his degree and is currently working as a programmer in a software firm.

This is just one example though. There are others amongst my friends who have done an M.S and continued at the university in a research position instead of going into the IT industry. Another guy did a masters in mech from germany, he is applying for jobs and research positions there.

Bottom line is- the level of education and exposure is definitely better but the university grants and jobs after the course are not the same as before making these courses expensive for us Indian students. Which means we have to take up low paying internships after the degree, which may or may not convert into jobs. After investing 20 - 25 lakh for the course, typical students are not in the position to return and take up a job here. One of the reasons why the same students opt for high paying IT jobs inspite of having advanced degrees.

This is my experience - others might have made it and must already be on their way into the auto industry, but as luck would have it these were the conditions when I went for the course. My decision to return seemed like the best thing to do at that point, especially when I compare my situation with that of my friend who finished the course. The auto industry here is really in the most exciting phase today- sort of like the 70s for the US.

All said and done, if you have to go you should go no matter what anyone says. It is after all the birthplace of the automobile as we know it today. Who knows you might actually get to live the great american dream, you really have to take the plunge and find out, there is no other option.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and some of your friends. I am unable to make a decision because of this same reason, accessibility to the job that I desire the most, another thing that bothers me is the lack of automobile industry experience since I am from EE background. Hopefully I will make a good decision in the coming months. If I make it to such courses, will post about it.

Ever Since i was a kid , i have been drawing cars in the last few pages of my notebook . In that way , i am still a kid ! Haven't stopped doing it till date ! :D Its getting better and better . Have always loved cars : The sound , the emotion , the shear performance of them !!
When time came to start thinking career-wise , i never hesitated for a moment about which field i should choose . It was cars , cars and cars all the way ! Have taken up UG in Mechanical Engineering and planning to go to IIT Delhi for M.Des (Masters in Design ) after writing the CEED (Common Entrance Test for Design) .
Ideally i would like to join BMW after completion of the course . I love their design philosophy and their innovations . Depends if they would have me :D !!
Plan B would be go into Customizations and Private firms like DC has done !
Lets hope everything goes according to plan !!

Bumping an old thread as I found this to be the most relevant to my question. I am a student pursuing E&C Engg., presently in my third year of study. Automobiles have always been a passion for me, as I'm quite sure they are for most of you.
I am considering a Masters in Automotive Systems/ Electronics, if I study further. I have been browsing on the net, and not many university programs pop up. Esslingen does, but I do not have first-hand, reliable data. Inputs which can guide me further are deeply appreciated.


Originally Posted by Ruchitya (Post 3958244)
I am considering a Masters in Automotive Systems/ Electronics, if I study further. I have been browsing on the net, and not many university programs pop up. Esslingen does, but I do not have first-hand, reliable data. Inputs which can guide me further are deeply appreciated.

In India check out VIT vellore, they had a course like this jointly conducted by Arai.


Originally Posted by manishalive (Post 3958266)
In India check out VIT vellore, they had a course like this jointly conducted by Arai.

Yes I did read about that course. Although I am neutral (slightly negative) towards VIT, I honestly don't know how good/ bad the education offered by ARAI is. From the little I have heard, it is supposed to be quite ok. Any inputs on the same?


Originally Posted by Ruchitya (Post 3958244)
Bumping an old thread as I found this to be the most relevant to my question. I am a student pursuing E&C Engg., presently in my third year of study. Automobiles have always been a passion for me, as I'm quite sure they are for most of you.
I am considering a Masters in Automotive Systems/ Electronics, if I study further. I have been browsing on the net, and not many university programs pop up. Esslingen does, but I do not have first-hand, reliable data. Inputs which can guide me further are deeply appreciated.

There is a course by TU Chemnitz and RWTH Aachen MS in Automotive software engineering. This could be an interesting one to look out for.

Just to give a pointer, you dont have to specialise in an automotive course to get into a company. For an example, a colleague of mine in germany did MS. In Aerospace engineering in Stuttgart uni and got into Daimler for an Active Safety topic. Hence I don't think you have to narrow down your masters concentrating on a certain field. Thats more safer from a career perspective.

Something like Embedded computing, Mathematical Modelling and stuff are in demand throughout the product industry from cars to aircraft. Such topics will be safer when you look out for a job and who knows, you might find better opportunities compared to the Auto industry. Though I am an auto enthusiast as well, I would find Aerospace and transportation as interesting as my current field.

By the way for the sake of this thread I graduated and joined Daimler eight months back. Currently I am working on Active Safey topics and develop algorithms for Collision Mitigation systems for pedestrian safety. :) If you are put into topics like powertrain and body electronics the job will get boring after sometime. Hence what you work on is also important.

Thank You audioholic for your inputs. I do not want to restrict myself to any particular field, as you mentioned. I should have made that clear in my original post. In fact, my current project ideas though centered around automobiles, are almost completely electronics-based. I will PM you now, as I will probably digress from this thread.


Originally Posted by GTO (Post 144757)
I have ALWAYS wanted to venture in a premium car dealership and hopefully one day it will be possible. One that boasts of the HIGHEST quality service - a level that has previously been unseen in India. One that gets more customers through word of mouth than silly advertisements. Simply put, an organisation that is built around the clientelle.

Later EDIT : No more premium car dealership for me. Now, it's only Team-BHP in my blood!

Here's proof :). Going through some old momentos and found this document from 2003. The first business plan & shortlisted names!

Ever contemplated an Automotive career?-20160713-19.17.57.jpg

Ever contemplated an Automotive career?-20160713-19.18.08.jpg

After my MBA, I wanted to get into the car business. Had made detailed projections, visited some banks with Dad for financing and even applied to some manufacturers. Someone from Honda's dealership development program called me years later (when Team-BHP was already established). I told them I run Team-BHP and have no further plans for a dealership rl:.

Thank God the Chevrolet dealership didn't work out. Would be broke today!

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