Team-BHP - Next Gen Maybach Rendering

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Loved the deep dish multi spoke alloys on the rendering, size wise those would be huge, north of 20 inch IMO.
The dual tone concept would be necessary to reduce the visual impact of the mass of the car ( also highlighted by the absence of dual color on the rear quarter panels), but the choice of colors could have been better.

Maybach's are techno barges-any idea on the spread this time around?

Also Mercedes should fire the guy designing their wing mirrors !


Oops, all these years me and my friends have been saying it as MAY-BAAK.
Me too!

Mind you, I have few opportunities to say it, and if this is what they are going to look like, little wish to do so. I don't care how humvee is pronounced either! ;)

Bentley, on the other hand... :)


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